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Tim Cedrone

Identity Rough Draft

October 27, 2014
Professor Carty

How would you describe and define yourself? What truly forms every person
into the unique human being they are today? The reason everyone on the earth is different and
unique is from life itself. As each year pasts, we experience events that form the way we look,
act and feel whether it is consciously or subconsciously absorbed. These events as well as many
other factors, including culture, influence our identity, or the way we see ourselves in the eyes of
others, in regards to looks, personality and emotion. In other words, what makes me, me. A main
factor that influences identity is culture. Culture forms a person in more ways than one can think.
There are seven elements of culture that each influence the formation of a persons identity. In
addition to culture, another forming factor for identity is a persons personality.
What is identity? One definition of identity is who you are, the way you think
about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you.
Although identity seems like it should be a very simple concept to grasp, there is more to it than
one thinks. Identity has a multitude of factors that that shape it. One of the main factors that
shape a persons identity is culture. Culture is the total range of activities and ideas of a group of
people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group.
There are seven elements that play a role in the entire meaning of culture. These seven elements
break down into social organization, customs and traditions, language, art and literature, forms of
government and economic systems. At first glance some of these factors may seem off topic If
not completely random when referring to culture but all have a pivotal role.

First, we need to break down each of cultures seven elements in order to see how
they individually affect culture, and how culture affects identity. Social organizations play a
major role in formation of identity and personality. After all, humans are social beings that need
and want to interact with others. A social organization is a group of members that gather and
associate together to meet basic human needs. For example, friends, clubs, sports teams and
many more. Another social organization is into classes and ranks, or others that are important to
the culture, such as jobs, money and education. The most important and influential social
organization is family. Parents and those you grow up around have a huge impact on the way you
will act. As a child is raised they will compliment things they have seen and become accustomed
to. In other words, monkey see monkey do. For example if a child grows up in a household with
elders they will have more respect for elders as they grow.
Another aspect of culture to be looked at is custom and tradition. A good way to
describe customs and traditions, is rules of behavior that are enforced ideas of wright and wrong.
Some of these customs can be seen daily, such as holding a door open for a woman, or taking
your shoes off when entering a home. These are not written laws that are strictly enforced, they
are beliefs that are carried through generations. Some people may choose to follow them and
others may not, and that is another factor in the uniqueness of identity. It may seem small, but in
reality all the small changes make a person different and unique, forming their identity further.
Religion, throughout time religion has had a major impact not only on identity,
personality, and culture. Religion itself, divides people into different cultural groups. The reason
behind the belief in a certain religion is, that it answers questions that cannot be answered. Such
as, what is the meaning of life and where do we go after death. These questions are not answered
easily, so when they are it is comforting, and because of that people follow. Religion will

contour to the values and ideals of the people who follow, creating an identity for each different
religion. Each religion may have a different custom or tradition that is not seen elsewhere.
Making it unique and adding to the identity of the believer. Religions have been around for
thousands of years and are not going anywhere, but still continue to influence identity and
personality today.
Language happens to be the most obvious yet most overlooked aspect of culture.
It is without a doubt the cornerstone of culture as a whole. Every single culture has a language
that is used to communicate. It is seen that in most places people who speak the same language,
often share the same culture as well. Language is an obvious point in which differences can be
seen in a person simply by hearing them speak. Languages form a persons identity because
language itself is unique. All languages are different as are all people.
Fifth, arts and literature. Art and literature are pure creativity from the person
creating. Both are creative forms of expressing ones self. They are one hundred percent from
the imagination of the person composing it. They are created by an artist in order to show
individuality and uniqueness. What comes from a persons mind truly is who they are and where
they are from, which is a rough explanation of identity. All art and literature is different in some
way or another, making it in my mind the poster child for identity, and the differences we all
share. Art and literature has educated generations of people throughout history. Those who chose
to take an interest may develop differently. They may have a more creative look on things
changing them as a person and further forming an identity.
Another factor of culture that sculpts identity is government. Governments have
always played a role in peoples lives whether they believe it or not. As in many places,
governments try to form places and cultures into what their leaders think is right and just. On the

other hand, governments also help protect the people, keep order and provide basic necessities.
Growing up under a hostile government such as the former USSR is completely different than
growing up in North Carolina. A persons identity is highly affected by the form of government
around. Yet another fork in the road for identity.
Lastly, economic systems.
What is your personality like? Describing your own personality may be kind of
tough, or it may be easy depending on who you are and how your identity has been shaped.
Personality is, the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive
character. The formation of a personality has many ties to culture, as many personalities are
formed by outside environments. Some examples that personality is formed would be through
social groups and interactions, language, religion and customs and tradition.

LEONTIEV, A. A. "Personality, Culture, Language." Journal Of Russian & East European Psychology
44.3 (2006): 47-56. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

The article begins by explaining the three points personality, language and culture. It later on explains
the ideas behind physiological development and the role culture has in forming that, because we are all
social beings. The articles branches off into explaining what personality has become. It then explains
culture and how culture plays a large role in forming personality. It continues to say that we are all beings
that are formed by external forces such as culture and language. Also mentions how social phenomena
form personality. Expresses that culture language and personality are connected.

The article is relevant because it dissects some of the known components that are seen forming the way a
person is, or their identity. It gives insight as to how the culture and language affects a person and forms
there personality. It gives a really good base definition of these components. These definitions are good
because they are a good platform to understanding the different parts that make up a persons personality
and identity.
This is a credible source because it was written in a credible phycology journal. He references well known
and accredited phycologists that were pioneers in the field. It was written in 2006 which make it recent
with up to date information. Published in a Russian and eastern European phycology journal. Overall,
very credible because it was published, it was recently written, and he references known credible sources
in the field of phycology.

Kluckhohn, Clyde, and Henry A. Murray. Personality in Nature, Society, and Culture. New York: Knopf,
1965. Internet resource

This article dives deeply into the idea of personality. It explains what the perception of personality is to
humans. The article focuses on a few determinants that show to change or shape personality such
constitutional, group membership, role, and situational determinants. It goes in depth for each of these
determinants and how they shape the personality of a person. All of these factors include social
interactions. These determinates are all related to culture in some aspect or another. It also mentions how
through interactions with other people, personality and identity are formed.
This is relevant because it gives an in depth look at social determinates that form aspects of ones
personality due to social pressures. It gives a really good spectrum of social pressures that form ones
personality. It is also useful because it further explains how we can all be so similar yet very different. I
would say it is weak on providing other information besides the determinants mentioned.
This source is credible because it is a famous book written by a famous and credible phycologist.
Although it may be and old book. The information used is still true. It was said that things in this book are
common knowledge in phycology today. It was published and is referenced in modern phycology. All
adding to its credibility.

Sartain, Aaron Quinn North, Alvin John Strange, Jack Roy Chapman, Harold Martin , (1958).
Psychology: Understanding human behavior. , (pp. 147-168). New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill Book
Company, x, 444 pp.

The relationship between personality and culture is what this entire chapter of this textbook is about. It
goes into how not only the biology of a person influences the construction of personality. It goes into how
heredity plays a role in this formation as well. It examines how people act in different culture, and that is
said to be a key in understanding human behavior and personality formation. It then goes into roles and
how roles in different societies shape a person. Also, it talks about why men are more dominant and how
your job telegraphs the group of people you surround yourself with.
This is useful because it not only gives the relationship between personality and culture but examines the
characteristics around it. It shows the small stepping stones that eventually create a personality. Also, it
explains how different classes of people form differently simply because of their role in society. This
shows a trend that people brand themselves in a certain way in order to fit these groups. And these groups
form a person in different ways.
This is credible because it is in a known phycology textbook that is used. It also cites well known
phycologists and pioneers in the field. Although some of the information is older it is all still widely
accepted. It is also seen on the American Philological Associations website which means the information
is accurate because the PAA updates and changes there site often.

Mead, Margaret. "The Implications Of Culture Change For Personality Development." American Journal
Of Orthopsychiatry 17.4 (1947): 633-646. PsycARTICLES. Web. 13 Oct. 2014
This article goes into the idea that the development of the human personality. Rather than just giving if
this happens then this will happen, it goes into whether personality is formed by changing environments
or weather each generation changes. It dives into the idea that characteristics are carried along by all
humans and we just change from a starting point. That our surroundings tweak and change parts of
personality. The main point of this article is to break away and think of personality changes in a broader
aspect. Weather culture and life shapes us or the other way around.
This is useful to me because it focuses on culture changes, human development, personality development,
and social environments. These are all a part of formation of personality. This is different from the others
because it still has the biological side of development. It doesnt just focus on the social aspects that form
personality, it also brings in heredity and other factors that are non-social. Gives a good all-around look at
the formation of personality.
It is credible because it is a peer reviewed journal article. Which means it is accepted by scholars. It was
published by a recognized phycology journal, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. It has information
that is cited from well-known phycologists as well. It was written in the US. Also the information was
well written and was easily understood.

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