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Cochise County Clarion

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WHAT IF..? By Iris D. Lynch

1. Fiscal Responsibility 2. Smaller Constitutional Government
3. Free Enterprise
4. Secure Borders
5. Support Small

December 25


January 8th City
Hall Mona Bishop
Room 5PM our own
Craig Mount will be
sworn in!

What if Obama supports Political Correctness to the extent of transforming

America into a nation of color? He has eliminated any sanctions for millions of noncitizens to enter America. There have been thousands of children and adults making
their way from Central America. He opens America to imported people from all over
the world and takes pride in offering an open door policy for people of color. He recently decided that 100,000 Haitians be taken in and is quietly taking bids for a surge
of 32 million ID cards for work authorizations. He claims that we cannot stop people
from Ebola-infected African nations and it would seem that he will not be satisfied
until a white majority is no longer a factor. Is that what his transformation of
America is?
Then what? It would appear that legalities are not factors when it comes to
Holders justice. The facts continue to support the cop in Ferguson, but will he be sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness? Then again, the nation is surely not ready
to be completely transformed, as yet. Combined coloration of the nation, blacks,
Hindus, Hispanics and a sprinkling of other races still do not outnumber Caucasians.
Can he accomplish the transformation in time for the next national election?
Political Correctness has stopped us from analyzing race relations as they have
played out in actuality. The murder rate of blacks over whites is considerably higher
and that is not taking into consideration the fact that blacks are a mere 12% of the
population. In other words, a far greater percentage of blacks are engaged in black
on white crime. Are there crazies on the white side of the ledger? Yes, but as a
whole, they are far less likely to engage in these horrendous practices.
The truth is that the statistics are skewed in order to satisfy the Democrat
Party who have fostered Political Correctness as a means of keeping their blacks satisfied that the Democrat Party are the only whites who will side with them. For
votes, they will rev up any possible picture that might enhance their meme of how
whites hate blacks.
There is the well-known horror of James Byrd, Jr., a black man, who was viciously murdered by three white men, two of whom were known white supremacists.
Byrd was offered a ride in the pickup of these three white men and they accosted him,
chained him to the moving vehicle and rode until he was literally a broken man. Mr.
Byrd was likely grateful by then for his release from life. He died in June of 1998. This
led to the enactment of more stringent race laws.
Just two years after this horror, a similar scenario was enacted again in a
frightening replay of the Byrd incident. This time the three perpetrators were black
and the victim, Ken Tillery, was white. However, this time, the crime was not de- h
termined to be racial. What was it?

Then in January of 2007, a carjacking took

place that netted the perpetrators two white victims, one male, one female. The five black perpetrators abandoned the vehicle they presumably were
after and took the two white people as prisoners.
Over a period of 24 to 36 hours, they tortured and
mutilated their victims. Evidence showed that the
female took the worst of the torture and finally died
from bleach being poured into her throat, presumably to erase DNA evidence. This was not prosecuted
as a racial crime. What was their purpose? Fun and
Tell me, what was it? They had the truck and
let it go. They tortured, raped and sodomized their
two victims over many hours, to what end? What
did they want to achieve?
Until the many righteous pulpits throughout
our land rise up and express the love that we need
for support of one another, we can never exist together. When righteous whites took over South Africa and changed the policies which had kept the native blacks from achieving freedom to live a life
based on their abilities, too many blacks saw an opportunity to enhance their individual self-power and
were determined to punish the whites for past grievances. What no one seemed to understand was
that those whites were long dead and buried. Perpetuating hatred and torture ruins the atmosphere
for everyone who is alive in such a place.
It is long past time for us in America to see
to it that Political Correctness be outlawed and we
go back to a justice system that is indeed colorblind.
If we dont, we can take a look at South Africa and
see the future laid out before us. Believe me, it
hasnt turned out well for white or black!

"Our immigration system is broken and it's Congress's

job to fix it. - Ron Barber on President Obamas Amnesty.
Our immigration system is NOT broken; what is broken is the will of Washington DC to enforce our laws.
Take politics out of it.Illegal is illegal. The illegal
migration will only increase with Amnesty.
Ask yourself: If someone broke into your house, set
up housekeeping while you were away, what
would you do? Let them stay or send them to jail
for breaking and entering?
If the idea of amnesty, broken laws, benefits you
pay for are going to illegals, is offensive - then have
your voice heard.NO AMNESTY, NO BENEFITS, NO
and their organizations are calling.
John McCain
Jeff Flake:
Ron Barber:

(520) 670-6334 (Tucson)

(520) 575-8633 (Tucson)
(520) 459-3115 (Sierra

Resources so you can do your own research:

La Raza Steal YOUR vote:
La Raza, Latinos not Americans:

Your Relevance as a Citizen is being Diluted
The debate on immigration is clouded, intentionally.The debate is not whether we should welcome
people coming legally to the country, applying for
citizenship, waiting 5-7 years, swearing an oath to
the Constitution, and learning EnglishIT is whether
people who came here illegally, snuck across our
borders, broke our laws (which no other country
allows even Mexico), then demand to be legalized
so they can receive a Social Security card, drivers
license, be allowed to VOTE, and GET BENEFITS.

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