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Criterion D: Evaluating

Self-evaluation of my logo design:

Discuss your performance at each stage (A-D) of the process:
A. INVESTIGATE: Please rate your performance

I completed extensive research and investigation into logos and my chosen cause
I completed moderate research and investigation into logos and my chosen cause
I completed limited research and investigation into logos and my chosen cause

B. DESIGN: How successful would you describe your design in regards to the elements and
principles of design and the values of your chosen cause?
I think the design was successful because it had all the necessary elements, principles that reflected on
the cause with clearly conveyed values.
C. PLAN: How well did you show the development of your design, including clear
annotations, in the initial drawing stages of your design and in your use of ICT?

Very good



No evidence

D. CREATE: How successful is your final logo for your T-shirt?

Talk about what you did well, whether you followed your plan, and what you could have done
I generally followed my plan but included a slogan that wasnt in the initial design. I managed to edit my
hand drawn design of the logo on photoshop successfully but it took an extensive period to get it done. I
believe I applied the correct colour contrast into the design to reflect on my cause and values which was
also clearly conveyed through my logo. I dont think there is anything else that I could have done better.

Which other students work do you most admire and why?

I really admired Sams logo because it had a clever slogan. I also admired Charlottes design logo
because it was cleverly designed and an appropriate colour contrast and design elements that reflected
on the cause.

Peer Evaluation of your logo design:

Peer Evaluators Name: Samuel
The following is a list of statements to respond to. Think carefully before assigning rating values for
each of the statements.
1-Strongly Agree




5-Strongly Disagree

Elements & Principles:
The logo design is successful
in applying the elements and
principles of design and the
values of the chosen cause.
The Cause:
The logo design clearly
identifies the organisation to
which the cause belongs.

Communication of Values:
The values or aims of the
cause are clearly

Peer Feedback

Your Response

The the logo is very successful

it has all of the elements the
logo is meant to have and it
shows the seriousness of the

Yes the logo shows all about

the coal problem in Australia

The logo is clear and

everything about is perfect for
the cause

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