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How Do I Plan to Assess and Grade Students Learning?

As a teacher I will assess students learning thorough classroom tests and assignments.
Ill set goals, organized content, and developed a course plan, select strategies for specific
assignments and activities to help my students achieve their course goals. Ill assess my students
learning by practicing from informal assessments of whether students are learning the content,
such as observing, articulate discussion of topics or noticing that students eyes have glazed over
in class. Ill assess students learning from formal assessments that contribute to their grades in
the course, to reach how students are learning in a specific class.
To help me evaluate how effective my students are learning the content, what students
know and do not know, Ill put in practice summative assessments that are going to provide
information about effectiveness of the program, school improvement goal, alignment of
curriculum, or students placement in the specific program. Ill give summative assessments to
my students periodically like state assessments, district benchmark or chapter tests, end of term
or semester exams, scores that are used for accountability of schools, and students report card
Summative assessments can only help me in evaluating certain aspects of the learning
process, so to gauge the instructional process Ill use formative assessments; itll helps me to
collect evidence of student learning and ensure achieve targeted standard based learning goals
within a set time frame. Itll provide me with accountability in skills and concepts with
information on students understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. For
example using observation can help me determine what my students do and do not know,
because the more I know about my students, the more I can help them. Ill write short notes

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during a lesson as students work in groups or individually, or after the lesson is complete, so I
should reflect on a specific aspect of learning and make notes on the students progress toward
mastery of that learning target. Ill organize these notes so that they can easily be used for
adjusting instruction based on student needs.
Ill grade my students learning through classroom tests and assignments, by stablishing a
process and defines strategies. For example: Conceptual multiple-choice questions used during
class that will provide immediate assessment of students understanding, a one-minute paper, Ill
ask questions at the end of the class to write on like, What was the most important thing you
learned in todays class? What question do you have about todays class? Exams and quizzes,
because they force the students to process information and help prevent students from
disengaging in a course. Grading rubrics which students work is evaluated.

Norma Magana

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