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What are some of the major phases of this pilot?

Intial Partnership

Feb 2012 - August 2013

Vision Setting

Sept 2013-Dec 2013


Full Execution

Jan 2014 May 2014

June 2014 July 2014

Feb 2012

September 2013 - Design Team

Jan 2014 -Kick-Off of Monthly

Week One of Summer Training:

Scott Painter (TPSD Design)

Retreat Chicago Sept 2013: Morva

Staff Training:

Week One of Summer Training took

connects with Morva McDonald

& Sarah Kavanagh from the UW

Staff training for Coach Teacher

place from Monday, June 16th Friday,

(UW) per the recommendation of

joined the Design Team on a

Educators (Chicago MTLDs) took

June 20th. The main purpose of Week

Jeff Wetzler and Sarah Kirby-Tepara.

Retreat in Chicago. This included

place from January May and

One was to introduce corps members

Conversation was initiated to talk

an opportunity to do some

consisted of 1.5 days per month

to the context of the work of TFA in

about content modules & evolved to

prototyping around the design for

focused on learning the IAs

Chicago and NW Indiana, introduce

discussing the possibility of creating

the arc of learning in a specific

through the University of

them to their summer teaching site

a consortia partnership (TFA, UW,

content area, visit Chicago

Washingtons Learning Cycle as

and community, ground them in the

UM, Stanford) to redesign a total

classrooms, and meet with the

well as the Culture of Achievement

Diversity core value and its role in our

approach for preparing math

Chicago Pre-Service Leadership1

moves and the Teaching for Social

work and significantly prepare them to

teachers at TFA & using that to

Team to learn more about their

Justice orientations that are the

begin teaching in their content area

influence the math education field at

vision for the summer training.

foundation of the Seminar sessions.

the next week by grounding them in


See agenda here.

Coaches first engaged in this work

the vision for their content area and

as learners and learned the IAs for

coaching them on the first few IAs. To

March 2012

November 2013 - Seattle Site

their content area in a manner

see a detailed overview of Week One,

Morva and Scott were going to

Visit: Design Team + Aviva Jacobs

similar to the one that their corps

check it out here.

continue conversations about

spent a week in Seattle engaging

members would learn over the

consortia approach. Morva was

deeply with the work of UW.

summer. Coaches enacted the IAs

Weeks 2-5: During Weeks 2-5, corps

Chicago Pre-Service Leadership Team included: Aviva Jacobs, VP, TLD; Stephanie Lowe MD, Design; Kirsten Kehoe- MD, Corps Culture and Communications; and
Amelia Patel D, Pre-Service Operations

talking to multiple people at TFA

Outcomes including determining

that they were working on each

members began teaching students in

and it was determined that it would

the Instructional Activities (IAs) for

month in a corps members

their classroom and getting regular

be better to pause and regroup at

each content block, determining

classroom and brought their video

feedback from their coaches through

TFA so that she had a single point

which IAs need to be developed

to their content group to be

Video PLCs and observations.

of contact nationally. Annie became

per content area; developing an

utilized in the group analysis of the

Additionally, they had the opportunity

the contact.

understanding of the coaching

IA. This training not only helped

to visit a Demo Teacher classroom

cycle and the teacher educators

build coaches skill in the IA work

during the day to observe the

role in that cycle; and

but also helped to build empathy

Instructional Activities in action. In the

May 2012

determining the role of the

around what corps members are

afternoons, corps members engaged

Annie and Scott go to UW & meet

teacher educator during pre-

doing this summer. Many of the

in their Instructional Activity sessions,

with Morva and members of her

service training. Please see agenda

videos from the coaches are

which utilize the University of

team. Teams shared some of our

and collaboration outcomes.

actually being used during the

Washington Learning Cycle as well as

training with corps members and

the Seminar sessions that will focus

November 2013- Chicago Staffing

ware helping to continue to

specifically on the Teaching for Social

August 2012

Site Visit: Aviva, Sarah K, Morva

establish a culture of public

Justice Orientations. To see the

More extensive document sharing

and Megan Carey visited

practice where we are all learners.

general schedule for Weeks 2-5, check

occurs between TFA Design & UW in

classrooms in Chicago with

order to align on overall vision of

MTLDs; set a vision for the roles

Design of Structures: Heavy

classroom-level outcomes.

for the summer training staff;

design phase around the structures

Week 6: During Week 6, corps

brainstormed a day/week schedule

at summer training: specifics

members did not teach and began

October 2012

at summer training; and

including the weekly and daily

translating what they learned this

UW submits a Gates grant to fund

determined the next steps in the

schedule, and the corps member

summer to their fall placement. See

their side of the partnership.

project. Please see an agenda for

scope and sequences and

Week 6 agendas per content area

this visit here as well as the notes

outcomes for the instructional work


from the visit.

and the integration of culture and


Sometime between Oct. 2012 and

Aug 2013

it out here.

social justice & equity work.

Some Design team members

November 2013- Social Justice &

connect informally with counterparts

Equity Show & Tell- Members

Staff Hiring Phase:

at UW. Specifically, Sharon Foley

from the Design Team whose

Hiring for all part-time roles,

(Design) and Morva write up an

work focuses on Social Justice &

specifically ECE roles, Seminar

overview of the work we could take

Equity work met in Chicago to

Leader role, and Demo Teacher

on and the hypotheses underneath

present the most current resources

that (as a precursor to our formal

and learning from their focus

MOU). This is informal and not very

areas to create a foundation for

Corps Member Pre-Work: CMs

deep; UW is waiting on MOU to

the Chicago SJ & E work (included

started pre-work in April. As part of

share freely.

design work around SPED, ELL,

their pre-work, corps members

D&I, and CRT).

engaged in roughly 25 hours of

Annie and Sharon explore potential


pre-work. To see the complete pre-

pre-service partners. Chicago

November 2013 MOU The

ultimately emerges as the local

MOU was finalized at the end of

partner due to several factors (not

November. See the MOU here

exhaustive): their excitement about

the partnership & the alignment of

December 2013

the initial overview to their regional

Creation of job descriptions and

vision, their corps size (large but not

roles in partnership with Human

as large as a national Institute), their

Assets team.

willingness to embrace the

Heavy curriculum planning in

Washington corps & their

content areas for the student

experience partnering with national

curriculum and the IAs that will be


taught in each content area.

January 2013 Site Visit
Morva, Sarah K, Scott, Megan C,
Aviva, and Stephanie L met in
Chicago to plan for the first staff
training, originally planned to take
place during TLD summit, plan
around tools and resources
needed for CMs over the summer,
and updates on staffing structures
and hiring for roles, developing a
plan for measures of success, and
staff training professional

work, please click here.

development plan and scope of


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