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Holly Keeper

Content Area: Science

Teaching Model: Thinking/Inquiry
A Study of Heritability of Genes
I Description of Method
1. Instructional Method: Thinking/Inquiry involves teaching students to identify problems and
ask essential questions in order to work toward a solution. This method is based off of
scientific method and can easily be applied to many of the lessons that involve starting with
a question or problem and asking questions that will help you to get closer to the solution.
2. Topic & Rational: I chose this method for exploring the concepts of heritability including
patterns of inheritance and sex-linked traits in order to allow students to understand the
process by which the source of a genetic disease or other trait is passed on or received. The
process of figuring out a source of such a trait requires a lot of asking the right questions.
Two others topics inquiry could be used for include a seed germination lab in biology or a
reflexes lab in anatomy and physiology during which students must identify protagonist, and
antagonist of each contraction sequence.
3. Features & Purpose: The principle purposes of this method are to allow students to find
their own path to solutions and to learn which questions to ask in a given situation to move
them toward that solution. Students develop their investigation skills.
4. Pros & Cons: Pros to this method are that students usually get to work independently or in
groups to create unique experiences and products, which allows for differentiation in the
classroom. Another advantage of this method includes that students get to explore an idea,
and develop their own interest in the subject through personal experience or knowledge.
Disadvantages may include that students who prefer a lot of direct guidance of instruction
might feel lost. Another disadvantage is that students may easily get off track if they are not
guided adequately since they usually are working independently or in groups.

II Lesson Plan
1. Learning Objectives
a. Content Students will be able to apply the scientific method to complex
systems and phenomena by completing the inquiry lad on genetic inheritance of
traits and diseases.
b. Literacy - Students will be able to access primary and secondary sources to
explain questions being researched by using their computers to develop a
hypothesis, research the condition, and write a brief page on their findings,
providing support for their hypothesis OR explaining why the hypothesis was
found to be likely incorrect.



c. Democracy Students will be able to manage time effectively by completing the

entire inquiry lab including the one page of written results for the purpose of
developing skills of work ethic.
Materials used Inquiry lab of genetic heritability worksheets, student computers,
books, paper and pencils
Model chosen & why I chose the inquiry model for this lesson because it will help
students to develop their research skills as well as develop their understanding of the
complexity of genetic heritability. There are a lot of questions that must be asked in
order to come to a conclusion of where a genetic disease or trait was passed along
throughout a family tree. There are a lot of resources out there to help a researcher ask
the right questions and I think this an important skill for students to learn how to utilize
and access in order to become efficient researchers.
Key terms heritability, genes, alleles, sex-linked traits, mitochondrial DNA, y-linked
traits, x-linked traits, bar body, dosage of x.
Assessment Students will complete and hand in the inquiry lab worksheet and a page
of their results, individually formulated.

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