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Text original n Romn tradus n Englez

Dl Cimasa Mateo,
Lund n cosideraie corespondena din 23 septembrie curent i ntrevederea
noatsr de la ceputul lunii octombrie, i n conformitate cu prevederile contractului
de prestare a serviciilor de consultan i asisten juridic din 28.08.2013, dvs.
aveti obligaia de a achita plata serviciilor juridice lunare n mrime de 1550 euro.
ncepnd cu luna mai 2014 pn n prezent, compania noastr nu a ncasat
plile stabilite, concomitent serviciile juridice sunt prestate n plina msur.
V rog s v onorai obligaiunile contractuale. n cazul n care nu se va da
curs somaiei noastre n termen de 10 zile, vom fi nevoii s iniiem procedura
prevzut la capitolele VI i VII din contractul nominalizat mai sus.
Cu respect,
Dl. Anatol Brldean

Mr. Mateo Cimasa,

Taking into consideration our mail from 23rd of September and our
meeting at the beginning of the October 22, 2014 in Chisinau, and
according to the legal provisions of the Consulting services and legal
assistance contract, signed on 28.08.2013, you have the duty to pay the
monthly payment of legal services in the amount of 1550 euro.
Starting from May 2014 till now, our company has not received the
established payments while the legal services have been provided
We kindly ask you to honor you contractual obligations. In the case
that you do not follow up our summons in term of 10 days, we are forced
to initiate the procedure established in the chapter VI and VII of the above
nominated contract.
Mr. Anatol Birladean

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