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Teacher Candidate

Samantha Colman
Greenwood High School

Date/Time of Lesson
Subject/Grade Level
Probability and Statistics/ 11-12

Gina Dunn

Cooperating Teacher
Woody Nivens

Description of Lesson
In this lesson I will teach the students about geometric distribution. I will explain the definitions and demonstrate examples
of geometric distribution. The students will be able to work examples of geometric distribution by the end of lesson.
Lesson Plan Component
Lesson Topic/Title

Geometric Distribution

Title of lesson, similar to a book title

NCTM: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability understand the concepts of sample space and probability
National Standard(s): List the number and write the distribution and construct sample spaces and distributions in simple cases.
standard; i.e., IRA/NCTE, NCSS, NCTM, MENC,
SC Curriculum Standard: S-MD ( Using Probability to Make Decisions) Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions
SC Curriculum Standard(s): List the number and
SC Academic Indicator: 7. (+) Analyze decisions and strategies using probability concepts
write the standard; i.e., GS-6.1
SC Academic Indicator(s): List the number and
write the indicator

Curriculum Standards Addressed

Cross-Curricular Connections

Students need to be able to read examples and comprehend the vocabulary in the book.

Write how the lesson is integrated with other

subject areas

Instructional Objectives

Students will be able to find probabilities using the geometric distribution

What should students know or be able to do by the

end of the lesson?

Students should be able to find geometric distribution with a worksheet with a 85% accuracy after completing
the worksheet.

NCTM- Understand and apply basic concepts of probability

Students will (VERB)

Objectives should be observable and

Instructional Objectives cont.

Lesson Plan Component

List the numbers for the standards that

each objective addresses; i.e., NCSS 1, SC


List all materials needed to implement your

lesson; e.g., pencils, notebook, selected
reading(s), video, PowerPoint...
If digital technology will be integrated in
the lesson to enhance the learning
experience, address how.

Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge)

List skills/abilities students will need to successfully
participate in their learning experience according to
the following developmental needs:





How will you accommodate for varying

rates of learning (early finishers/slowerpaced learners), learning styles, and any
relevant diversities?
What accommodations will be made for
students with special needs?



SC Standards- S-MD 7





Text book (Elementary Statistics Picturing the World 5 Edition)

Promethean Board write notes on the board

Computer need to use Promethean Board

Graphing Calculator- Students will use the calculator to assist in solving problems if needed.



Able to communicate with me and other students

o Thinking about any connections to previous knowledge

o Able to write
o Able to use a calculator

o Be open to learning

I do not have any students that are on accommodations. I will have the definition and an example of a range and
standard deviation on the Promethean Board. I will vocally say what I am writing or what is on the board. This will
accommodate all types of learners. I will give time between each step before moving on to make sure the students
understand the content.

Larson, R., & Farber, B. (2012). Measures of Variation. In Elementary statistics: Picturing the world (5th

Cite all references for materials/resources used in

ed., pp. 218-219). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.
preparing the lesson. Citations should be in APA, 6

Lesson Plan Component

edition format.

Understanding the Geometric Distribution
Geometric Distribution Probability. Gillespie Geometric Packet.


Introduction: Today we are going to learn about geometric distribution. You will be able to find probabilities using the
geometric distribution. I expect you to pay attention to the lesson as I teach you about geometric distribution, answer
questions if I ask them as directed, and listen to all of my instructions.



Instructional Strategies (steps in the lesson) Body: Lets first talk about what is a geometric distribution.
to include questioning techniques and
Geometric Distribution:
lesson closure
The definitionA geometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution of a random variable x that
satisfies the following conditions:

A trial is repeated until a success occurs.

The repeated trials are independent of each other.

The probability of success p is constant for each trial.

The random variable x represents the number of the trial in which the first success occurs.
The probability that the first success will occur on trial number x is

P x pq x 1 where q 1 p

I will explain each condition before working an example.

I will get the students to compare this to a binomial distribution, to incorporate previous knowledge.

Work and example of Geometric Distribution:

There are 20 red marbles, 10 blue marbles, and 5 white marbles in a jar. Select a marble without
looking, note the color, and then replace the marble in the jar. Were interested in the number of
marbles you would have to draw in order to be sure you have a red marble.
o Two Categories?

Lesson Plan Component

Yes, in this case type red marble = success and any other color = failure.
o Independent Observations?
Yes, we are drawing blindly and replacing the marbles so results are independent.
o p is the same?
Yes, for each trial p = 20/35.
o Are we looking for the first success?
Yes, we are looking for the number of trials before we obtain the first red marble.

Carla makes random guesses on her Statistics multiple-choice test, which has five choices for each
question. We want to know how many questions Carla answers until she gets one correct.

Define a success in this context and define the random variable X of interest. What is the
probability of success?

Success is when Carla gets the correct answer.

The Probability of Success is .2

What is the probability that Carlas first correct answer occurs on Question 5?

Px pq x 1
.2(1 .2) 51
.2(.8) 4

q 1 p
q 1 .2
q .8

What is the probability that Carlas first correct answer occurs on Question 7?

Lesson Plan Component

P x pq x 1
.2(1 .2) 7 1
.2(.8) 6

What is the probability that Carlas first correct answer occurs on Question 5 and 7?

The students will work an example on their own:

A basketball player makes 80% of her free throws. We put her on the free-throw line and ask her to
shoot free throws until she misses. Let X = the number of free throws the player takes until she
o What is the probability that she will miss a shot on her 5 th attempts?

Px pq x 1

.8(1 .8) 51
.8(.2) 4

What is the probability that the player misses her first free throw within the first 3

Px pq x 1

Px pq x 1

Px pq x 1

.8(1 .8)11

.2(1 .2) 21 .2(1 .2) 31

.8(.2) 0


.2(.8) 2




P(within 3)= .8+.16+.032=.992

Lesson Plan Component


We will do a hands on example of geometric distribution using M&Ms

I will pass out the worksheets on the step by step processes of finding the color brown in bags of M&Ms

I will give the directions for the assignment before handing out the M&Ms

Each student will get 1 bag of M&Ms and they will figure out the probability of getting a brown M&M

I will then let them work on the worksheet.

I will walk around while they are working.

I will then go over the worksheet to make sure they understand the concepts

Each person will have different results

Today we have learned how to find the probability using the geometric distribution. For homework try this work sheet.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives

Observe if students understand the concept of geometric distribution

What assessment(s) will you use to determine what

students learned and achieved during the lesson?
The assessment(s) must be aligned with
instructional objectives.

Ask them questions about previous knowledge they should know and the new information

Let them work examples in class and walk around to see if they are understand how to solve permutations and

In class assignment will be done to see if they understand the information.

Students will work on a worksheet that will be taken up to check to see if they understand the material.

Evaluation of Lesson
Were objectives successfully achieved? What went
well? What would you like to improve? What
adjustments will be made in succeeding lessons?

Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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