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21/08/14 Wlingua - Curso de ingls 1/2
A1 1.7 Verbo TO BE na Forma Negativa
My English Class
I'm at school. I'm in English class. The people in the class are all very different. They aren't
the same age or nationality. The students aren't noisy; they're quiet. The teacher is in the
My name is Sofia. I'm Swiss. I'm married. My husband isn't Swiss; he's Spanish.
Mr. and Mrs. Robles are Spanish, too. They're married, of course. They are old. He is 74
and she's 71. They are both very nice.
Sylvie is French. She's very pretty. She isn't married; she's single. She isn't very tall. She's
Karl is German. He isn't thin; he's heavy. He isn't old; he's only 22.
My teacher isn't American; he's English. He isn't handsome; but he's nice. The class is
interesting. The classroom is new and clean. It isn't an old classroom.
Read the text and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Leia o texto e decida se as frases so verdadeiras (T) ou falsas (F).
T F The teacher is American.
T F Sofia isnt from Switzerland.
T F Sylvie isnt single.
T F The students are quiet.
T F Mr. and Mrs. Robles arent young.
T F Karl is heavy.
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21/08/14 Wlingua - Curso de ingls 2/2

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