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Middle East Crisis History and Effect on Financial Markets

Israel launched airstrikes on Syria n a clear attempt to worsen the crisis in that war-torn
nation and challenge Syrias ally, Iran. Goaded by Israel, Iran thundered "any attack on Syria
is an attack on Iran." An Iranian general warned Tel Aviv might come under attack. Irans
not very mobile ground forces would be unable to intervene in Syria in any substantial way.
Israels air force would devastate any Iranian columns advancing in open terrain. The only
way Iran could strike at Israel is by firing medium-ranged Shahab-III missiles and a small
number of Sajjil-2 solid propellant missiles. Both are inaccurate. Their 750-1,000 kg
conventional warheads would only do limited damage unless they made a lucky hit on
Israels heavily defended Dimona nuclear reactor.

The Arab Spring (Arabic: , al-Rabeea al-Arabi) is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations,

protests, and wars occurring in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010. The Arab spring is widely
believed to have been instigated by dissatisfaction with the rule of local governments, though some have
speculated that wide gaps in income levels may have had a hand as well. It was sparked by the first protests that
occurred in Tunisia on 18 December 2010 in Sidi Bouzid, following Mohamed Bouazizi's self-immolation in
protest of police corruption and ill treatment

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