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The Yangtze River Pollution

By: Lucy Frazier, Anna Montgomery, Hannah

Killingsworth, Carley Mancuso, Reagan Britt, Luke
Volle, & Regan Spinks

What is Happening?
Pollution is increasing
Main causes are industrial waste, then Agriculture, and sewage dumping.
60% of the water in the Yangtze River has been polluted, with more than 20
billion tons of wastewater into the river each year.
Whats Being Done?
They are building more water treatment facilities to remove contaminates
encouraging use of landfills instead of dumping the waste into the river.

Many species of plants and animals that onced lived in the
river are now disappearing.
The growth of the pollution = the less amount of oxygen =
the fish die.
The fish that are contaminated by the pollution are being
sold and being eaten.

Interesting Facts
300 million people in China dont have access to clean drinking water.
China has a fifth of the world's population, but just 7 percent of its water
resources, and the situation is especially precarious in its parched north,
where some regions have less water per capita than the Middle East.
According to government data, a 2012 survey of 5,000 groundwater
checkpoints found 57.3 percent of samples to be heavily polluted.
A section of the Yangtze River in Chongqing, China, has turned bright red.
The cause is still being investigated, but officials say it may have been

caused by recent floods stirring up silt upstream. It was caused by an

illegal plant depositing red dye into the river.


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