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Hello Parents and Guardians,

My name is Miss Brady and I will be teaching your son or daughter Pre-Algebra this
year. I graduated from Bloomsburg University and grew up always wanting to be a teacher to

Comment [k1]: INTASC 6: Communication and

Technology- This letter home to the parents and
guardians shows an effective use of verbal
communication between the parents and I. This will
help foster collaboration and supportive interactive
between the parents, students, and teacher.

help shape and change the lives of students. I hope to do the same with your son or daughter. I
know math isnt always a students favorite subject, but I hope to make it as enjoyable to learn as
possible. In this course, there will be many different subjects covered such as Fractions, Integers,
Inequalities, and the Pythagorean Theorem. My policies are very short and simple; pay attention
during class, complete any homework or classwork that is assigned, respect everyone around
you, and be open to asking questions or asking for help. I want to make sure that every student is
trying his or her best to understand the material or asks questions if extra help is needed. The
only supplies I suggest buying would be a notebook of their choice to keep papers and take notes

Comment [k2]: INTASC 1: Content PedagogyThis letter home to the parents is a way for me as a
teacher to introduce myself and let them know
about the content their students will be learning.
My listing out some of the content, the parents will
be able to see ahead of time what their child will be
learning and they may be able to let me know if
they feel their child will struggle or not through the
content listed.

in and a calculator for them to use outside the classroom. There will be calculators provided in
class but, may not be taken home with them. If for any reason you need to contact me
throughout this year you can reach me at 123-4567 ex. 8910 or e-mail me at Below is a slip to fill out and return back to me to ensure that
you read over this and know the aspects of this class. In the other comments area, please tell
me any allergies or conditions your son or daughter has that I should know about. Also, below
that I have a place to list your phone number and an e-mail if for any reason I need to contact
you. I look forward to having your child in class and having a fun year learning Pre-Algebra.
Miss Brady

, have read over the letter above and understand the policies and
expectations my son or daughter should have throughout this class.
Please print students name
Other Comments:

Phone Number
Signature X


Comment [k3]: INTASC 10:School and

Community Involvement- This letter home to the
parents and guardians shows how I as a teacher
want to be involved with the students outside life by
getting to know the parents and also having the
parents get to know me as their childs teacher.

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