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Betsy Stout

BFA Seminar Bibliography

Brown, Stephanie. "On Kitsch, Nostalgia, and Nineties Femininity." Studies in Popular
Culture 22.3 (2000): 39-54. JSTOR. 1 Apr. 2000. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

I'm most interested in this article because of the date of its publication. I'm interested in a
direct correlation between kitsch and femininity, but really would like to hear a
perspective on it from the cultural black hole of the early 2000s.

Congdon, Kristin, and Doug Blandy. "What? Clotheslines and Popbeads Aren't Trashy
Anymore?: Teaching about Kitsch." Studies in Art Education 46.3 (2005): 197-
210. JSTOR. 1 Apr. 2005. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

Congdon and Blandy consider a few isolated incidences of kitsch, such as 9/11
memorabilia and a showing of Art Noveau works in the Victoria and Albert Museum to
reflect on the role of kitsch in the art world and greater world, gendering of kitsch, and its
relationship mass-consumerist culture.

"Ellen Heck." Ellen Heck. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

Friedlander, Saul. "Preface to a Symposium: Kitsch and the Apocalyptic
Imagination."Salmagundi 85/86 (1990): 201-06. JSTOR. 1 Jan. 1990. Web. 15 Sept.

"Hermann Broch once defined kitsch as 'the principle of evil in the
value system of art.'" Friedlander tells us on the first page. This article discusses kitsch
from a historical perspective with a focus on kitsch as an ethical matter.

Mather, George. The Psychology of Visual Art. New York: Cambridge UP, 2014. Print.

This book has had a lot offer in comparative studies of fairly basic art history,
psychology, biology, and optometry. I personally found most helpful the discussion of
how the human brain appraises an image or art object differently from a view or regular
object (it doesn't).

Mathews, Nancy. Mary Cassatt: The Color Prints. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1989.

I admittedly didn't learn much new from this, but sure enjoyed those intaglio.

Moreall, John, and Jessica Loy. "Kitsch and Aesthetic Education." Journal of Aesthetic
Education 23.4 (1989): 63-73. JSTOR. 1 Jan. 1989. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

Morreall and Loy provide a brief history of kitsch and explain its usefulness in teaching
good taste.

"My Superhero Mag." My Superhero Mag. 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

My Superhero Mag is an online publication focused on girl internet culture. They
represent the aesthetic very clearly and publish art, photography, film, and music from

Nerdrum, Odd. On Kitsch. Oslo: Kagge Forlag, 2001. Print.

Nerdrum defines kitsch in a highly specific way within the context of art history and the
tradition of fine art image-making. I found this article to specific in some ways,
confining the discussion of kitsch and art to the world of fine art. However, Nerdrum's
assertion that Modernism effectively casts all art that came before it as kitsch is eye-
opening to the direction and current values of the art world.

Saez, Carlos. "Cloaque." Cloaque. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

Interesting ongoing collaborative tumblr art project by Carlos Saez. Described as a
"visual landfill," a place where 'garbage' images from digital culture collect into scrolling

Saez, Carlos. Hello Carlos Saez. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

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