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Do substances behave in the same

way when they are mixed with
solvents? Do all solid particles
mixed with water dissolve
completely? How do solid particles
which do not dissolve when mixed
with water behave in the water?

Substances react or behave in

different ways when dissolve in
water. Some substances like salt,
sugar and powdered milk spread
evenly in the water. On the other
hand sand and soil particles are
suspended in the water for
sometime. Later on, they settle at
the bottom.

+ Evaluation:
Write true if the sentence is correct, false
if not.
1. Soil and sand when mixed with water, are
suspended in the water.
2. When sugar mixed with water, it tastes
sweet because it is dissolve in water.
3. The water with coffee looks brown because
the particles of the coffee settle at the bottom.
4. Particles that are heavy and are not
dissolved settle at the bottom.
5. Substances react or behave in different
ways when dissolve in water.

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