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Grade 5 French Immersion

Speaking & Listening

Speaking & Listening 4-Exceeding 3-Meeting 2-Approaching -!orking "e#o$
Comprehension of Oral
understands precise
and pertinent
information and
questions, as well as
hae conersations
re!ardin! personal
information and daily
life with someone who
spea"s clearly (i#e#$
family, friends,
actiities, etc#)#
understands the main
points of a messa!e
and chan!es of topic#
participates in !roup
discussions to
accomplish arious
*routinely understands
precise and pertinent
information and
questions, as well as
hae conersations
re!ardin! personal
information and daily
life with someone who
spea"s clearly (i#e#$
family, friends,
actiities, etc#)#
*usually understands
the main points of a
messa!e and chan!es
of topic#
*routinely participates
in !roup discussions to
accomplish arious
*partially understands
precise and pertinent
information and
questions, as well as
hae conersations
re!ardin! personal
information and daily
life with someone who
spea"s clearly (i#e#$
family, friends,
actiities, etc#)#
understands the main
points of a messa!e
and chan!es of topic#
*partially participates in
!roup discussions to
accomplish arious
*rarely understands
precise and pertinent
information and
questions, as well as
hae conersations
re!ardin! personal
information and daily
life with someone who
spea"s clearly (i#e#$
family, friends,
actiities, etc#)#
*attempts to follow the
main points of a
messa!e and chan!es
of topic with isual aids
(tone, !estures, etc#)#
*attempts to participate
in !roup discussions to
accomplish arious
Oral Communication *consistently as"s for *usually as"s for *occasionally as"s for *attempts to as" for
Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 1
(%rendre part & une
clarification when
somethin! is not
*consistently uses a
ariety of strate!ies to
messa!es when
lac"in! oca'ulary (i#e#$
usin! !estures,
descri'in!, isual
*promptly expresses
certain feelin!s and as"
people how they feel
re!ardin! !eneral
eents, preferences,
*frequently exchan!es
information, as"
questions and reacts to
eeryday matters#
clarification when
somethin! is not
*usually uses a ariety
of strate!ies to
messa!es when
lac"in! oca'ulary (i#e#$
usin! !estures,
descri'in!, isual
*readily expresses
certain feelin!s and as"
people how they feel
re!ardin! !eneral
eents, preferences,
*!enerally exchan!es
information, as"
questions and reacts to
eeryday matters#
clarification when
somethin! is not
understood with
*sometimes uses a
ariety of strate!ies to
messa!es when
lac"in! oca'ulary (i#e#$
usin! !estures,
descri'in!, isual
support) with
*expresses certain
feelin!s and as" people
how they feel usin!
simple words re!ardin!
!eneral eents,
preferences, etc#
*partially exchan!es
information, as"
questions and reacts to
eeryday matters#
clarification when
somethin! is not
understood with
*attempts to use a
ariety of strate!ies to
messa!es when
lac"in! oca'ulary (i#e#$
usin! !estures,
descri'in!, isual
support) with
*expresses certain
feelin!s and as" people
how they feel usin!
simple words with
support re!ardin!
!eneral eents,
preferences, etc#
*rarely exchan!es
information, as"
questions and reacts to
eeryday matters#
Oral Communication *efficiently descri'es *effectiely descri'es *descri'es people, *nominally descri'es
Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 2
(()exprimer oralement
en continu)
people, places,
animals, eents, and
thin!s that are of
interest (i#e#$ family,
home, school,
actiities, etc#)#
*always shares
somethin! well "nown
or experienced in the
form of a simple
sequence (i#e#$ party,
school eent, etc)#
people, places,
animals, eents, and
thin!s that are of
interest (i#e#$ family,
home, school,
actiities, etc#)#
*usually shares
somethin! well "nown
or experienced in the
form of a simple
sequence (i#e#$ party,
school eent, etc)#
places, animals,
eents, and thin!s that
are of interest (i#e#$
family, home, school,
actiities, etc#) with
support and promptin!#
*to some extent shares
somethin! well "nown
or experienced in the
form of a simple
sequence (i#e#$ party,
school eent, etc)#
people, places,
animals, eents, and
thin!s that are of
interest (i#e#$ family,
home, school,
actiities, etc#) with
support and promptin!#
*hardly eer shares
somethin! well "nown
or experienced in the
form of a simple
sequence (i#e#$ party,
school eent, etc)#
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Grade 5 French Immersion
%eading & &ie$ing
%eading & &ie$ing 4-Exceeding 3-Meeting 2-Approaching -!orking "e#o$
*eel of Text Complexity
*consistently finds and
understands the main
points and main idea in
narratie, informatie,
persuasie and
procedural texts with
appropriate lan!ua!e at
the end of !rade +#
*routinely finds and
understands the main
points and main idea in
narratie, informatie,
persuasie and
procedural texts with
appropriate lan!ua!e at
the end of !rade +#
*sometimes finds and
understands the main
points and main idea in
narratie, informatie,
persuasie and
procedural texts with
appropriate lan!ua!e at
the end of !rade +#
*rarely finds and
understands the main
points and main idea in
narratie, informatie,
persuasie and
procedural texts with
appropriate lan!ua!e at
the end of !rade +#
(trate!ies , 'ehaiours
*frequently uses
appropriate strate!ies to
help with
comprehension of
written texts#
- phonolo!ical
awareness to decode
-meanin!, structure and
isual cues
- morpholo!ical
awareness strate!ies
with support
*frequently uses
intonation, expression
and respects
*!enerally uses
appropriate strate!ies to
help with
comprehension of
written texts$
- phonolo!ical
awareness to decode
-meanin!, structure and
isual cues
- morpholo!ical
awareness strate!ies
with support
*usually uses intonation,
expression and respects
*occasionally uses
appropriate strate!ies to
help with
comprehension of
written texts#
- phonolo!ical
awareness to decode
-meanin!, structure and
isual cues
- morpholo!ical
awareness strate!ies
with support
*sometimes uses
intonation, expression
and respects
*rarely uses appropriate
strate!ies to help with
comprehension of
written texts#
- phonolo!ical
awareness to decode
-meanin!, structure and
isual cues
- morpholo!ical
awareness strate!ies
with support
*attempts to use
intonation, expression
and respects
Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 4
*consistently reco!
sounds (i#e#$ aille, ien,
ouille, etc#)
*routinely reco!
simple and complex
sounds (i#e#$ aille, ien,
ouille, etc#)
*sometimes reco!
simple , complex
sounds (i#e#$ aille, ien,
ouille, etc#)
*seldom reco!
simple and complex
sounds (i#e#$ aille, ien,
ouille etc#)
*consistently uses
strate!ies for
throu!hout readin!$
-clarify, predict,
isuali.e, retell,
question, ma"e
*promptly exchan!es
ideas and point of iew
durin! arious readin!
actiities (i#e#$ !uided
readin!, shared readin!,
*routinely uses
strate!ies for
throu!hout readin!$
-clarify, predict,
isuali.e, retell,
question, ma"e
*readily exchan!es
ideas and point of iew
durin! arious readin!
actiities (i#e#$ !uided
readin!, shared readin!,
*at times uses
strate!ies for
throu!hout readin!$
-clarify, predict,
isuali.e, retell,
question, ma"e
*exchan!es ideas and
point of iew durin!
arious readin!
actiities with support
(i#e#$ !uided readin!,
shared readin!, etc#)
*hardly eer uses
strate!ies for
throu!hout readin!$
-clarify, predict,
isuali.e, retell,
question, ma"e
*exchan!es ideas and
point of iew durin!
arious readin! actiities
with support and
promptin! (i#e#$ !uided
readin!, shared readin!,
Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 5
Grade 5 French Immersion
!riting & %epresenting
!riting &
4-Exceeding 3-Meeting 2-Approaching -!orking "e#o$
*frequently descri'es
personal experiences
and daily actiities usin!
simple , complex
sentences (i#e#$ family,
friends, actiities, etc#)#
*re!ularly writes
personal notes (i#e#$
a!enda, 0ournal, etc)#
*with a 'alanced writin!
pro!ram (i#e#$ modelin!,
shared, etc#) consistently
writes a structured text
appropriate for the !rade
+ leel#
*consistently participates
in 'rainstormin!
actiities, uses !raphic
or!ani.ers, as well as
completes the writin!
process with editin! (i#e#$
draft, reision, etc#)#
*!enerally descri'es
personal experiences and
daily actiities usin!
simple , complex
sentences (i#e#$ family,
friends, actiities, etc#)#
*usually writes personal
notes (i#e#$ a!enda,
0ournal, etc)#
*with a 'alanced writin!
pro!ram (i#e#$ modelin!,
shared, etc#) routinely
writes a structured text
appropriate for the !rade
+ leel#
*routinely participates in
'rainstormin! actiities,
uses !raphic or!ani.ers,
as well as completes the
writin! process with
editin! (i#e#$ draft,
reision, etc#)#
*to some extent descri'es
personal experiences and
daily actiities usin!
simple , some complex
sentences (i#e#$ family,
friends, actiities, etc#)#
*occasionally writes
personal notes (i#e#$
a!enda, 0ournal, etc)#
*with a 'alanced writin!
pro!ram (i#e#$ modelin!,
shared, etc#) writes a
structured text
appropriate for the !rade
+ leel with support and
*at times participates in
'rainstormin! actiities,
uses !raphic or!ani.ers,
as well as completes the
writin! process with
support durin! editin!
*limited lan!ua!e can
descri'e personal
experiences and daily
actiities usin! simple ,
some complex
sentences (i#e#$ family,
friends, actiities, etc#)#
*seldom writes personal
notes (i#e#$ a!enda,
0ournal, etc)#
*with a 'alanced writin!
pro!ram (i#e#$ modelin!,
shared, etc#) stru!!les
to write a structured text
appropriate for the
!rade + leel een with
support and promptin!#
*attempts to participate
in 'rainstormin!
actiities, uses !raphic
or!ani.ers, as well as
completes the writin!
process with support
Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 6
(i#e#$ draft, reision, etc#)# durin! editin! (i#e#$
draft, reision, etc#)#
*re!ularly reco!
and use the 1 traits of
writin! (ideas,
or!ani.ation, sentence
structure, oice, word
choice, conentions) in
con0unction with the
writin! norms for the end
of !rade +#
*can usually reco!ni.e
and use the 1 traits of
writin! (ideas,
or!ani.ation, sentence
structure, oice, word
choice, conentions) in
con0unction with the
writin! norms for the end
of !rade +#
*can occasionally
reco!ni.e and use the 1
traits of writin! (ideas,
or!ani.ation, sentence
structure, oice, word
choice, conentions) in
con0unction with the
writin! norms for the end
of !rade +#
*can rarely reco!ni.e
and use the 1 traits of
writin! (ideas,
or!ani.ation, sentence
structure, oice, word
choice, conentions) in
con0unction with the
writin! norms for the
end of !rade +#
*consistently selects
forms and presentation
mode (written, isual,
multimedia) to transmit
information 'ased on$
- audience and purpose
when followin! a
'alanced writin!
- student)s "nowled!e
and experiences#
*!enerally selects forms
and presentation mode
(written, isual,
multimedia) to transmit
information 'ased on$
- audience and purpose
when followin! a
'alanced writin! pro!ram
- student)s "nowled!e and

*occasionally selects
forms and presentation
mode (written, isual,
multimedia) to transmit
information 'ased on$
- audience and purpose
when followin! a
'alanced writin! pro!ram
- student)s "nowled!e
and experiences#

*rarely selects forms
and presentation mode
(written, isual,
multimedia) to transmit
information 'ased on$
- audience and purpose
when followin! a
'alanced writin!
- student)s "nowled!e
and experiences#

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