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IELTS in NSW, Australia – October 2009 ( General Training) 2009-10-08 01:59:13-04

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Many people believe that the members of family are more important than friends in life. Do you agree/ disagree?
Speaking test
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do on weekends?
- Is it important to have weekends off? Why / Why not?
Cue card
Describe about a car or motorbike that you have or would like to have in the future, you should say:
- What car / motorbike is it
- Why you would like to have it
- Will you be able to buy it or not.
We had a conversation about transportation system:
- Is it important to have a good transportation system in a country?
- What benefits does it bring to a country’s economy?
- Does it have effects on social life and community?
- Does it affect the way people work?
IELTS Speaking questions from Kazakhstan – October 2009 2009-10-06 06:52:53-04

Speaking test
- What is you full name?
- Where do you live?
- Do you want to move to another city?
- What impression did you get when you used a computer the first time?
- Do you play computer games?
- What gifts are usually offered in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a specials gift offered by you to somebody, you should say:
- When was it?
- To whom did you offer it?
- What was the gift?
- How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
- What kind of gifts you prefer to offer?
- In your family do you make presents?
- What do think about gifts between companies?
- Can offering of gifts influence an economy of a country?
IELTS in South Africa – September 2009 ( General Training) 2009-10-02 07:14:42-04

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Many parents use TV and computer games as ‘baby sitters’ (allow children to watch too much TV and or play computer
games for too long). What are the reasons for this situation? What are the effects of watching too much TV or playing
computer games on children?
Speaking test
- Your full name.
- Where do you live?
- What type of work do you do?
- Do you like working alone or with other people?
Cue card
Think of an advertisement you liked and say:
- Why you liked the advertisement.
- What in it would make you want to buy the product.
- Why do you think the advertisement worked?
- What types of advertisements work?
- What types of advertisements have you seen on the street corners?
- What type of advertising is more effective, on TV or on the radio?
IELTS in UAE and Ghana – September 2009 ( Academic Module) Oct 1, 2009 7:03 AM

Speaking test
- What is your name?
- Are you working or studying?
- Some questions about competitions.
Cue card
Talk about a person who won a competition, you should say:
- who that person was
- what he/she won
- when he/she won
- what you liked about this person and why
- Do you think only children can enjoy competitions?
- What do you think about the activities of children at school?
- Do you think competitions are good for children?
- What do you think are the characteristics of a good player?
IELTS in Sweden – September 2009 ( Academic Module)
Writing test
Writing Task 1
There were 3 pie charts about playing electronic games in Korea during the year of 2003.
- The first described in percent each age group were playing.
- The second showed how many percent of those who played were woman and how many were men.
- The third indicated how popular different kinds of categories of games were.
Simone says: This bit is important – do you remember our last homework with the 3 pie charts? This could be a new trend
in the IELTS, so I suggest that you go back to it and practice. Click here to view the homework assignment with 3 charts.
Writing Task 2
The assignment was to write about the advantages of three different funding methods for education. They were:
1. Education funded by the government,
2. Education funded by the student
3. Education was funded by the student, but they were given a loan by the government, which they have to pay back after
finishing their studies.
Speaking test
- What is your name?
- What should I call you?
- Where are you from?
- Tell me about your town.
- Do you like fruit and vegetables?
Cue card
Tell me about a conversation you had with someone that was very important to you. You should say:
- When it was.
- To whom you were speaking.
- Why the conversation was important to you.
- Was this the first time you have spoken to this person?
- Do you think it is important to eat a lot of vegetables?
- Why should you eat vegetables?
- Do you like to eat vegetables?
IELTS Speaking questions from Canberra, Australia – September 2009
Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- How can I call you?
- Can I see your identification?
- Where are you living know?
- Do you like living there? Why
- What are the transportation methods are used in your area?
- Do you drive ? Why?
- When will you allow your children to drive?
Cue card
Describe the happiest event of your life, you should say:
- When was it?
- Where was it
- On what occasion?
- Do you believe that the young generation is not following the old traditions?
The examiner then asked me 2 or 3 questions more on the same topic of ‘traditions’.
IELTS in Sydney, Australia – September 2009 ( General Training)
Writing test
Writing Task 2 (essay)
People were not using computers in the past. Do you believe that positive impacts of computers outweigh negative impacts
on our daily life? Explain this with your ideas and relevant examples.
Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- May I check your identity please?
- Where are you coming from?
- Describe the home where you live.
- What activities do you do with your friends when you go out?
- Do you have sports facilities in your apartment?
Cue card
Talk about a change you want to make in your life:
- what the change is
- how you will do it
- how will the change be beneficial to you.
- Will the change will give you long term benefits?
- What kind of changes adults make in their life nowadays?
- What do you think about people who do not like changes in their lives?
- What are the human aspects that can never be changed?
IELTS in Iran – September 2009 (General Training)
Writing task 2 (essay)
Advantages and disadvantages of living in apartment blocks. Explain and support your opinion.
Speaking test
- Tell me your full name.
- Where are you living at the moment?
- Why you choose this town?
- Which city is your favorite for living in future? Why?
- Do you like shopping? When were you shopping last time?
- Do you like go shopping alone or with somebody else?
- What was the last things that you bought for yourself?
Cue card
Explain about the last job that you did very quickly.
– what was it?
– who told you to do it?
– how difficult was it?
– explain what was the result.
- When you became familiar with a computer for the first time?
- Do you think computer helps to do work quickly today?
- For which subjects you search the internet?
- What do you think about time management?
- Do you think people have to do it?
- Do you think parents should be concerned with time management for their children?
- Do you know any strategy or technique for time management? Can you explain it?
IELTS in Norway – September 2009 ( Academic Module)
Writing test
Writing task 1 (report)
We had to describe a table about changes in the male-to-female ratio between years 1930 and 2005 in 6 parts of the world:
Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Oceania.
Writing task 2 (essay)
The task was asking about illiteracy (a great number of people can not read and write today). We had to write about our
experiences with this issue and what governments should do about it.
Speaking test
I had to introduce myself and talk about my hometown.
Cue card
Talk about your favorite restaurant that you had visited, you should say:
- What kind of restaurant is it,
- Where is it located and its name,
- What kind of food they serve
I had to answer some general questions about food especially in the schools.
The quality of food, whether it is are healthy or not and what to do to promote food quality in the schools.
Then there was a question about my favorite music instrument and what kind of music I like.
IELTS Speaking questions, Australia – September 2009
Speaking test
- What is your name?
- How should I pronounce your name?
- What shall I call you?
- Do you work or study?
- What made you decide to choose this job?
- What do you have to do on your job?
- What makes this job interesting?
- Do you like to watch TV?
- Which channel and what kind of programs do you prefer?
- Do you like watching advertisements on TV? How do they influence consumers?
Cue card
If you could live in a foreign country, which country you would like to live in? You should say:
- What country would it be?
- How do you know about this country?
- If you could work in that country, what kind of work you think you would do?
- What do you have to prepare yourself for to learn another language?
- Do you think it’s difficult to learn other languages?
- Is it true that children can learn another languages while living abroad easier, than to learn it from their parents?
- If you can go to the country you want to, what do you have to prepare yourself for?
- Nowadays many people like to go abroad, what are the reasons for that?
- Does the Internet affect countries and cultures?
- Internet makes people from all over the world join in one place, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
- Is swimming popular in your country?
- Does your school have a swimming pool?
- Is it important to teach children how to swim?

IELTS in Adelaide, Australia – Writing and Speaking Sep 17, 2009 5:46 AM
Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)
The table we were given described Fishing Industry; the comparison between Large scale business and small scale
business and the sections included to compare were the Number of Employees, Annual Production, Annual Consumption of
fuel and one more category I forgot.
Writing Task 2 (essay)
Child care is very necessary for the parents, so mothers and fathers need to take a child care training course. To what
extent do you agree or disagree.
Speaking test
- Are you a student or working ?
- Why do you find this course interesting?
- Do you like to watch television?
- How often do you watch television?
- What sort of programs you like to watch on TV?
- Do you prefer to see the local channels or keen to see international channels?
Cue Card
Tell me about an electronic device you want to buy, you should say:
- What it looks like
- Why you’d like to buy this device
- When you are going to buy it.
- Is technology playing an important role in the society?
- Any Negative aspects of technology that you see in the society?
- There were two more questions that I don’t remember.
IELTS in Melbourne, Australia – September 2009 ( General Training)
Writing task 2 (essay)
Music is not practical and not valuable. Children should not be taught music at school. They should rather learn computing
and science. Do you agree or disagree?
Speaking test
From the questions in Speaking K. remembered only the Cue card:
Cue card
Talk about an exciting sport, you should say
- What is it,
- How popular is this sport,
- Why it is exciting.
IELTS in Germany – September 2009 ( Academic Module)
Writing Task 1 (report)
We had a bar chart, describing the exports of bananas in 3 different areas, Latin America, Europe and South Africa in the
years 1993 and 2003. Related to that was a pie chart, which described the partial costs like distribution, taxes, packaging,
Writing Task 2
Young people decide whether they want to go to the university or to travel around the world. However, working prepares
them more for a further life as an adult.
To what extent do you agree?
Speaking test
- What is your name?
- How shall I call you?
- Do you study or do you work?
- What is involved in your job?
- Do you use computers a lot?
- What do you do when you have trouble with your computer?
Cue Card
Tell me about a vehicle you would like to have, you should say:
- What kind of vehicle it is?
- Where have you seen it for the first time?
- Do you think you will be able to get it in the future?
IELTS Speaking questions, Nottingham (UK)
Speaking test
- What is your name?
- Where are you from?
- Do you study or do you work?
- What type of study you are doing?
- Do you enjoy traveling? Why?
Cue card
Tell me about a famous historical place that you have visited. You should include in your answer
- where is it located?
- what is it about that place that interests you the most?
I was asked about:
- Some of the famous historical places in my country & where are they located?
- Do you think people have stopped visiting these historical places and museums nowadays?
- Do you agree that people must pay to visit these historical places and museums?
- What other ways the people can get information about history in?
- Do you think TV is a good medium to learn about the history of any place?
- What about films, do you think they give complete information about the historical events?
IELTS in Pakistan – September 2009 ( Academic Module)
Writing task 2 (essay)

Computers nowadays are used in every field of life. Where in your opinion is the role of computers in education and where is
the role of teachers in education.
Speaking test

- What is your full name?

- Are you a student or a worker?

- What do you study?

- Where are you from?

- How often do you go to your friends?

- What do you prefer, have friends come to your home or go to their place? Why?

- Do you like to go out with your friends?

- Where do you like to go with your friends?

Cue Card

Talk about a journey that you have missed in the past, you should say:

- When was it,

- Where was it to,

- Why you missed it,

- How you felt about it.


- What is the difference between tourism tours and business tours?

- What should we do before going on a tour?

- Do you think that with development of Information technology business tours will be eradicated? Why?
IELTS in Australia – September 2009 ( Academic Module)
Writing test
Writing task 1 (report)

We had a line graph about energy sources used to produce electricity in The UK between 1996-2006 (not sure about the
period) There are 4 kinds for energy sources: natural fuel, oil, coal and nuclear energy. The trends were as follows: 2 lines
quite stable, one was upwards and one was downwards.
Writing task 2 (essay)

What in your opinion is better, encouraging young people go to university or train to be car mechanics and builders, which
are needed by the local community.
Speaking test

- Where do you live?

- How convenient is the transportation from your place?

- What were you reading when you were young?

- What are you reading at present?

- Do you shop for fruit and vegetables?

- How important is it to eat fruits and vegies?

Cue card

Describe a conversation you had and that was important to you in some way.

- Who you had it with,

- Where you had it,

- What it was about.


- Conversation in family: what kind of conversatios do you have as a family?

- Conversation between 2 men and 2 women – how different are they?

IELTS Speaking questions, Australia Sep 6, 2009 3:17 AM
Speaking test
- What is your name?

- Where do you come from?

- What city are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- What kind of work do you do?

- Did you take any course to get skills related to your current job?

- Will you need to gain any more skills related to your current position?

- Do you like to hang out with friends? Why / why not?

- When do you like to hang out with friends? Why?

- Do you invite your friends to your place or do you like to go out ? Why?

- Tell me something about advertisements. Do they play an important role in today’s world?

- What about advertisements in your country?

- Which advertisements of products influenced you to buy? Why?

Cue card

Talk about a kind of electronic device you would like to buy, you should say:

- What kind of device that is

- Why you want to buy it

- What kind of features would you like the device to have

- Is it reasonable to buy to it? Why?


- Technology and current society.

- How technology is affecting the current society?

- What are the advantages and disadvantages of that?

- Is technology useful in schools? Why?

- Will teachers replace computers?

- What about the people who don’t want to cope up with the current technology?

IELTS in Myanmar – August 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing task 1 (report)

There was a bar graph showing depletion of cultivated land in 4 areas due to 3 causes, namely deforestation, animal
farming and agriculture.

Writing task 2 (essay)

Some people say that news media is becoming more influential today peoples’ lives and it is a negative development. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Speaking test

- What’s your name?

- Tell me about your apartment that you are now living in.

- Do you have plans to stay there for a long time?

- Are there many advertisements in your country?

- How many hours a day do you watch TV?

- Which adverts do you like the most?

- Which programs do you like best and is it helpful for your studies?
Cue card

Talk about an article that you read in a magazine or a newspaper, you should say

- Where you read it,

- What was it about,

- Why did you remember that article.


- What do you think, which news is more interesting , on TV or in magazines? Why?

- What class of people chooses what type of news? Eg. which type of news would upper class choose, etc?

IELTS in Vietnam – August 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)

We had a bar graph that was showing popularity of 6 sports (football, rugby, snooker, swimming, tennis, and golf) among UK
residents in the years 1995, 2000, 2005.

Writing task 2 (essay)

In the past, there were many differences when people traveled to other countries. Nowadays, there were many similarity
between cultures all over the world. What are the possible causes in this increasing similarity? Do you think the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages of this phenomenon?

Speaking test
- What is your name?
- What shall I call you?
- Where do you come from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do in your job?
- Do you like your job?
- Will you change your job in the future?
- Do you give presents?
- When do you give presents?
- Do you think it is important to give presents?
- Should you give expensive presents?
Cue Card
Describe a famous person who you would like to meet, you should say:
- What is his/her job?
- Where did you first know his/her from?
- What are his/her characteristics?
- And why do you want to meet him/her?

The final part was a discussion about the famous person. I was asked to discuss this theme and express my opinion.
- Why does everyone want to become famous?
- What will they do when they are famous?

- Compare the differences between famous people now and before?

- What are the disadvantages if they are famous?
- The last question I couldn’t hear clearly, and I asked my examiner to repeat it, unfortunately I still couldn’t follow him the
second time. However, I answered in general, and I heard him saying um huh, …, uhm huh.

IELTS in Iran, Egypt and UK – August 2009 ( Academic Module)

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)

We had two pie charts that compared the reasons why students are choosing a particular UK university in 1987 and 2007.
Writing Task 2 (essay)

Some people think that governments should care about their citizens’ diet and health. Others think that people themselves
should take responsibility for their own diet and health. Discuss. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Speaking test
- What is your name?
- Where are you from?
- Tell me about your home.
- Which room in your apartment is the best?
- What do you do for improving your home?
Cue Card
Talk about your best friend and how do you spend your time together, you should say
– Who the friend is
- What do you do together.
- What do you think about strong relationship within families?
- Discuss Tehran families.
IELTS in Sydney, Australia – August 2009 ( Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing task 1 (report)

A graph that was showing popularity of 6 sports (football, rugby, snooker, swimming, tennis, golf) among UK residents in the
years 1995, 2000, 2005.
Writing task 2 (essay)

Similarity between cultures in the world is increasing. What are the possible reasons in your opinion, and what are the
advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon. Discuss including personal opinions and experiences.
Speaking test
- What is your name?
- Where do you come from?
- Do you drive a car?
- Do you think it is important to drive safely?
- What age would you like your kids to start driving?
Cue Card

Talk about an electronic device you would like to have.

- Describe it.

- Explain its functions.

- Why do you want it?

- Do you plan to buy it?


The final part was a discussion about the role of teachers in school during modern ages, and if they were still important
figures in a classroom, with all the technology available. I was asked to discuss this theme and express my opinion.
IELTS in UK– August 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing task 1 (report)

We had a graph that described the number of immigrants to USA, Canada and Australia between 1990 and 2000.

It was quite easy and clear.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Nowadays a huge amounts of advertisement aimed at children. Some people think that it endangers children and should be

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test

- What is your name?

- Where are you from?

- Tell me about your accommodation in the UK.

- Is public transport available there?

Cue Card
Talk about a party you would like to hold, you should say:

- Where and when it will be,

- What the occasion is,

- Who you are going to invite,

- Whether you are likely to invite your family and friends.


- Do you like to write letters?

- What was the last e-mail that you have written about and to whom?

- Do you like advertisements on TV or in magazines and why?

- What is a particular ceremony which is held in your country?

- What do you think about Olympic Games?

IELTS in UK– August 2009 (General Training)

Writing test

Writing task 1 (letter)

You are going to leave your apartment in an English speaking country and your landlord is a very good person, who has
assisted you a lot during your stay. Meanwhile, your friend wants to rent the flat after you. Write a letter to your landlord and

- let your landlord know about your leaving,

- thank your landlord for his/her help,

- tell him/her about your friend.

Writing task 2 (essay)

Some believe in order to protect the environment from any pollution the air travel should be reduced. Do you agree or
disagree? Tell about any of your experiences or any example to support your opinion.

Speaking test


- What is your full name?

- Can I see your ID Card?

- Can you describe your town?

- What do you enjoy more in your town?

- Is bicycle more popular among your people?

- Did you ride bicycle as a child?

Cue Card

Tell about what you would like to buy in future. You should say:

- What is it?

- What does it look like?

- When did the thought of buying it come to your mind?


- Why do you like to buy that thing (from the cue card)?

- Do your people spend a lot of time for shopping?

- Do you think shopping is a waste of time?

- Do you think consumers get under influence of shopping environment?

- Do you think a stabilized shop can keep consumers?

IELTS in Germany – August 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)

Describe a line graph about the number of immigrants coming to Canada, USA and Australia from 1990 to 2001.

Writing task 2 (essay)

Advertisements have a negative effect on children. Should they therefore be banned? Discuss, what is your opinion?

Speaking test

- What’s your full name?

- Where are you from?

- Describe the city you live in.

- What do you like the most about the place?

- Do you have many visitors coming to your house?

- What do you do before someone comes to visit you?

Cue card

Describe a situation of success in your life, you should say:

- when was it,

- why you did it

- why you think it was successful


- Does success depend on other people?

- Do you think our view of what success is has changed recently?

- How has your viewpoint on success changed?

IELTS in Malaysia – August 2009 ( General Training)

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (letter)

You are shifting out of your accommodation. You think the place is suitable for your English speaking colleague who is
arriving next month. Write a letter to your colleague

1. Explain why you are shifting out.

2. Describe your accommodation

3. Why is it suitable for your friend?

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Some people say that parents contribute to a child’s success in adult life by the way the child is brought up. Do you agree or

Speaking test


- What’s your name

- How shall I address you?

- What do you do? Work or studying?

- What kind of work?

- Do you watch a lot of TV?

- What programmes do you like?

- Do you think TV is educational?

Cue Card

Describe a place you have visited, you should say

- When was it?

- Where did you go?

- How was it?


- Is tourism useful/important to a country?

- What’s the difference between a a business travel and leisure travel?

- Modern tech telecommunications – how is it useful for international business today ?

- Is it necessary to travel that much with the availability of modern communication systems?

- Can business be done via these communications technology?

IELTS Speaking questions, Norway

Speaking test


- What is your name?

- What shall I call you?

- Where are you from?

- Describe the city you live in.

- Do you have visitors in your house ?

- How often?

- What kind of preparation do you do to have your guests?

- Are you interested in the news?

- How do you follow the news?

Cue card

Talk about a success you had in your life, you should say:

- when was it?

- why was it important?

- why did you choose to do that?


- Do you think a good employee should be rewarded ?

- How?

- Do you think success leads to happiness?

IELTS in Perth, Australia – August 2009 ( Academic Module)

Writing Task 1 (report)

We had a chart about oil consumption and production in China from 1984 up to 2008. It was easy.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

There are many new technologies for communication. Do you think they are helping people to stay in touch or not? Provide
relevant examples and state your opinion.

Speaking test


- What is your name?

- How should I call you?

- Are you driving?

- Is it important to drive safely? Why?

- What kind of music do people listen in your country?

- What is popular leisure activity in your country?

- Do you like vegetables and fruit?

- Is it important for children to eat them?

- What age is good to start learning how to drive?

- Did you get your license when you were at school?

Cue card

Talk about a leisure activity that you want to start:

- When are you starting it?

- Where is it going to take place?

- What is the use of this activity?


- Should people get involved in leisure activities?

- Do you think it can be difficult to have leisure activities when you retired?

- Do people get bored leisure activities when they are retired?

IELTS in Pune, India – August 2009 (General Training )

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (letter)

As an evening class student, your teacher gave you an essay assignment for the weekend. You could not complete the
essay on time. Write a letter with inclusion of following:

- the subject of your essay

- the reason you could not finish it due to.

- how and when you will finish it.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Nowadays, people working in different jobs have different amount of Holidays. Should different types of jobs have different
amount of holidays, according to the type of the job? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your

Speaking test


- What is your full name?

- Tell me where you are from.

- Do you work or study?

- Is your work very strenuous?

- Is your work experience of any use to you in future?

- About bicycles – are they liked by adults and children, safe, exist today more or less?
Cue Card

Tell us about one of your best friends, you should say

- Who is he/she? Name?

– Where did you meet him/her?

– What did you do together?

- Do you think your friendship is long lasting?


- Is improvement in Communication technology assisting friendship?

- People meeting via other media like chat, email, etc justifies friendship in real?
- Friendship in relatives more real than non-relatives?

- Is international co-operation necessary nowadays?

IELTS in Dubai, UAE – August 2009 (General Training)
Writing test

Writing Task 1 (letter)

You have an evening class and your teacher gave you an essay to work on for the weekend. However, you were not able to
finish the essay. Write a letter saying the following:

- outline the subject of your essay

- what happened why you did not finished it

- tell what you will do to finish it.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

People working different jobs should have holidays of different length, do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test


- What is your full name?

- Tell me where you live now.

- Is transportation difficult in your place?

- Do you drive?

- Should drivers learn in the best way possible?

- Does your school require people to drive?

Cue Card

Describe a leisure activity that you want to do, you should say

– why do you want to do it?

– where you want to do it?

– will there be a problem, when you do it?


- Do children really waste a lot of their time on their leisure activities?

- Some people say that hobby is a waste of time, why is that so?

- What is the leisure activity famous in your country nowadays?

- What is the effect of the changes of leisure activity in your country?

IELTS in South Africa – August 2009 ( Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)

Describe a double bar chart – trips made by men and women respectively during 2007 to 5 or 6 different destinations , eg to
work, sport, shops, schools.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Museums and art galleries should show art of their own culture, rather than those from other countries. Do you agree or

Speaking test


- Describe your town.

- Do you enjoy living there?

- Do you have people come over to your home?

- How do you entertain them?

Cue card

Describe an interesting stage in your life, you should say

- when was it,

- where was it,

- why you find it interesting.


- Describe different stages in life, that are celebrated in your culture.

- Describe the legal ages in your country.

IELTS in Malaysia – August 2009 ( General Training)

Writing Test

Writing Task 1 (letter)

Write a letter to your English-speaking friend telling him/her about a local event that is to take place in your town, which
would be useful to her/him. In your letter

- Mention the event

- What are the activities involved

- Mention the arrangements you would make for his/her stay

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Fast food is becoming very popular in recent times. Some people feel this is affecting the way people live today. Do you
agree or disagree with this? Explain your opinion with examples.

Speaking Test


- What is your name?

- Where do you come from?

- Describe the apartment/house you live in.

- Which is your favorite room in the house?

- Why?

Cue card

Talk about a historical place that you visited, you should say:

- What was its name?

- Where was it?

- What is its history?

- What did you like about the place?


- Do you feel it is necessary for people to be taught history from an early age?

- When did you learn history?

- Is it necessary for children to be taught History in the primary school?

IELTS Speaking questions from UAE and Philippines

Speaking Test 1


- What is your name?

- Are you working or studying?

- What kind of work do you do?

- What makes you like your job?

- Did you have experience in painting, when you were little?

- Do you think painting will be good for school age children?

- Why do you think people buy paintings?

- Are you going to buy a painting?

Cue Card

Tell me about the job you would like to have in the future, you should say:

- What kind of job is it?

- Why you would like it?

- What difference does it have with the job you have now?


- What kind of friends would you like to meet?

- Are you going to invite them in your house or go out instead?

Speaking Test 2


- Do you work or study?

- Do you enjoy shopping?

- What do you usually do in your free time?

- Who shops most of the time?

- What is music to you?

- What kind of music do they usually play in the Philippines?

- What is the significance of music for every individual?

- Why do they play music in the shopping malls?

- When you were young, think of a music that you liked most - why did you like that kind of music?

Cue card 1

Talk about a situation you needed help, you should say

- What it was all about

- Who helped you,

- Why it is very important to you

Cue Card 2

Describe a conversation you had in the past, that is very important to you.

- Whom did you have it with ?

- What happened?

- What did your learn from it?

- Why was it important to you?


- Do you still talk to that person?

- Did you share the conversation you had with that person with any other family member?

- What do you think would be the problem if two people talking had two different languages?

- Do you think a face to face conversation is better than talking to someone over the phone?

- What do you think is a good conversationalist?

- Do you think using an interpreter would help if two people conversing had different languages?

- What do you think could be a problem when using an interpreter?

IELTS in New Zealand - July 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)

World Heritage sites (there was about 7) in Australia visited by tourists. There was a table, with 3 columns for the following
years 1996, 1998, 2000. In the rows there were numbers for heritage sites

Great Barrier Reef 1500000 1980000 3210000

Blue Mountain 450000 470000 550000

Rainforest 700000 650000 600000

asmania don’t remember the numbers

Macqaurie Island 330 310 300

These are not the exact numbers, but similar ones.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Some parents let their children live in another country or a bigger city and study in a college. Is it a positive development?
What are the reasons? Give examples and state your opinion.
Speaking test

- What is your name?

- What do you do, study or work?

- Did you have to have training for your job?

- Where do you live?

- What do you think about advertisement?

- Did you buy any product, because it was advertised?

Cue card

Tell me about a conversation, which happened recently, you should say:

- why was it important

- who was that person that you had the conversation with
- when was it

- describe what did you learn from that conversation

IELTS in Ireland - July 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)

Explain the difference between the two diagrams. The 2 diagrams showed the school buildings in 2003 & 2010.
Writing Task 2 (essay)

Express your views regarding sufficient respect towards older people. What can be the reasons? How does it affect the
society? Support your answer with your personal experience.
Speaking test

- What is your full name?

- Where do you live at the moment? Describe that place.

- Do you eat fruit and vegetables?

- How important are the fruit and vegetables? Is it easy to get them?

- Why do you think new generation doesn’t like their old culture/outfits?

- Do you have any of your childhood toys?

- Do you think nowadays kids have more toys? Why?

Cue card

Talk about one of your childhood’s memorable events, you should say

- why do you remember it?

- when did it happen?

- what happened during the event?

IELTS in New Zealand - July 2009 (General Training)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (letter)

You have been offered a job overseas that you applied for. Write a letter to your friend who already knows about that job as

- tell what kind of job is it

- explain why you applied for this job

- ask your friend about the country

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Some people are living in the high-rise apartments, which makes them feel lonely and unhappy. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of living in apartments.

Give reasons and provide examples.

Speaking test

- Tell me about your city.

- Describe the room where you live.

Cue card

Speak about success that you experienced in your life recently, you should say

- when it happened

- what was it

- why you feel it was a success


- Talk about success:

- How does it affect peoples lives?

- How can a person become successful?

- What do you have to do?

- How long does success last?

IELTS in Australia - July 2009 (General Training)

Writing test

Writing task 1 (letter)

A sports club in your area is about to be closed and you oppose to that. Write a letter to the manager and make suggestions
why it is important that the club stays open.

Writing task 2 (essay)

Some people think that in primary schools science and technology should be compulsory subjects rather than history and
geography, because these subjects are a waste of time. What is your opinion?

Speaking test

- What is your full name?

- What can I call you?

- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- What do you study?

- Why did you choose this course?

- Do you want to continue studying?

Cue card

Talk about a change you would like in your life, you should say

- how will you make this change happen

- how much time will you spend on this change


- What type of changes people want in their lives?

- Did they make more efforts for these changes?

- What types of changes are happening in your country related to education?

- Are all the people satisfied with the changes?

- When was your last time shopping?

- Did you buy anything different than you did before?

- Where so you usually go shopping?

IELTS in Malaysia - July 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)

Two tables were given. We were required to report on a survey conducted on a library’s range of books (Table 1) and non-
book facilities (DVDs & CDs) (Table 2) across 5 age categories. The subjects’ criteria were Very Good, Satisfactory and

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Governments have been responsible for environmental pollution. Should companies and private individuals be made to pay
the costs for pollution? To what extent do you agree or disagree? State facts, your opinions and/or personal experiences
you may have regarding environmental pollution.

Speaking test

- What is your full name?

- How should I call you?

- Tell me about the city you live in.

- Does your city have a swimming centre?

- Do you agree that swimming is good for you? Why?

- Do you like to attend parties?

- What kind of parties do you prefer, family parties or young people’s parties? Why?

- What is the legal age for drinking, driving and marriage in your country?

- Do you think that the legal age is suitable? Why?

- Do you agree that the legal age should be reduced to a lower age? Why?

Cue Card
Tell me about the best stage in your life. You should say:

- When that stage was.

- What you did.

- Who you did it with.

- Why it it was the best stage in your life.


- Why do you think traditional ceremonies and national days are celebrated?

- Do you think they should be marked?

- Can we do without them? Why is it significant or insignificant to some?

- Why is it important to you?

Then I shook her hand, and said “Thank you so much for your time. I hope you have a great weekend!” Big smiles!

That was it! I think it wasn’t bad at all. Try to be as honest as possible and have a connection with the examiner when telling
your little story, just like when you’re talking to your friends or family. It makes a lot of difference.

That’s all people! Enjoy trying out the questions and all the best in your IELTS!
IELTS in Lebanon - July 2009 (General Training)

Writing test

Writing Task 1

You ordered two items through internet and you received two different items. Write a letter to the manager:

Explain about what you ordered,

Ask why the two other items were different,

Ask about how would he solve this problem.

Writing Task 2

Some people say that government should increase the tax on petrol in order to decrease traffic and pollution. Do you agree
with this opinion? Explain the benefits and drawbacks.

Speaking test


- Where are you from?

- Where do you live? (apartment, area)

- Can you describe your home?

- Which room in your home do you like more? Why?

- What do you do to improve your home?

- What time do you wake every day? Why?

- Which part of the day do you like more?

- Do you prefer handwriting or using computer? Why?

- Do you think that handwriting on it’s way to die?

Cue card

- Talk about the most important phone call that you received and brought good news to you, you should say:

- Who called you? When, where ?

- What was it about?

- Why was it so important to you?


- Do you often receive phone calls?

- Do you often make phone calls?

- What do you prefer, mobile phone or land phone? Why?

- What do you think is more popular: cell phone or Internet?

- Do you prefer using cell phone or emails, why?

- Nowadays, do you think people communicate more or less than before?

IELTS in Ireland - July 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing task 1 (report)

We were given a line graph about Australian students who left the school.
Writing task 2 (essay)

In some societies the number of elderly people is increasing. Do you think the positive impact of this outweighs the negative
Speaking test

- Where do you live now? Describe.

- Questions about reading in childhood

- Questions about fruits and vegetables

Cue card

Talk about a leisure activity that you like, you should say

- where you do it,

- When you do it,

- explain why you like doing it.


I don’t remember the exact questions, however it was related to leisure time.

IELTS Speaking questions, Australia

Here is another set of Speaking questions from Aussie IELTS test, thanks to A for remembering and sharing:


- What is your full name?

- Do you work?

- What kind of job do you do?

- What kind of courses did you do for the current work that you are doing?

- Do you hope to further your education ?

Cue Card

Talk about an article you recently read in either a magazine or newspaper,

- Mention the name of this magazine or newspaper.

- What was the article about?

- Why did you remember it?


- Do you think journalists who report on TV are different from those who report on radio or in newspapers and why.

- Why do you think some people listen to radio rather than watching TV or reading newspapers?

- What influence has the media got on the journalists who report on TV or in newspapers?

- What will happen to newspapers in future with the coming of the Internet?

- What do you prefer, reading a newspaper, watching TV,or listening to the radio and why?
IELTS exam in Australia - July 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)

We had two bar charts for the years 1970 and 2000 comparing percentage of men and women that are employed in four
countries, namely Belgium, USA, Japan and Australia.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Money for postgraduate research is limited. Financial support from the government should be put for scientific research
instead of other less important subjects. To what extend do you agree?
Speaking test


- What is your name?

- Are you studying or working?

- What do you think about using museums and art galleries for educational purposes?

- What can students learn from them?

Cue card

Talk about something that you don’t know how to do now and would like to learn, you should say

- What it is

- How you will learn

- Who can teach you


- When did you start learning about the Internet?

- What are the advantages of the Internet?

- Will computers ever replace teachers? Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS exam in London, UK - July 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test

Writing Task1 (report)

There was a bar chart showing how five different age groups used the internet daily over 4 years. That means every age
group had 4 different percentages: quite a lot of information to try to group together, but fairly easy.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Many countries face violent football supporters. Write from your own experience and knowledge about the reasons and how
this problem could be solved.
I hated this topic since I have no interest in football, but used your template with introduction, reason 1 and so on, and
managed to write two pages.
Speaking test

- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- Do you intend to do more courses?

- Why do you think people have paintings in their homes?

- Have you got paintings?

- Did you have art classes as a child?

- Do you think it is important for children to have art classes?

Cue card

- Talk about a film you saw recently at home or cinema, you should say:

- What kind of film was it?

- When , where, who did you see it with?

- What was it about?

- Why did you like it?


- What do you think is the difference between seeing a movie at home or on DVD?

- What do you prefer and why?

- What does a movie need to be good?

- Do you prefer dubbed or subtitled films, why?

- What actors do you like?

- About vegetables:
- Do you think they are important to get?

- Can you get fresh vegetables in your country?

Overall, I think the oral test was easy, but as has been noted on the blog, it feels a bit awkward in the beginning because it’s
a lot of questions and you try to answer short but not staccato.
IELTS Speaking questions from Singapore and UAE
Speaking test in Singapore

- Where are you from?

- Has your town changed? How?

- Are you interested in the news?

- What kind of news?

- From what sources you get your news?

- Are elders interested in news more than young people? Why / Why not?
Cue card

Discuss the best stage of your life, you should say:

- what was your age ?

- why was it the best stage?

- What is the legal age of voting and marriage in your country?

- Is it the right age or you wold like to make some changes?

- Do you think there will be any changes in legal age? Why or why not?
Speaking test in UAE


- What is your name?

- What are your hobbies?

- Did you learn to paint in primary school?

- What do you think about people who buy expensive paint?

- Do you like buying paint?

- What do you think about swimming as a leisure activity for children?

Cue card

Talk about an aquatic center you enjoy to go to, say

- Where is it?

- When do you go there?

- Why do you like it?

- Who do you go with?

- What are the water resources in your country?

- Why we should take care of the water resources?

- Discuss pollution and water resources.

IELTS Speaking questions from Iran and the Philippines

Speaking test in the Philippines


- What is your full name?

- Do you study or work?

- Where did you study?

- Do you drive? If not, why?

- At what age your children are likely to learn driving, you think?
Cue card

Talk about one of the happiest events in your childhood, you should say

- Why was it important

- Where it happened

- When was it?

- Does your family still remember it? Why?

- Are you still keeping something from your childhood, like toys or pictures? For what reason?

- Fresh fruits and vegetables in the day to day life.

- Are you eating fast food? Why?

- Is it available in your place?

- Are people following the old traditions these days? Why?

Speaking test in Iran

- Talk about your place

- What kinds of transportation you use in your hometown?

- How often do you go out?

- How do you spend your spare time?

- How often do you read books?

- What kinds of books?

Cue card

Talk about a party you would like to hold

- What do you do to hold it?

- What special things you do at this party?

- What are the differences between old and young generation’s parties?

- Which one do you prefer, friendly gathering or family gathering? Why?

- What special things you do in family gathering?

- Talk about national ceremonies in your country.

- Are they useful or not? Why?

IELTS exam in Germany - June 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)

A diagram (cross section) about the MontBlanc tunnel in Europe and a Japanese rail tunnel. Describe information and
compare where necessary.

The writing test shocked me! I was mentally fixed on graphs, bar charts, pie charts and so on and the vocabulary so it was a
shock to me when I saw the diagram.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

The government has to provide primary and secondary education, but for university education s.o. (students, their parents
etc) should pay. To what extent do you agree.

Well, not a piece of cake actually, but I remembered the hints in your book, made a list for pros and cons and started writing.
Finished the last word when the examiner said. “Stop writing, pencils on the table” so I couldn’t check for mistakes.
Speaking test

I entered the room and we had a little smalltalk (the examiner started this smalltalk) and I was very confident. Up to the
moment when the examiner said: “Oh by the way, that’s not the test. I have to start the recorder first” Then she did, stated
date, time , center number, my name and candidate number and so on.

The examiner was nice and very kind, no problem about our relation and so on but it felt like a bloody police questioning and
I was not able to answer the bloody questions in two sentences.
Cue Card
What kind of course would you take if you had the time, you should say

- what would you learn in this course

- why would you chose it


A few questions about

- quality of teachers

- sport facilities in my town,

- what kind of sports I’d like to do

IELTS exam in the Philippines - June 2009 (Academic Module)
Writing test

Writing Task 1

We were given 2 maps of a certain college campus. The first one was the map of the campus in 1955 and the second
illustrated the changes and developments after 50 years (2005).

Writing Task 2

Developed countries give aid to developing nations. Some think financial support is enough while others believe that help
should be given out in the form of practical aid and advice. Discuss each view and give your opinion.

Speaking Test

- Tell me your full name

- What should I call you?

- Do you work or do you study?

- Is it an easy job?

- Do you use machines at work?

- Do you think its going to change in the future?

- Do you like writing letters?

- What do you prefer, to receive letters or telephone calls?

Cue card

You should speak about how you achieved success and mention

- what did you do?

- when was it?

- why did you choose this?

- do you consider yourself successful?


- What should people do to achieve success?

- But there are some people who do not achieve success despite having what you’ve just said. Why do you think that is?

- What do you think of society’s perception of success?

- And you do not think the same?

IELTS exam in Algeria - June 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)

Describe a process about the construction of tunnels

Writing Task 2 (essay)
While government should pay for the primary and secondary studies, university studies should not be subsidized. To what
extend do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test
I had to do two speaking tests, one in Thursday, and one Saturday , because they had a problem with the recorder in the
first Speaking test.

- What is your name?

- Do you work or study?

- Do you think your work is going to change in the future?

- Do you use machines at work?

Cue card

Describe a sports event you attended recently, you should say

- when was it

- where was it

- who were the players

- and why did you like it

Then I was asked different questions about the sport and its advantages for people and for the society.
IELTS Speaking questions from 2 recent exams

Speaking Test 1

- Tell me your full name

- What should I call you?

- Where are you from?

- Can you tell me something about your home / apartment?

- What improvement for your home you think needs to be done?

- When was the last time you went out with your friends?

- Do you prefer to go out alone or with friends?

Cue card

You should speak about a special toy you got as a child

- describe the toy

- tell why it was so important to you.


- Do you think toys should be shared by children?

- What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?

- What can you tell about toys before and toys nowadays?
- How would a toy help in the development of children?
Speaking Test 2

- What is your name?

- Where do you stay?

- Tell me about the area you live in.

- Do you like to stay there, why?

- Any public transport available in your area?

- Do you drive? If yes, why?

- Do you want your children to drive in future?

(I was quite shocked to be asked about 10-13 questions during my 1st interview.)
Cue card

I was asked to talk about my trip which was not up to my expectations and say:

- what happened,

- what did I do and

-what was my feeling.

( I finished it in less than 2 minutes and frankly I didn’t encounter any such bad experience before.)

I was asked question about the tourist industry, the impacts of it, both positive and negative, future tourists, etc.
IELTS exam in Abu Dhabi, UAE - June 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing Test
Writing Task 1 (report)

There was a table representing the percentage of young people from the age 15 to 21 years, employed in different sectors in
the years 1997 and 2005 in one region of Oceania. We had to write a comparative report based on the table.
Writing Task 2 (essay)

Maintaining public libraries today is a waste of money with the present increase in the computer technology. Do you agree or
disagree with the system?
Speaking Test

The examiner started with some general questions about myself, where I stayed and my family. Then he asked

- What is the change that you suggest for the present accommodation?

- What is your favorite room in the house?

- Do you enjoy traveling?

- What country would you like to visit?

- Did you start cooking when you were in school?

- Do you enjoy cooking?

- What is the dish that you can cook best?

- Do you think that students should be allowed to cook while at school?

Cue card

Tell me about a famous historical place that you have visited:

- where is it located?

- what is it about that place that interests you the most?

Then I was asked:

- Some of the famous historical places in my country & where they are located.

- Do you think people have stopped visiting these historical places and museums nowadays?

- Are you okay with purchasing tickets in order to visit these historical places and museums?

- Where else besides the Internet can you get information about history?

- Do you think TV is a good medium to convey the message?

- What about films, do you think they give complete information about the event?

- How far do you think the information is true?

IELTS exam in Australia - June 2009 (Academic Module)

Writing test
Writing Task 1 (report)

We had a line graph of world energy source’s requirement from 1970 to 2030 (prediction graph)

Writing Task 2 (essay)

School children should not be forced to learn other foreign languages as their ability differs. Do you agree or disagree?
Speaking test

- What is your name?

- What should I call you?

- Do you study or do you work?

- What type of study you are doing?

- Is it easy to learn / what equipment do you use to learn?

Cue card

Tell me about the famous person you would like to meet.

- who is the person

- why he is famous

- explain: why do you want to meet him?


- Why some people want to become famous?

- Do they have private life?

- How do you know the news?

- Do old people and youngsters have different choices of news? Why?

- What is the view of younger people of the fame? Did it change from the past?

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