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Assessment Taxonomy Table Template

Review the objectives and activities from a module in your own (current or future) online
course. Then select three or four objectives and decide where they and their activities belong
in Blooms categories. It is not necessary to have all objectives in different categories, but
lease use at least three different levels.
This tye of analysis will not only hel you develo your course assessment lans but will also
hel you decide which assessment activities are most valuable.
Bloom categories/
Revised Taxonomy
Knowledge /Remembering
(recall, list, define, identify, collect,
!ollowing comletion of "ower"oint
activity and selected readings, students
will identify at least #$ %ey women of
the modern civil rights movement in an
online &ui'.
!ollowing comletion of recorded
lecture and selected readings, students
will be able to identify, through
discussion ost and resonse to
classmates osts, the reasons why the
role of women is not evident in our
traditional teaching about the
(summari'e, describe interret,
redict, discuss)
Articulate !ollowing e(eriential tri, nightly
discussion, and image e(ercise, students
will be able to articulate the toll the
absence of teaching about the role of
women ta%es on our society by
comleting an image uload and
reflective ost to the class blog.
(aly, demonstrate, illustrate,
classify, e(eriment, discover)
!ollowing selected readings, lecture,
tri, and discussion, students will be
able to identify the social change
mechanisms emloyed by women of the
movement to ma%e change then and
employ at least one of these
mechanisms in the creation and
imlementation of their grou social
change roject.
(analy'e, classify, connect, e(lain,
Connect !ollowing comletion of "ower"oint
activity and selected readings, students
will reflect, in a blog ost, on a ersonal
connection with at least one woman
from the movement.
(assess, recommend, convince,
comare, conclude, summari'e)
(combine, integrate, lan, create,
design, formulate)
!ollowing selected readings, lecture,
tri, and discussion, students will be
able to identify the social change
mechanisms emloyed by women of the
movement to ma%e change then and
emloy at least one of these
mechanisms to create and implement
of their grou social change roject.

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