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China Study Guide

Test: Monday, November 17, 2014
How can a diverse society maintain political unity?

Leadership: How did Chinese leaders gain & maintain legitimacy?

Explain how the Mandate of Heaven and the Dynastic Cycle helped legitimize the
transfer of power from one dynasty to the next
Explain why feudalism failed to unify China
Explain why the Han, Song and Tang Dynasties continued to use the bureaucracy and
autocracy the Qin established and describe how they changed it
Describe the infrastructure projects built by the Qin and other dynasties and explain
how these projects united China
Explain why the Han created and other dynasties used the civil service system
Describe the accomplishments of the Mongol leaders Chinggis Khan and Kublai Khan
Explain how the Mongols were both a regressive force and agents of cultural diffusion

Religion/Philosophy: How did Chinese philosophies influence

government & society?

Describe the main ideas of Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism using terms the term
filial piety, virtue, 5 relationships, and yin yang
Explain why these philosophies developed during the Warring States Era
Describe the Han Synthesis and explain how it unified China
Describe the ways Chinese philosophies unified China by influencing government,
family, social class, and education

Innovations: What changed because of the innovations of the

Chinese Dynasties?

Explain how written language unified Chinese culture beginning in the Shang Dynasty
and continuing throughout Chinas history
Describe the innovations of the Tang and Song Golden Age
Explain how these innovations encouraged urbanization and commercialization and
changed China

Trade Networks: How did the Silk Road allow ideas, goods, and
people to spread?

Explain how physical features united China & limited its connection with Afroeurasia
Explain how the Silk Road reinforced Chinas view of itself as the Middle Kingdom
Describe the image people in other parts of Eurasia had of China

Explain how the Silk Road encouraged urbanization and commercialization

Explain several ways Buddhism spread & why it was appealing to the Chinese

Kinds of Questions
chronology (put events in order)
multiple choice

short answer
open response

What Do You Need to be Able to Do?

explain the bolded terms, people, and places in your own words
use the bolded words to explain and describe the ideas listed on the other side
apply the bolded words and bulleted ideas to new situations
answer the big question (in the box on the other side)

Academic Skills

Locate important physical features, historical centers of economic and political power, and
contemporary countries on a map of China
Place each dynasty in proper sequence on a time line (you dont have to memorize dates, but
youll need to put events in the right order)
Compose a claim; select and analyze evidence to support that statement

How to Study
Step 1. Get Organized!
Organize the handouts you received. Review your notes and the map.
Re-read Do-Nows and summary questions.
Step 2: Make flash cards or a two-column list.
Write the bolded terms on one side and your own explanation on the other
Your own explanations are more helpful than dictionary definitions.
You will not be asked for definitions. You will be asked to use the terms.
Step 3: Use these ideas
Re-state the bulleted ideas on one side and write your answer on the other
You can cut and paste the bullets into your own document. This study guide is posted on
the class website:
Step 4: Study effectively. I will check for actual proof of studying.
Make a Quizlet (Dont just do someone elses)
Fill out study guide (bullets)
Word Webs (for context)
Chart for Unit Question
Print blank map and practice
Timeline of major events

Need More Help?

Check back to the following pages in the textbook
p. 46-51
River Dynasties in China
p. 97-101
An Empire Unifies China
p. 181-186
Han Emperors in China
p. 287-293
Two Great Dynasties in China
p. 294-298
The Mongol Conquests
p. 299-302
Empire of the Great Khan

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