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Early 1

Amy Early
Ms. Jennings
English 111-13
16 October 2014
They Survived WarNow What?
What happens to the soldiers that survive war and return to society? How do they
return to a normal life after experiencing such disturbing events? America has several
ways of showing appreciation to war veterans such as parades, holidays, and discounts
but civilians may never fully understand the effects war has on those that were physically
involved. The video One by Metallica depicts the life of a soldier after his traumatic
injuries in World War I. Metallicas video questions is there an obligation for our
government or our society to aid in the wounded warriors recovery. The images shown
prompts one to question how soldiers can return to an ordinary life after experiencing
first hand the psychological aftermath of destruction.
A powerful guitar solo in conjunction with the sound of helicopters set the tone of
the video as it fades to a young boy and his father discussing societys duty to fight for
democracy. Throughout the 7 minute 44 second video, there is a general battle theme
complete with artillery and explosions. The main character is an injured soldier in a
state of confusion and fear in a dreary hospital. He lost all of his limbs and couldnt hear,
speak, or see. The video portrays him with a sense of panic. As this injured soldier lies
helpless, the video interprets his thoughts as if he were crying for his mother and father to
help him stating, Im having a nightmare and cant wake up. Yesterday this was a
healthy young man fighting for his country. Now his future is uncertain. He envisions

Early 2
himself in a traveling circus as a side show with the master of ceremonies introducing
him as the armless, legless wonder of the 20th century suggesting that he foresees a
future where others will view him as a freak. An angry tone accompanies the lyrics
Landmine has taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken
my legs, taken my soul, left me with life in hell. Overall this scene suggests the
remainder of the soldiers life will be unpleasant as a result of his injuries from war.
After World War I many of the incapacitated combatants were said to have shell
shock. Today these symptoms are referred to as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many
are able to deal with PTSD and integrate themselves back into society however there are
those soldiers that struggle to get past their physical and emotional stress. This video
focuses on an injured warrior that cannot cope with the physical and emotional pains he
has endured from war. He sees no way out. His only hope is death.
Towards the end of the video, a nurse and some military officials are gathered
around the soldiers hospital bed. In his mind he is having a conversation with his father,
the same father who previously discussed the patriotic obligation with his young son in
the beginning of the video. His father reminds him of a time when he was practicing
morse code with a childhood friend and he is able to send an S.O.S to those around his
bed. He repeatedly asks them to kill him. All of the men in uniform denounce
responsibility for the soldier. They turn their backs and walk away. The war is through
with him and so is the government. The nurse stays. Sympathetically, she cuts a chord
granting the veteran his wish. This man, like many other veterans will never return to
functioning in a normal society. His suffering ends along with his life.

Early 3
Just as the officials in the video, our country is guilty of turning their backs on the
men and women who put their lives on the line for our freedom. Daily, injured soldiers
return home unable to cope with the pain and suffering caused by war. This video poses
the question, can life be ordinary after being involved in such horrific occurrences. The
images they experienced will be with them til death. For the soldier in the video, it was
too much to bear. He chose death over a miserable existence. One brings awareness to
an ongoing problem facing our countrys protectors. The video sheds light on heroes that
are fighting a continuous battle that civilians cannot begin to fathom.

Early 4
Works Cited
Metallica. One [Official Music Video].Youtube. Youtube, 26 October 2009. Web. 16
October 2014.

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