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Classroom Environment

EDUW 694 Ashley Hodge

Attention & Survival Value - Chapter 16

Our brains are most alert to information that
helps ensure our survival
Stimuli for students include: opportunities to
make new friends, thirst or hunger, and safety
considerations (bullying, weather, etc)
Teachers often ask students to sustain attention
for up to an hour at times, on block 86 minutes
[Ideally brain-breaks built in every 20 minutes]

try to Pay
for an hour
to 86
with all this

Goal as Teachers
Goal: Create an environment where learners have the
flexibility to focus on aspects of learning that are
personally meaningful to them.
Either you can have your learners attention OR they
can be making meaning, but never both at the same
time [You do NOT want learners attention 100% of the
Making Meaning - after new materials are introduced
facilitate time to sort it out, generate questions, and
play what if scenarios

Preparing for Instruction

To determine amount of processing time
you need to know:
the learners background in the subject (how
much prior knowledge)
the intensity and complexity of new material

You need FLOW

When learners are encouraged to go with the flow

while enjoying themselves & refining their own
learning challenges, creativity and learning emerge

Ex: Learning to speak French or a new


Difficult at first & takes a lot of effort, but over time it

becomes easier to practice. May become FUN!!

What about Reluctant Learners??

Have them choose or design a complex
project that is personally relevant
Make it exciting - Use teams, simulations,
technology, & deadlines
Ex. 9th grade who does NOTHING but play
on his phone...Activity with Science

Student States
Most Common

Most Desirable

Instructional Strategies
Activities - play an energizing game, lead a stretching session, shift
from individual to group work, move locations, do something novel
Environment - lighting, seating, temperature, sounds, aromas, plants,
Multimedia Sources - video, computer project, slides, music
People - change speakers, shift visual focus, students teach each
other, groups, buddy-study
Tone - shift in theme, schedule, time frame, goals, rule, opinions,
Focusing - breathing exercises, incorporate visualization
Choice - ask for their input, increase their control & accountability,
frequent feedback, positive social bonding opportunities, multiple
learning styles

Now you Try

Given this new material and assuming we are
not concerned with any survival stimuli, I want
you to think about how to better one lesson in
your classroom.
Think & jot 2-3 minutes
Pair & discuss 1-2 minutes
Share & comment 3-4 minutes

Jensen, Erik. (2008). Brain-Based Learning:
The New Paradigm of Teaching. Corwin Press:
Thousand Oaks, CA.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1990). Flow: The
Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper
Collins: New York City, NY.

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