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Grade 6 Careers
Course Description
Careers is an exploratory course designed to help students learn the tools necessary to help them explore and
prepare for future career opportunities. The majority of the course will be spent using the material from the
21things4students Project which provides a fun project-based experience for students in Michigan. This project
uses different Web 2.0 tools available free on the Internet. The goal of the project is to increase students
technology proficiency for future success by providing cost-effective resources to their classrooms.
Aligned to Standards
The purpose of the 21things for the 21st Century Student ( web resource is to provide
Just in Time training through an online interface based on the National Educational Technology Standards for
Students (NETS-S) at grade levels 5 - 9. These standards are the basic technology skills students should possess.
Online Learning
Students can complete 21 (technology and curriculum integrated) units within a blended or hybrid classroom to
learn basic technology skills using a variety of web tools under the direction of an instructor. Most lessons, or
things, include a how to video, hands-on activities, ties to the NETS-S and curriculum standards, and an
overview of how a Web 2.0 tool can be used. Participants will demonstrate proficiency in each of the 21things by
creating end-products, or a Digital Portfolio.
Resources Necessary
Everything used in the 21things4students is FREE and can be completed on a PC or Mac. Students will use a
computing device with Internet Access in the classroom to complete the modules.
Course Outline

The sixth grade careers class will only complete the first third of the 21things4students Project. Below
is a list of the 21things4students topics that will be covered in the course:
1. Basic Orientation
2. Troubleshooting
3. Cloud Management
4. Visual Organizers
5. Digital Footprint

Methods of Assessment
The majority of the grades will come from the completion of the individual assignments within the quests of the
21things4students project. After successful completion of these quests and/or missions, students will receive a
badge, gem, or award for their hard work. Periodically, students will also take quizzes to assess their learned
knowledge from the activities.

School-Wide Grading System

A+=97-100 percent
A=93-96 percent
A-=90-92 percent

B+=87-89 percent
B=83-86 percent
B-=80-82 percent

C+ = 77-79 percent
C=73-76 percent
C-=70-72 percent

I=less than 70 percent

Homework/Class Work 10%

Labs/Projects 25%
Quizzes 25%
Tests 40%
Students submitting work up to two weeks after a trimester may receive up to a 70 percent on the work. Student
work submitted after the two week make-up period after the end of the trimester will not be accepted for credit
and shall be recorded with a score of zero.
Upon returning to school after an absence a student has the responsibility within the number of days equal to the
length of the absence to meet with the teacher to develop a plan for making up missed work, quizzes, and
examinations. Lower grades will not be given for late work due to excused absences unless the work is submitted
later than agreed upon deadlines.

Please Note: All information is tentative and subject to change.

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