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Lesson Plan
The student will find a walking pace that is comfortable for an extended time

EQUIPMENT: 6 cones, 6 circuit training signs, map of a landmark, music, and whistle
Fastest tag in the west: All student are it. On signal,
they try to tag each other out. It they are tagged, they
must freeze, but they are eligible to tab other students
who pass near them. It two or more players tag each
other simultaneously, they are both/all frozen.

See pgs. 137-138 in Dynamic Physical Education for

Elementary School Children
The focus of this game is activity. Dont
overemphasize rules. When about half the class is froze,
start the game again.


Fitness Orienting (Circuit Training)
*Students work together as member of a team. Eight
stations are placed around the gym. Each team is given
a map of the exercise stations. Each map has the
stations in different order of the stations. Each station
has a letter to a secret message. Team members
exercise together. Once finish in the given time, move
to the next station in the map. Goal is to finish the
exercise at each station and scramble the secret
1. Run to the North, pick up letter, and do ten jumping
2. Skip to the South, pick up letter and do ten sit-ups
3. Gallop like a horse to the West, pick a letter, and
perform two different stretches until music stops
4. Walk like a crab to the East, pick up letter, and do
five push ups
5. Run to the northeast, pick up letter, and bend down
touch your toes five times
6. Side step to the northwest, pick up letter, and ten
7. Skip to the southeast, pick up letter, and job in place
until music stops
8. Crawl to the south west, pick up letter, and do the
robot until music stops.

See pgs. 137 Dynamic Physical Education for

Elementary School Children
Intervals of music (30 seconds) and silence(15 seconds)
When music stops, that is the signal for the students to
walk to the next area. Praise those students who hustle
to the next area.




Jump-Rope Exercise
1. Jump rope for 30 seconds
2. Make different shapes with the rope for 15 seconds
3. Jump rope for 30 seconds.
4. Do push-ups for 15 seconds
5. Jump rope for 30 seconds
6. Hold the folded rope overhead. Sway from side to
side, twist right and left for 15 seconds
7. Jump rope for 30 seconds
8. Do sit ups for 15 seconds
9. Jump rope for 30 seconds
10. Make different letters with the rope for 15 seconds
11. Jump rope for 30 seconds
12. Touch toes with the folded rope for 15 seconds
13. Jump rope for 30 seconds
14. Do lunges for 15 seconds
15. Jump rope for 30 seconds
16. Twist side to side for 15 seconds
17. Jump rope for 30 seconds
18. Make different shapes with the rope for 15 seconds
19. Jump rope for 30 seconds.
20. Do push-ups for 15 seconds
21. Jump rope for 30 seconds
22. Hold the folded rope overhead. Sway from side to
side, twist right and left for 15 seconds
23. Jump rope for 30 seconds
24. Do sit ups for 15 seconds
25. Jump rope for 30 seconds
26. Make different letters with the rope for 15 seconds
27. Jump rope for 30 seconds
28. Touch toes with the folded rope for 15 seconds
29. Jump rope for 30 seconds
33. Do lunges for 15 seconds
31. Jump rope for 30 seconds
32. Twist side to side for 15 seconds

See pgs. 70 Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary

School Children
Intervals of music (30 seconds) and silence(15 seconds)
When music stops, that is the signal for the students to
do a different activity.
Music segments indicate aerobic activity with the jump
ropes: intervals of silence announce using the jump
ropes to enhance flexibility and strength development.
Dont worry about non jumpers.

Quiet cooperation
Students stand in a line shoulder to shoulder. Without
talking, making any noise, students get in order of
month of birthday (January to December)

See pgs. 138 Dynamic Physical Education for

Elementary School Children

Discuss the various body parts worked out in the circuit training.

1, 2, 3, Go Sharks

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