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Teacher: Jennifer Nelson

October 15, 2014

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

(Week of Fire Prevention)

Subject: Health

I.Contents and Standards:

2.1.2.D.1- Identify ways to prevent injuries at home, school, and in the community (e.g., fire
safety, poison safety, accident prevention).
2.2.2.A.1- Express needs, wants, and feelings in health- and safety-related situations.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.8- Recall information from experiences or gather information
from provided sources to answer a question.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.1.B- Build on others' talk in conversations by linking their
comments to the remarks of others.
II. Prerequisites:
a. Students should have a basic understanding of what a fire is and who can help us to put
them out.
III. Instructional Objectives:
a. To help students understand the importance of fire safety and ways in which we can stay
safe/prevent fires from occurring.
IV. Instructional Procedures:
a. To begin the lesson today, teacher will introduce the topic of fire prevention to the
students. We will have a short discussion, as a whole group on the carpet, about what
this topic means and will then watch a short video (11 minutes) helping students learn
more about how to prevent, react, and escape fires. After watching the video, teacher
will ask the students to think about the things that they now know that can help us
prevent fires and/or be safe in a fire. Students will be asked to turn and talk (using their
reading partners) with their partner and will then write their best answer on a post it. We
will take 2-3 minutes to do this and then teacher will call on partners to present their
ideas and attach their post-it to our fire hydrant chart.
b. After this, students will return to their desks where they will begin to create our fire dogs
(dalmations) that will have a bone hanging as their collar. Students will be expected to

trace, cut, and glue the dog together. Once this has been done, students will be asked to
write 3 things that can be done to stay safe in a fire or to prevent a fire on the bone which
will then be attached to the dog.
c. To end our lesson for the day, teacher will give students a Home Fire Escape Plan to take
home and discuss with their families in preparation for the next days lesson.
V. Materials and Equipment:
a. The video, Fire Saftey. Prevent. React. Espcape. by Wonderscape.
b. poster board with a fire hydrant drawn on it
c. post-its
d. pencils
e. white paper to create the dogs and their bones
f. red paper to create fire hats for the dogs
g. crayons/markers to decorate dog
h. string to attach the bones to the dogs
i. Home Fire Escape Plan page to take home and discuss with parents
VI. Assessment/Evaluation:
a. Informal assessment (Ongoing assessment) will be done throughout the lesson as the
students work in all types of situations, such as whole group, partners, and
individually. This lesson is designed to help students better understand how to
prevent and stay safe if involved in a fire. An assessment will also be done on how
well the students are able to create their fire dogs and if they are able to list their 3
ways to prevent or stay safe in a fire.
VII. Accommodations or Modifications needed for students with disabilities or ESOL:
a. For students having difficulty with participation, teacher will assist partners in
coming up with their item to put on the post-it and on the dog bone. (through
scaffolding/prompting) Teacher will also assist with cutting and pasting, as needed
while creating our fire dogs. If students are having difficulty figuring out 3 things

that they can do to stay safe in or prevent a fire, they will be asked to only write 2 and
teachers assistance will be given as needed.

VIII. Technology:
a. Technology will be used to watch the DVD. However, the rest of the lesson will be
completed without technology.
IX: Self-Assessment:
a. I will look back and consider what I observed happening during the lesson, both
during the whole group, partners, and individual time. I will ask myself if I think that
this approach worked for my class. Do I feel like the students gained a better
understanding of how to prevent fire and how to react and escape if faced with a real
fire situation? I will make changes to the layout of this lesson once I have answered
these questions.

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