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Name ___________________________

Date _________ Period 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ch. 2 Chapter Review Worksheet

The Sea Floor
Review the chapter and answer the following questions for review.
2.1 The Water Planet

What portion of the planet is covered with water?

2. What are the four main ocean basins?

3. What do oceanographers call a shallow area connected to an ocean basin?
4. Draw and label the internal structure of the Earth.
5. Explain the differences between oceanic crust and continental crust.
6. Explain why continental crust is above water and ocean crust is below water.
2.2 The Origin and Structure of the Ocean Basins
7. What does the theory of Continental Drift suggest?
8. What early evidence supported the theory of Continental Drift?
9. What technology allowed oceanographers to map the sea floor?
10. What is the largest geological feature on Earth?
11. Draw a picture of a typical mid-ocean ridge.
12. What is happening geologically at a mid-ocean ridge?
13. Give three pieces of evidence that supports seafloor spreading.
14. What parts of the Earth make up the lithospheric plates?
15. What part of the mantle do the plates float on?
16. Explain why this statement is false. The continents move around on the plates.
17. Where is new lithosphere created? Where is it destroyed?
18. Describe the three ways different plates can interact at a subduction zone.
19. What happens at a shear boundary?
20. Describe how the two forces work that move the tectonic plates?
21. 200 mil years ago what were the worlds continent and ocean called?
22. Are the plates still moving? What is happening to the worlds oceans because of it?
23. Compare and contrast the two types of marine sediments.
24. What happens to the sea level during interglacial and ice ages periods?
2.3 The Geological Provinces of the Ocean
25. What are the two main regions of the sea floor?
26. Draw a typical continental margin and label these parts: cont. shelf, cont. slope, and cont. rise.

Name ___________________________
Date _________ Period 1 2 3 4 5 6
27. Where continental crust meets ocean crust the boundary (or margin) can be active or passive.
What is the difference?
28. Where would you find the abyssal plain?
29. Compare and contrast seamounts and guyots.
30. In what geologic feature do we find the deepest parts in the ocean?
31. Describe how seawater circulates through the crust at a central rift valley.
32. What is a black smoker? Do they really blow smoke?

Start your answers here. Use more paper if needed.

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