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Kollen 1

Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program
Teacher Andrew Kollen


Subject/ Topic/ Theme

World History

Grade 9th/10th

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This lesson connects to the unit plan because we will be discussing Empires. Students will first watch a video with a broad
overview of the history of China. Students will then take a few notes about Chinese Empires.
Learners will be able to:

cognitiveR U Ap An E



R, An

Have Map places memorized and take a quiz

Create a definition of an empire
Give specific examples of dynasties are in China
Apply the concept of empires to todays society
Contrast the Han/Qin Empire with the Xiongnu

R, Ap
R, U,

U, A

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
F2. Standard: Systems of Human Organizations
Use the examples listed below to explain the basic features and differences between hunter-gatherer societies, pastoral
nomads, civilizations, and empires, focusing upon the differences in their political, economic and social systems, and their
changing interactions with the environment.
F2.3. Grade Level Expectation:
Classical China or India (Han China or Gupta empires)
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

A basic understanding of Empires that students may be familiar with. This lesson will take that initial
knowledge and building on it.
Pre-assessment (for learning): Opening Questions

Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)

Formative (for learning): Closing questions that students discuss

Formative (as learning): Taking the map quiz that was from Lesson Plan 2
Summative (of learning):

What barriers might this


Provide Multiple Means of


Provide Multiple Means of Action

and Expression

Provide Multiple Means of


Kollen 2
lesson present?

Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible

What will it take

emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?

Provide options for recruiting

interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
There is the quiz, a video and
response and some notes for
students to take.

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect

Provide options for expression and

communication- increase medium of

Provide options for sustaining effort

and persistence- optimize challenge,
collaboration, mastery-oriented
When the class goes over the google
form answers, students will be able
to check their answers and
understand concepts that the teacher

Provide options for comprehensionactivate, apply & highlight

Provide options for executive

functions- coordinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies
Monitor progress with the quiz. Also
using these initial concepts of
empires and dynasties to apply them
the lesson plans about religion and

Provide options for self-regulationexpectations, personal skills and

strategies, self-assessment &
Students will take their map quiz
which can be a self assessment if
they are understanding where these
specific places are.

Students will apply what they

learned in this lesson with the
different questions they will be
asked at the end of the lesson.

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to use?

Provide options for physical actionincrease options for interaction

Opening Questions
Eurasia Map Quiz Picture
Map Quiz
Map Quiz Answers
Google Form
Google Form (Responses)
China History Answers
Dynasties Powerpoint
[All on Google Drive, Link below]
YouTube Video
The students will be in groups of their four. This way they can collaborate and discuss concepts with
each other.

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan



8 min


Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
Teacher opens Opening Questions slide:
1. What is an empire?
2. Have you heard of any specific empires
3. What are modern day empires?
Teacher leads discussion on these questions. This
should be something to get students to think about

Students answer the questions with their group

members. They should all be prepared to share an
answer to the questions.

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Teacher Gets the Map quiz ready. Teacher explains Students listen and then take the quiz.
that there are 20 fill in the blank where students
will match a location to the correlating number.
Put the Eurasia Map Quiz Picture on Projector.
Teacher passes out Map Quiz fill in the blank sheet.
Teacher will grade quizzes later using Map Quiz
Answers sheet.

Teacher gets the John Green video ready about

Chinese History

8 min

Students open laptops and go to the following link:
[Called 2000 years of Chinese History]
Students must answer questions while the video is
playing. After the video is over there will be a
discussion of the answers.

7 min

(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)

Teacher opens Document tilted China History

Answers and leads a discussion with the students.
Teacher calls on different group members and they
will say an answer.

Students participate by checking their own answers

and answering the teachers questions if called on.

Students get notebook paper out and will take notes

Teacher opens the Dynasties powerpoint.
for the last little part of class.
Teacher tells students to get blank paper out for note
3 min


Teacher asks several questions make sure students

have been focused during the class.

Students answer questions that the teacher is asking.

Who were the Han and Qin?

What group of people were in modern day
How long did the Han rule China?

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)


Kollen 4
During this lesson, I wanted to use a technique that Mr. Sirois uses. He makes Google forms for students to answer during the
John Green videos. I chose to include this because I thought it was an appropriate way to keep students accountable to pay
attention during a video. These videos are great because they are an entertaining way to gain an insight over a particular
topic. In my dynasties powerpoint, I wish that I found more pictures or videos or engage the students a little bit more. I really
liked that in my first lesson because I thought it would keep students engaged a little bit more. This time we are only doing
notes for 12 minutes which is not a lot of time for a powerpoint, so maybe pictures and videos were not necessary. This is a
way for students to become a little bit more engaged. Students will be able dot showcase their learning with the quiz. I think
quizzes can hopefully keep students a little bit more accountable to learn information. I hope that these students would be
able to learn these locations and use them to understand these empires and the Silk Road later on.


Kollen 5


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