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Silent Installation of FlexView.


FlexView 3.1.x
Silent Installation

Silent Installation of FlexView.doc
1. Configuring Silent Installation

In order to run a silent installation you need to do three things
1. Configure a file which contains the default setting required for your
2. Run the installation file with parameters to run silently and also to tell
the installation what file to read the setting from.
3. FlexView 3.1.67 or newer version.

1.1. DefaultOptions.ini

The default options file should contain lines as follow

NAME=Joe Bloggs
;Backup Replaced Files A=Yes B=No
;Components to be installed
;A=FlexView B=FlexBuilder C=Demo Project
;D=FlexGallery E=FlexReport F=Legacy Sentinel System Drivers
;G= Legacy Sentinel System Drivers for USB key H=Sentinel System Drivers
; User Language English, Russian, Spanish or Arabic
;Console name MUST be unique and between 6 and 12 characters,
;use PC name by default
; Desktop Shortcut Y or N
; Sentinel Driver Silent Installation N or Y

1.2. Parameters

Read variable values from a filename
Silent mode, automatic mode with no user choices

i.e. To run installation in silent mode and use parameters from

fvsetup.exe /S /M=DefaultOptions.ini

Silent Installation of FlexView.doc

1.3. Console Name

If CNAME= line is not used in the DefaultOptions.ini file, then FlexView will
use the Microsoft Windows Computer Name and truncate it to maximum of 12
characters and use as the FlexView Console Name.

Every FlexView PC MUST use a unique Console Name which is a string
between 6 and 12 characters and is normally entered during installation, when
FlexView is not installed already on a PC. If there are two or more FlexView PCs
with same Console Name trying to connect to RealFlex, only the first PC will connect
successfully and the subsequent FlexView PC will have its connection rejected.

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