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Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)


Bumps / Sets


November 4, 2014


Grade 6 Physical Education


30 minutes


Volley Ball


Ms. Stiff



Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities;
dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternate environment; e.g.
aquatics and outdoor pursuits


Select, perform and refine challenging locomotor sequences

Students will:
1. Refine and practice bumping and setting skills


can students bump and set a ball to a partner?

can students aim a volleyball at a target?
can students bump the ball to themselves?




Assessment of Prior


students have spent previous lessons learning how to bump, set and
practicing their skills

Expectations for Learning students will listen during instruction

and Behaviour
students will behave safely
students will be respectful of others and work together

1. Practice with a partner

2. Volleyball dodgeball
3. Bump challenge

Transition to Body

Students run 5 laps and then have a seat in the middle of the gym to await

Learning Activity #1

2 minutes

Practice with a partner

Students will break with the partner of their choice and find their own space
in the gym. They will then practice what theyre learned and bump/set the

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

ball to one another.


students are not require to execute perfect form, they are simply required to
participate to the best of their abilities.
Students are assessed by observation:
Teacher will look to see if students are working to improve their bumping
and setting skills

Learning Activity #2

Assessments/ Differentiation

Volley ball dodgeball

Students will sit in the middle of the gym for instruction.
How the game is played:
Same way as other games of dodgeball but the only way they can get the ball
over the middle line is by bumping or setting the ball.
Students are divided into 2 teams by the 1,2 method. Each team will choose a
doctor then commence play.

7 minutes

10 minutes

students are not require to execute perfect form, they are simply required to
participate to the best of their abilities.
Students are assessed by observation:
Teacher will look to see if students are working to improve their bumping
and setting skills

Learning Activity #3

Assessments/ Differentiation

Bump Challenge
Students each receive a ball, they will hold the ball in their hands until the
teacher counts down from 3. Students will then begin bumping the ball to
themselves as many times as they can without letting the ball hit the floor. If
they drop the ball then the student sits down. Last students remaining wins!

5 minutes

students are not require to execute perfect form, they are simply required to
participate to the best of their abilities.
Students are assessed by observation:
Teacher will look to see if students are working to improve their bumping

Feedback To Students


Thank students for their participation

Transition To Next Lesson continuing to work on volleyball skills

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

This was the first lesson that I delivered in my PS 1 practicum. It did not go as
smoothly as I would have liked it too. I learned while delivering my lesson that I
needed to plan more than I had originally thought. Because it is gym time and this
is one of the few times that the students are able to let loose and run around, I
wanted to keep instruction to a minimum and get started right away. Turns out
my class needs more instruction than I thought that they might. I had a are time
getting all of the students to follow instructions and to sit quietly while I explained
what activity we were going to do. In the future I will go over exactly what they
need to do before leaving the classroom for gym time. This way students will
know exactly what the expectations are so they should be more compliant in doing
what that are supposed to be doing.
During the dodgeball volleyball exercise one of the students got hit in the face with
a volleyball and was hurt. This shook me up and made me re-think the whole
activity. I stopped the game mid play and introduced a new rule that students
should not be serving the ball overhand in anyways because this can cause
injuries. The game went much smoother from that point on.

Reflections from the


I also had some difficulty getting all of the students to participate. Some of the
students in my class simply dont enjoy physical education so it is hard to get them
to participate. I asked my TA what she does in this scenario and she said that she
simply tells students that participation is an expectation and is not optional. It is
never my expectation in physical education that students become amazing
athletes, however it is challenging just to get some students willing to participate. I
feel that some students simply have it in their minds that they dont like P.E. and it
is hard to change that but I will think about different ways that I can motivate the
students to WANT to get in the game. I think some students were also not
participating in the game because dodgeball can be overwhelming for them
because there is so much going on all at once. Something I can do to get these
students to participate in the next lesson is to have activities which have more
structure to them so that it is not quite so overwhelming for them.
Although multiple things went wrong and could be improved upon in this lesson, I
think that overall the students had fun and they were practicing their volleyball
skills. It is mostly classroom management issues that I will need to address in the
next lesson in order to make it more successful. I also need to plan one or two
sponge activities for each lesson in case a planned activity does not go according
to plan we can switch to another activity.
In future I need to be really focused on delivering clear instructions and being
sure that students understand all instructions before letting them start playing.
This applies to all of my lessons, not just physical education.I need to work on
being firm and putting techniques in place to quiet students down and get them
into a mood where they are calm and open to learning and paying attention to

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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