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Pregnancy Is
Down By 67%!
This is the most important thing going on in our
Mayor Nancy Denson
This is probably the best thing Ive ever done
personally and professionally, and its the best thing
thats happened to the District.
Clarke County School Superintendent
Phil Lanoue

Substantiated Child
Abuse & Neglect is
Down By 88%!

Doing whatever it takes for the success

of all children in Athens!

It has taught me that youre never too old to learn,

and youre never too young to learn.
Neighborhood Leader Shawanda Johnson
The most effective crime prevention program in
Athens is Family Connections work to prevent teen
Police Chief Jack Lumpkin
. . . the strongest reduction in dropout rates of any
existing fully scaled dropout prevention program
that has been evaluated.
ICF International
It works because of the team, because of everyone
pulling together.
Clarke Middle School Site Coordinator
Lindsey Cavin
In all areas, I feel that my school is doing a better
job at building partnerships with our families and
our overall community. My CIS coordinator is
responsible for that progress. No doubt about it.
Clarke Middle School Principal Tad MacMillan
Family Connection-Communities In Schools does
vital work at the neighborhood and school level,
augmenting and improving life prospects for less
advantaged children and addressing their needs
outside of school.
Bertis Downs, Flagpole magazine

Clarke County students have achieved the

DISTRICT IN GEORGIA, with all subgroups
improving significantly.


Post Office Box 1904
Athens, Georgia 30603-1904

We are Family Connection-Communities In

Schools of Athens and we do whatever it takes as
a community working together for the success of
all of our children!



The Three Pillars

1. Collaboration

Fam i l y C onnect i on -C om m uni t i es

In S cho ol s of At hen s i s a
part ners hi p o f m ore t han 100
organi z at i ons worki ng wi t h
fam i l i es t o i m prove out com es for
al l chi l dren i n At he ns.

2. Site Coordinators in the


Our C IS si t e coordi nat ors work i n

t he school s t o conne ct st udent s and
t hei r fam i l i es t o cru ci al com m uni t y
resourc es and s ervi c es t o m eet t hei r


Early Head Start

Child Advocacy Center

Healthy Families

YES Staffing Committee

Homeless Education Program

Computer Distribution to Families

Classic City Performance Learning Center

Family Preservation Project

Nancy Travis Child Care Project

21st Century Community Learning Centers

P re v e n t i on a nd e a rl y
i n t e rv e n ti on

Partners for a Prosperous Athens

Rites of Passage

Id e n t i f yi n g, t ra i n i n g, a n d
e n ga gi n g p a re n t s a s
n e i gh b o rh oo d l e a d e rs a n d fu l l
p a rt n e rs i n o u r w o rk

Teens Organizing

3. Neighborhood Leaders

W e em phas i z e:

More than 40 programs have been

created, initiated, or brought to Athens
through our planning process. A few

C re a t i n g a re s u l t s - a c c o u nt a b l e
fra me w o r k t h ro u gh w h i c h
s t a ke h o l d e rs d e s i gn , i mp l e me n t ,
a n d e v a lu a t e s ol u t ion s fo r
c h i l dh oo d su c c e s s

Change (TORCH)

Our Nei ghbo rhood Le ade rs pro gr am

provi des t rai ni n g an d support t o
bri ng p arent s and ot her c are gi v ers t o
t he t abl e as ful l p art ners i n worki n g
t o i m prove out com e s for al l chi l dr en
i n t he At hens c o mm u ni t y.

Road Trip Nation

Experience UGA

Compassionate Athens

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