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Threats to Biodiversity: An Overview

Guided Viewing
1: Natural Capital: Forests
Ecological Services Economic Services
Support energy flow and
chemical cycling Fuelwood
Reduce soil erosion Lumber
Absorb and release water Pulp to mae paper
Purify water and air !ining
"nfluence local and regional
climate Li#estoc gra$ing
Store atmospheric carbon Recreation
Pro#ide numerous wildlife
habitats %obs
2: &hat are the 3 main types of forests'
(ld)growth forests* second)growth forests* and tree plantations+
3: &hat are some of the problems associated with deforestation'
,ecreased soil fertility from erosion* runoff of eroded soil into a-uatic systems*
premature e.tinction of species with speciali$ed niches* loss of habitat for nati#e
species and migratory species such as birds and butterflies*
regional climate change from e.tensi#e clearing* release of C(/ into atmosphere* and
acceleration of flooding are all problems associated with deforestation+
4: &hat are the methods for har#esting trees'
Selecti#e cutting* clear cutting* and strip cutting are methods for har#esting trees+
5: Clear-Ctting Forests
Advantages !isadvantages
0igher timber yields Reduces biodi#ersity
!a.imum profits in shortest
time ,isrupts ecosystem processes
Can reforest with fast)growing
,estroys and fragments wildlife
Short time to establish new
stand of trees Lea#es large openings
Needs less sill and planning
"ncreases water pollution*
flooding and erosion on simple
1ood for tree species needing
full or moderate sunlight
2liminates most recreational
6: &hat are some solutions for sustainable forestry'
Solutions include "dentifying and protecting forest areas high in biodi#ersity* growing
more timber on long rotations* relying more on selecti#e cutting and strip cutting*
stopping clear cutting on steep slopes* ceasing logging of old)growth forests*
prohibiting fragmentation of remaining large clocs offorest* sharply reducing road
building into uncut forest areas* lea#ing most standing dead trees and fallen timber for
wildlife habitat and nutrient recycling* certifying timber grown by sustainable methods*
including ecological ser#ices of forests in estimating their economic #alue* planting
tree plantations on deforested and degraded land* and shifting go#ernment subsidies
from har#esting trees to planting trees+
7: &hat is the "ealthy Forest #estoration Act' &hat are the PR(S and C(NS'
3he healthy reforestation act was an act that allowed timber companies to cut medium and large
trees in 415 of national forests+ "n return 6PR(7* companies must clear smaller* fire)prone trees
and underbush+ 0owe#er* scientists belie#e that remo#ing fire resistant trees and lea#ing highly
flammable slash could mae forests more susceptible to forest fires 6C(N7+
8: $ogging in %ational Forests
Advantages !isadvantages
0elps meet country9s timber
Pro#ides only :5 of timber
Cut areas grow bac
Ample pri#ate forest land to
meet timber needs
;eeps lumber and paper
prices down
0as little effect on timber
and paper prices
Pro#ides <obs in nearby
,amages nearby ri#ers and
Promotes economic growth in
nearby communities
,ecreases recreational
acti#ities* and recreation in
national forests pro#ides
more local <obs and income
for local communities than
9: &hat are some causes of tropical deforestation'
Causes of tropical deforestation include the need for subsidies* population growth*
po#erty* crop and timber e.ports* fires* logging* roads* and tree plantations+
10: &hy shold we care about the loss of tropical forests'
=ecause about /*1>> of the ?*>> plants are identified by the National Cancer "nstitute as
sources of cancer)fighting chemicals that come from tropical forests+
11: Sstaining Tropical Forests
'revention #estoration
Protect most di#erse and
endangered areas Reforestation
2ducate settlers about
sustainable agriculture and
Rehabilitation of degraded
Phase out subsidies that
encourage unsustainable
forest use
Concentrate farming and
ranching on already)cleared
Add subsidies that
encourage sustainable forest
Protect forests with debt)for)
nature swaps and
conser#ation easements
Certify sustainably grown
Reduce illegal cutting
Reduce po#erty
Slow population growth
12: &hy are rangelands(grasslands so important'
3hey are important because almost half of the world9s li#estoc gra$e on natural
grasslands 6rangelands7 and managed grasslands 6pastures7+
13: 0ow can we sustain rangeland producti#ity' &hat are some solutions to overgra)ing'
&e can sustain rangeland producti#ity by controlling the number and distribution of li#estoc and by
restoring degraded rangeland+
14: &hat is the : point strategy to restoring biodi#ersity worldwide'
3he : point strategy is 1: !ap global ecosystems* /: Locate and protect endangered
ecosystems and species* ?: Restore as many degraded ecosystems as possible* and ::
!ae de#elopment biodi#ersity)friendly+
15: &hat is a *iodiversity hotspot' How many are there worldwide'
A biodi#ersity hotspot is an area that has high biodi#ersity of species+ 3here are ?:
hotspots worldwide
16: +&hat are the top + hotspots in the @nited States'
3he top si. are 0awaii* the San Fran =ay Area* Southern Appalachians* ,eath Aalley*
Southern California* and the Florida Panhandle+
17: &hat are the five *asic science-*ased principles for ecological restoration'
3he fi#e basic principles are: "dentify cause* stop abuse by eliminating or sharply
reducing factors* reintroduce species if necessary* protect area from further
degradation* and use adapti#e management to monitor+
18: ,efine:
Setting aside or protecting undisturbed natural areas from harmful human acti#ities+
Repairing an ecosystem that has been destroyed+
Ability of a system to sur#i#e for some specified time+
18: &hat are the eight priorities for protecting biodi#ersity'
3he 8 priorities for protecting biodi#ersity are: 3ae immediate action to preser#e the
world9s biological hotspots* eep intact remaining old growth* complete mapping of
world9s biodi#ersity for in#entory and decision maing* and determine the world9s marine
19: ,efine: #econciliation(Applied Ecology
2stablishing and maintaining new habitats to conser#e species in places where people
li#e* wor* and play+
20: ,efine:
Background Extinction:
Continuous* low le#el of e.tinction of species
Extinction Rate:
2.pressed as a percentage or number of species that go e.tinct within a certain time
Mass Extinction:
2.tinction of many species in a relati#ely short amount of time 6we ha#e had B7
21: &hat are characteristics of vulnerable species'
Characteristics of #ulnerable species include low reproducti#e rates* speciali$ed feeding
habits* feeding at high trophic le#els* large si$e* speciali$ed nesting or breeding areas*
and being found only in one place or region+
22: &hat is ",''CO'
0"PPC( is the most important causes of premature e.tinction* starting from habitat
destruction* degradation* and fragmentationD in#asi#e speciesD and population growth+
23: &hat can you do about in#asi#e species'
Do not allow wild animals to escape.
Do not spread wild plants to other areas.
Do not dump the contents of an aquarium into waterways,
wetlands, or storm drains.
When camping use wood near your campsite instead of bringing
frewood from somewhere else.
Do not dump unused bait into the water.
After dogs visit woods or the water brush them before taking
them home.
After each use clean your vehicle, mountain bike, surfboard,
kayaks, canoes, boats, tent, hiking boots, and other gear before
heading for home.
mpty all water from canoes, kayaks, dive gear, and other
outdoor equipment before heading home.
!lant a variety of trees, shrubs, and other plants in your yard to
reduce losses from invasive species.
Do not buy plants from overseas or swap them with others using
the "nternet.
24: &hat are some characteristics of sccessfl invader species'
Some characteristics include high reproducti#e rate and short generation time* being
pioneer species* ha#ing long lifespans* ha#ing high dispersal rate* able to release
growth)inhibiting chemicals into the soil* being generalists* and ha#ing high genetic
25: 0ow is polltion affecting species'
Pollution ills 1EB
of @S honeybee colonies* F4 million birds* F)1: million fish* and it
threatens 1EB
of the @S9s endangered and threatened species+
26: &hat is overe-ploitation'
(#ere.ploitation is the act of e.cess hunting for reasons such as #aluable parts* and
legal or illegal trade+
27: &hat is the ./S/ Endangered Species Act'
An act passed that forbids federal agencies 6besides the defense department7 to carry
outEfund pro<ects that would <eopardi$e an endangered species+ 3he act also made it
illegal for Americans to engage in commerce associated with huntingEilling and
collecting endangered or threatened species+
28: &hat is the C,T,ES Treaty'
3he C"3"2S treaty 6Con#ention on "nternational 3rade in 2ndangered Species of &ild
Fauna and Flora7 banned all international trade in elephant populations that were being
decimated by poachers+ "t was signed by 1B/ countries and it lists more than 8>>
species that cannot be commercially traded as li#e specimens or wildlife products
because they are in danger of e.tinction and /G*>>> other species whose international
trade is monitored because they are at ris of becoming threatened+
29: &hat can you do to help terrestrial biodiversity' &hat can you do to help protect
species worldwide'
Hou can adopt a forest* plant trees and nourish them* recycle paper and buy recycled
products* buy sustainable woodEwood products* choose wood substitutes* restore a
nearby degraded forest or grassland* landscape your yard with a di#ersity of plants
natural to the area* and li#e in a town because suburban sprawl reduces biodi#ersity+
3o protect species:
,o not buy furs* i#ory products* and other materials made from endangered or
threatened animal species+
I ,o not buy wood and paper products produced by cutting remaining oldgrowth
forests in the tropics+
I ,o not buy birds* snaes* turtles* tropical fish* and other animals that are taen from
the wild+
I ,o not buy orchids* cacti* and other plants that are taen from the wild+
I Spread the word+ 3al to your friends and relati#es about this problem and what they
can do about it+

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