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Delivery Team Final Summary

Since September 22, 2014, I was given the opportunity to plan and execute 15 lesson plans. I
started out the semester with roughly 22 4th grade level students and that number dropped to about 19
as the semester progressed. The lessons took place on either the blacktop, back field grass area, or in
the cafeteria of Cleveland Elementary School at 20 E. Fulton Street, Stockton, CA 95204. In the 8 weeks
that I was there teaching, I was able to teach lessons in cooperative learning, spatial awareness,
movement concepts, soccer skills, overhand and underhand throwing and catching, chasing, fleeing and
dodging, volleyball skills, dance, and football. Student learning outcomes consisted of the psychomotor,
cognitive, affective, and health-related domains. The psychomotor domain involved learning how to
physically perform the cues of the skill, the cognitive domain involved the understanding of the skill,
knowing how to perform it, and explaining the strategies related to the application of the skill, the
affective domain involved the emotional effects of the activity that helped facilitate a positive and
quality learning experience, and the health-related domain ensured that students were aware of the
physiological effects of exercise on the body by getting students engaged in at least 50% MVPA.
I believed that across the 8 weeks that I was teaching these 4th graders at Cleveland Elementary,
I was able to successfully produce student learning. Although it was proven to be a rough start,
progression and improvement between each week did occur. My students progressed across all content
areas but some more obvious than others. I feel that my students progressed most with exhibiting
positive respectful behavior, listening to instruction, and processing quality constructive feedback. I
believe that this solely because I gained the respect and trust of my students. The 4th graders of Tiger
PRIDE were defiant, unorganized, and disobedient when I first started teaching them but as the weeks
progressed, I was able to establish some type of order and created a natural flow in routine. If I were to
change something about my teaching across the semester, it would be altering activities to be more
appealing to my students. I was able to yield higher participation from my students with activities that
required them to engage with one another. Besides that, I would not change anything about my
teaching because through trial and error, I was able to adapt my teaching style and strategies that I used
to reach my students. Week after week, I witnessed progression in activity, a decline in management
time, and a more positive learning environment that my students and I created. I was able to foster a
quality learning experience built on respect, teamwork, and cooperation.
Across the 8 weeks, I was able to successfully address the 4 criteria of a learning experience.
There were a couple weeks early on in the semester that I did not successfully accomplish the task but it
was a learning experience. I learned from the incidents that hindered improvement of motor skill
function and misbehaviors that took time away from maximum practice opportunities. All of the content
that I taught were age appropriate for the experiential levels of my students and I believe that it was
one of the reasons why I endured so much success across the 15 lessons that I was able to teach. In
trying to have my students reach 50% of moderate to vigorous activity, I encountered some challenges. I
discovered that in order to have my students reach 50% MVPA, I must first get my students to reach
50% activity time. This was extremely difficult to accomplish because I was dealing with so many
behavior issues. Behavior management consumed more than 50% of my class time and as a result, the
time devoted to activity was far below what was intended. As the semester progressed and I was able to
adapt my teaching to the behaviors of my students, I was able to eliminate disobedience. Through
employing different classroom management skills and increasing my intercultural competence, I was
able to motivate more students to engage in activity. The more students that I had being active mean

less student behaviors that I had to manage. Moving into the 2nd half of the teaching semester, activity
time was gradually increasing. An increase of activity time meant more opportunities for students to
practice at a high level. The strategies that I used to achieve this was the same strategies that I used to
decrease time spent on management. I had to establish a more authoritative presence among my
students, create fun and exciting lesson plans, increase my level of enthusiasm, engage with students to
make them feel more comfortable, use different communication methods to target specific students,
and help students realize that they are responsible for the amount of learning that occurs within my
class. I helped facilitate successful practice opportunities by providing quality constructive feedback for
skill development and reinforced good behavior. By increasing practice opportunities, the chance for
skill development also increased. Through utilizing my teacher movement, I was able to tend to more
students and provide specific feedback for each individual. One-on-one coaching and feedback proved
to be effective as students were more inclined to listen when feedback was direct. Given that my class is
a physical education class, students were also able to develop and progress their skills through the social
cognitive theory in which they learn directly from their surrounding environment. Students were
allowed the opportunity to watch their peers perform skills which encouraged and motivated them to
do the same.
One important strategy when teaching physical education is the utilization of teacher
movement. Teacher movement allows the teacher to assess all students from different perspectives,
tend to small groups and individuals, and give instruction to the masses when necessary. Throughout
most of my lessons, I moved around within the general space where my students were. Very little did I
circulate the perimeter because I did not think it was the proper use of my time. By moving within the
general space, I was able to grasp a closer view of my students performance of the skills and provide
proper feedback specific to their actions. Before introducing a skill, I would provide a demonstration and
student-teacher demonstration in front of the class, and along with those, verbally project the cues of
the skill. The cues and rules were then explained more clearly through any questions that students may
have. If no questions were asked, I would assume that my instructions were very clear and concise.
When providing demonstrations, I learned that I must perform the skill at the correct speed so that
students also perform them at the correct speed during practice trials. I made sure that all students
could see me before starting my demonstrations and provide adequate time for questions in case there
are students who could not hear me. I would use students to assist me to show the class an example of
someone their age performing the skill. I would have the class recite the cues of the skill to ensure clear
understanding. The cues would later be reinforced verbally through large group and individual feedback.
Feedback was provided during activity and at the end of the lesson during closure time. While moving
around the class, I would tend to individual and small group needs by giving specific feedback necessary
for skill development. There were times that I should have given feedback but didnt and those were
times that I spent assessing student progress and allowing more practice opportunities. If I were to give
feedback all the time, students wouldnt be able to maximize their practice time.
Throughout the 8 weeks of teaching, I learned a lot about dispersing and collecting equipment. I
learned that collecting equipment is often easier than dispersing it because once equipment is handed
out, it poses the opportunity for absolute chaos to impose upon my lesson. I learned that it is best to set
up equipment before students are released from their homeroom classes and some equipment is better
off passed out later into the lesson as it will prevent students from being off-task. Collecting equipment
has proven to be very easy as students are often very cooperative when given the opportunity to handle

equipment. Not only did I learn about dispersing and collecting equipment, I learned that equipment can
be used in managing disruptive students. Students love using equipment and when students misbehave
or disrupt the class, taking away equipment privileges can easily straighten them up. I also learned that
disruptive students can be dealt with my pointing out students who model favorable behavior and the
threat of having to sit out while others get to play usually works.
It is very easy to lose enthusiasm when teaching but it proves to be very important as students
feed off of teachers energy. One thing that remained fairly consistent in my teaching was my
enthusiasm. There were days that it could have been slightly higher at the very beginning but it is
notable that it increases with the success of my students. Three skills that I did well was consistency in
my teaching style, interpersonal communication skills, and providing enthusiasm and energy for my
students to feed off of. I was consistent in my teaching style with the way I ran my classroom. I was able
to establish a routine with my students and it was very effective for management. My class always
began with them running to the field and coming back to sit at home base or lining up for an instant
activity. After the instant activity is when students knew there would be a water break. This consistency
helped my classroom management as it gave students little time to get off-task. When there were
students who were off-task, I used the water break to address those issues so that it wouldnt stem into
the main activity. Three skills that I can still improve on while moving forward in my career is answering
all students questions during transition, providing positive feedback that reinforces good behavior, and
improving classroom management skills. After watching a few of my videos over again, I noticed that I
often ignored some students during transition. I must learn to multitask better and address the needs of
all my students at any given time. The skills that I would like to work on are very minimal but they will
make the biggest difference in the way I teach and the results that I yield.
As for next semesters Delivery Team, I want to advise them on three things that I learned as a
DT. The first is to run with what works and take what the students give you. Everyone has a different
teaching philosophy and style so it is up to you to figure out what works for you. This semester I
discovered that Simon Says was a very effective instant activity for me and I ran with it. I used it every
opportunity I was given. Of course I switched it up here and there to try new things but I knew that if I
ever needed to restore order, that I could run with Simon Says. Along with that, each student is
different. You must learn from them in order to know how to teach them. The second piece of advice is
to trust the process. Like any other thing that you become good at, it takes time and time will tell how
much you progress. The weekly progress meetings should be taken very seriously as the data does not
lie. Take the advice that Dr. Wyant and your evaluation team gives you and use it to improve and get
better. Trusting the process helped me surpass my goals but it didnt happen overnight, it took 4 weeks
before I achieved any of the results I wanted. And lastly, have fun. Do your best to have fun teaching
because when you enjoy what you do, youll do it well. You can have fun by creating lesson plans that
you wouldnt mind participating in, being enthusiastic while teaching, and approach each teaching day
without bearing any disappointments from the previous session; start anew. Be yourself, be
professional, and have fun. If you see Tiger PRIDE as a learning opportunity, itll teach you more than
youd ever expect.

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