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Kevin Martinez

As a sophomore this year, I toke the initiative to challenge my academic knowledge by
taking on an AP class. The particular AP class I enrolled in was AP European History. The
artifacts above are from the first major project that was assigned. The project was an art analysis
about the baroque era in 1600s. Since each student handpicked their art pieces, I instinctively
chose The Slaughter of Holoferens by Artemisia Gentileschi. The requirements of the project
were to write a four page essay and podcast style version accentuating the most important
information. Since this was my first college style paper I was feeling pressured to turn in grade
A work. The four page essay was primarily focused on the art The Slaughter of Holeferens and
Artemisia Gentileschi history in the baroque period. The video or podcast was mainly to
accentuate the most important information, very limpidly, and to the point.
(GLPOS) Seek deeper understanding about situations, events, issues and phenomena by
synthesizing evidence, interpretations, and implications from varied cultural perspectives.
This GLPO was satisfied in the making of artifacts because; it not only explains an
astonishing era in art history but my artifacts as well prove the understanding and synthesizing of
evidence. My podcast is a perfect example of synthesizing evidence a different cultural
perspective. My podcast alone emphasizes the art piece thoroughly using large amounts of
evidence. My paper and podcast about this particular artist and her work during the baroque
period gave me a deeper understanding of the baroque period during the 1600s.
In completing my first project I have mastered and used a variety of skills. I have
personally enhanced my writing skills throughout the year, learned how to use media to
communicate ideas as a form of a podcast, and mastered how to analyze art pieces by referring to
this project. AP Euro alone has greatly enhanced my writing skills to meet a college level
writing. Since the AP Euro test composes multiple choice and writing, learning how to structure
an essay and use evidence to support your structure is crucial for passing the AP Euro exam. I
have already taken this very difficult exam in May. The writing portion of the test I found to be
very easy due to all the practice and skills I have mastered over the year. With this first art
analyzes I have learned how to structure my information and as well learn how to use that
information. The use of technology or media was a great factor in this project and held a
heavyweight on the grade. Before entering AP Euro I knew little to none about computers. By
creating a podcasts or video, it helped me better understand the fundamentals of imovie or movie
maker. I have also greatly enhanced my art analysis skills. When staring at a sculpture or
painting, everyone has a different perspective or opinion of what the authors intentions were, but
by completing this project, I have a better understand of how to break down and analyze art
pieces such as The Slaughter of Holofernes.
After reflecting on this project I would have used higher vocabulary in my paper and put
more enthusiasm in my voice during my podcast. Although I did receive a B+ in this assignment,
with the slight changes that I mentioned before, probably would have granted my an A. Since it
was the begging of the year and my first ever AP assignment I do understand my flaws here and
there since I havent had the time to correct them. Today as a sophomore going on the a Junior I
have enhanced my vocabulary and personality to make sure of the future A.

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