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Sexual Reproduction is creation of an offspring by the fusing two gametes that form a diploid zygote.
The male cells or gametes is a small cell that moves by flagellum its commonly known as sperm. The
female gametes, the ovum or unfertilized egg is a large cell that isnt self-propelled. The zygote and new
individual developed into a unique combination of genes carried from the parents through the egg and
sperm sexual reproduction is different from asexual reproduction because sexual reproduction increases
genetic variability among offspring the formation of sperm and ova requires meiosis both are haploid
cells that develop by meiosis from diploid cells in gonads. Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in
four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosome of parent cell, as a in the production of
gametes. Crossing over occurs during meiosis 1, it is the process where homologous chromosomes pair
up with each other and exchange different segments of their genetic material to form recombinant
chromosomes. Parent may carry recessive traits that do not show in their phenotype. If recessive traits
from both parents combine in fertilization, the offspring will display a phenotype that neither parent
In the Genetics/ Baby Lab, we were to engage in an exercise mimicking the random nature of
recombination of genes in sexual reproduction. Mendelian Dominance is when a child receiving a
dominant genes from either parent will have the dominant from of the trait. For example, their eye
shape, I got was a round shape eye. I complete dominance in genetics is relationship between genes of
single genes, in which one genes masks the phenotypic expression of another gene at the same gene
locus. In simplest case, where a gene exists in two allelic versions, three combinations of genes are
possible: AA, AB, and BB etc. An example of this can be the gene for curly hair seems to be dominant to
the gene for straight hair. Homozygous dominant individuals have wavy hair, and homozygous the gene
for straight hair. However, heterozygous individuals have a wavy hair, a phenotype in between wavy and
straight hair. Polygenic traits that come several different genes. Eye color, hair color and are all
polygenic traits. For example, human skin color, height and weight, with a polygenic trait, you can have a
lot of large variation trait. Sex determination is a biological system that determines the development of
sexual characteristics in an organism. Most sexual organisms have two sexes. Occasionally there are
hermaphrodites in place of one or both sexes. There are also some species that are only one sex due to
parthenogenesis, the act of a female reproducing without fertilization

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