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<For simplicitys sake(as well as with all due respect to the symmetric time limit), GRR Martin shall

henceforth be dubbed GRR and Arya Stark shall be shortened to AS>

<Word limit begins>
GRR (unconsciously shivering at the touch of steel): Whoever you are, I have absolutely nothing of
value here.
AS: I dont want your money.
GRR: Wait, you are just a little girl.
AS(pushes the blades point): Hmm
GRR(feels the blade drawing a drop of blood): No, no, no.You are grown up enough to be
threatening me. Why are you here?
AS(breaks into a creepy giggle): My life has been stabbed several times by different people. I have a
list, you see. Every time someone close to me is hurt, I add names to my list. I memorise them each
night, for the time when I come back to stab them.
GRR: But I never hurt anyone. I am just a crazy author with crazy ideas.
AS: Exactly. You demented Old fool, why always my family?
GRR(confused): Which family, who are you?
AS: Arry, Weasel, Beth, the Cat of the Canals. But one name still remains, whatever I do - Arya Stark.
GRR(befuddled): I fell asleep on my desk, didnt I?
AS: Do you feel the pain of your blood?
GRR(nervously gulps): You really are Arya Stark, arent you?
AS(turns and faces GRR): I am.
GRR: I apologise for all that has been done to you, dear child, but, I am just writing about the crude
reality of this world. The people have long been hoodwinked by those sunshine-and-daisies authors.
AS: Bugger off to those authors. Tell me what happens to us in the end.
GRR(fidgets nervously): WellI am not sure.
AS: What!?
GRR(holding his hands over something): I have not decided.
AS(eyes sharpen): Show me what is hidden beneath your hands.
GRR: Its just some random ideas.
AS: Show me or you die.

GRR(voice quivers):I will show you, but please dont kill me.
(Chits of paper with character names are scattered with a dice over them)
AS(her voice barely below a screech): You senile old man. It really was all based on chance. YOU
(she pulls back the hilt of the sword and then swings)
GRR: Wait, wait, wait. I am the one who can finish the story.
AS(a satisfied smile on her face): Now we are talking.
(She swiftly withdraws from the room. GRR takes a relieved breath, before an ominous voice rings
I will be watching.
This is the story of why GRR Martin goes for a happy ending.
<Word limit ends>

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