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1. What is disjoint and overlapping design constraint?

In a disjoint design constraint, an entity can belong to not more than one lowerlevel entity set. In overlapping generalizations, the same entity may belong to
more than one lower-level entity For example, in the employee-work team
example of the book; a manager may participate in more than one work-team.
2. How Redundancy can be reduced.
Data redundancy occurs in database systems which have a field that is repeated
in two or more tables. For instance, in case when customer data is duplicated and
attached with each product bought then redundancy of data is a known source
of inconsistency, since customer might appear with different values for given
attribute? Data redundancy leads to data anomalies and corruption and generally
should be avoided by design. Database normalization prevents redundancy and
makes the best possible usage of storage.
3. What is System R?
System R is a database management system which provides a high level
relational data interface. The system provides a high level of data
independence by isolating the end user as much as possible from underlying
storage structures. The system permits definition of a variety of relational views
on common underlying data
4. Name of some DBMS Application and its working
5. What is the use of Canonical ('over during normalization)?

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