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‘The 2015 Palestine Festival of Literature ill take place from May 23rd to 31st incites across all of hist a ora palestorg cal Palestine ors. 2620 ost Saturday 25 May 24-27 May apm azn RAMALLAH Details be The Khalil Sakakini confirmed Cultural Centre Monday27 May 20850620 7307 — JERUSALEM The British Council Garden — — e e e sea 10 Tuesday 28 May gpm HAIFA The Arab Culture Association NN] 2 TOF ‘ose. 90 ste 29 oN I1@ly mos. ‘Thurséay 30 May 8302 RAMALLAH Cafe la Vie Literary Nites Launch Friday 31 May rast. s8 ‘oam-2pm BIRZEIT Wednesday 29 May Palestine Writing House, 7.30pm next to ESCM NaBLUS Children’s Festival of Soug el Wakala Stories and Strange Creatures OS BRUNE ZO) OPEN SOCIETY RANASADIK -SAMER YOUNIS - ZINAJARDANEH CIFCUMIEX 1c2Zacr72isS%0. sew Hite geht ag Mee sty wt eles EMCM Wp “tits Vigan, Shoo Palestine vrting Workshop

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