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Adapted from: Cheryl Hoy

GSW 1110


In this essay you will take a position on a controversial issue as found in any BGSU campus- or
BG community-related article from the BG News Online ( dated from
October 2013 until September 2014 (you may also use an issue relating to your hometown, if
you prefer). You will be required to use and document source information from at least one and
no more than two BG News articles (or local newspapers). Choose an issue that you feel strongly
about and that you think is relevant to other students and develop a convincing argument
supporting why you feel the way you do.

Whatever position you take, you must incorporate different, sometimes opposing views into your
argument. You need to acknowledge different viewpoints and respond to them--sometimes you
will need to make concessions, admitting the validity of someone elses point, if you cant argue
against it; other times you will be able to refute, or argue against, someone elses argument.

Topic Options
Choose an issue that interests you. Make sure the issue is arguable and limited in scope. You
would not choose, for example, "world hunger," because (we hope) no one would argue in favor
of it or "taxes" because it is just too large for a 3 - 4 page essay. Please, do not "take a
position" on issues that people have argued for decades or centuries without resolution, such as
abortion, euthanasia, gun control, capital punishment, and similar large issues. Instead, choose an
often over-looked controversial issue that affects you, BGSU students or faculty, the BGSU
campus or the BG community and that you think can be changed because of your writing.

Due Dates for the "Arguing a Position with Sources" essay

1. Typed rough draftdue at the beginning of class for peer & instructor review,
Wednesday, 9/10.
2. Typed final essay packetdue Monday, 9/22.
Format / Length
The essay should be 3 - 4 full pages, typed, double-spaced using MLA page format. Use oneinch margins on all sides of the pages, standard 12-pt. font. No handwritten, sloppily presented, or
late work will be accepted.

Important: Save all your prewriting worksheets, conference worksheets, and rough drafts. You
will submit these, along with your self-evaluation sheet with the final draft.

Adapted from: Cheryl Hoy

GSW 1110

Structural elements

o identify the issue
o introduce the controversy
o state your thesis/make your claim
o develop your argument with sound reasoning and solid evidence
o develop counterarguments (opposing views)remember only one
CA point in a paragraph
o refute/accommodate counterarguments
o reassert your thesis in light of your argument
o address the implications

Hints for the Argument / Position paper

Your paper should present...
1. A clear, specific thesis.
2. A thorough understanding of the issue.
3. A focused argument that attempts to clearly demonstrate that a problem exists.
4. Clear topic sentences that state exactly what body paragraphs intend to accomplish, as
well as topic sentences that support the papers thesis.
5. Credible, relevant source material that supplements / assists your argument.
6. Parenthetical documentation that clearly cites all quotes, summaries, and paraphrases
from your source material, and a correct works cited page.
7. No logical fallacies.
Conferences / Final Comments
I urge you to schedule conferences with me or with a Writing Center tutor as you need assistance
with your essay.

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