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Paper 2 outline

Knights blades a cut aobe the rest

What is it
UCF branch of the HEMA (historical, European Martial Arts)
Currently focused on German long sword taught by Meyers 455 year
old manual
Focusses on other medieval combat and modern techniques by Jason
Veil (wrote US special forces combat guide book)

Its a open group for anyone who wants to join
Fridays are beginners classes and a lax review day for reoccurring
Beginners, intermediate, advanced, instructors, and fectors
(authorized by the frifacotrs in the global organization)

Rules/ regulations
Must preform maturely and act with acceptable behavior
Never hit on the neck for risk of being paralyzed
Never aim to main opponent
Always keep temper and anger in control
Sign a injury waver to participate in combat traiing
Learn control of power and not just strike wildly and blindly on
opponent *especially if unprotected*

Hindrances and restriction

Members schedule changing and restricting them from attending
Sun light- we practice outside we can only train while the sun is out
Negative publicity from immature individuals
Lack of advertisement
Lack of funds
People misunderstanding what it is and not inquiring

Goals and objectives

Learn swordsman ship as taught 455 years ago in German army and
Provide a safe and fun way to recreate the art
Win the local, cross county, global competitions.
Learn multiple armaments of historical Europe (dusk, rapier, dagger
and multitude more) after the long sword

Steel, synthetic carbon, wood, other strong materials for training
Steel, leather covered padded foam, polycarbon covered gloves to
protect hands (lacrosse, hockey
Modified fencing, reinforced kendo, steel mesh full head and neck
Full body reinforced jackets protect chest, stomach, ribs, and back
Optional shin guards
For training we also use each others bodies to add mor of a incentive
to preform right

Particular speech
German pronunciations and positions of specific positions and attacks
relative to the current lesson
Nicknames based on performances, inside jokes, and injury in
Mix English and German to help understand and memorize what is to
be preformed

Our community
Practice in the public fields between the student union and arena
People going and/or returning from class spectate
Host or travel to competitions the other factions of the HEMA alliance
The head members of HEMA
A school faculty to sponsor the club
Journalism members doing articles
student photographers and non student photographers

Elected officers to organize
President- Alex
VP- Harvey
Secretary- Munin
Injury personnel- john
Treasurer- me (Michael)
Overseer/instructor- Thor

Non combat tools

Face book page to communicate
Personal website with the information
Meeting after each practice
Google drive to store and distribute information
UCF mall fields for the practice

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