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Product of Mexico Reading Questions

Peterson English 3


Based on the title, why do think the author wrote this selection?


Based on what you know about the author, why do you think they wrote this


Which words do you think best describe the main reason the author wrote this
selection: to provide readers with information? To describe a person, event, or issue?
To express their own thoughts and feelings? To persuade readers to think about an
issue in a certain way and to take action? Or to entertain the reader?


Why did the author write the article from a particular point of view?


How did the author influence your response to the selection? Which parts got your
attention or stood out to you? What did the author do that made this section stand


Was the authors purpose specifically stated?

Product of Mexico Reading Questions

Peterson English 3


What examples from the text support your conclusions about authors purpose?


Do you think that the author achieved his/her intended purposes? Did the article
effectively give information? Entertain readers? Express the authors thoughts and
feelings? Persuade readers to think about an issue and/or take action?

9. Writers have a repertoire of strategies in their toolbox to help them communicate

ideas effectively. Some of the writers strategies could include alliteration (a string of
words with the same initial sound), similes, metaphors/analogies, sensory details
(vividly describe sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to engage the readers
senses), onomatopoeia (writing words that represent the sounds of the things they
describe), personification (assigning human characteristics to a nonhuman object),
and the use of powerful nouns and verbs (instead of flower, the author writes tulips;
instead of walked, the author writes scampered, or sauntered). In nonfiction, a
writer might also use quotes, provide background information on a topic, use real life
examples that illustrate their point, and provide personal testimony. In the text,
identify at least 5 strategies that the author uses to achieve their purpose. Underline
or highlight them, and explain them in the space below, or on another piece of
Example: On page 10 and 11, the authors compare and contrast a concept the intended
audience is likely to be familiar with (18th and 19th Century African slave trade) to the topic of
this piece (modern human trafficking). This is effective because most Americans are aware of
the history of slavery in our country, the widespread wholesale of human beings, and rightfully
have great disdain for the institution. Illustrating that modern trafficking of humans is larger
than the slave trade was in our country shows the reader not only that this is a widespread
problem affecting millions of people, but that efforts should be made to combat the modern
global slave trade.

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