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The first time I experienced hula I felt its spirit.

I felt the spirit of hula even before I knew what
the word spirit meant. I was four years old.
Many years later I learned that the origin of
hula was when an enchanted spirit-wind blew
over the ocean currents of Nnhuki and into
the forest groves of Hena, animating the entire district of Keaau, Hawaii in dance. When
Hiiaka experienced this nature-dance she fell
into enchantment and was caught up in the
spirit-animation and began herself to dance
this nature dance. When Pele experienced
Hiiakas dance, she herself was entranced
into a deep and profound sleep, triggering her
spirit to travel very, very far. To me, all this is
Hula allows one to recognize the spirit of nature in all life (including human communities).
We use hula to tell our dreams, to communicate and celebrate our histories, our emotions,
our journeys. Hula allows the spirit to journey
far into our past and further into our future.
Under all this, however, the core of hula is
anchored in the enchanted dance of nature.
Yasuda International has positioned an intriguing opportunity before me: How do we teach the spirit of hula? From this question KOI Hula Festival, Celebrating the Spirit of Hula is born. We welcome you to this inaugural platform of
hula as a dance of nature, inspiration, personal meaning and community spirit. We invite you to
investigate the many layers of this spirit we call hula.
With a breath of fresh air, we welcome you.
Biography: Dr. Tangaro is an niki graduate of Hlau O Kekuhi (2007), Kumu Hula of Unukupukupu, and a Professor of Hawaiian Studies at Hawaii Community College, Hilo Hawaii.
He is lead faculty member in the delivery of the Hawaiian Studies Associate in Arts Degree Hula
Focus. He is celebrated by the University of Hawaii System for his stellar ability to position Hawaiian culture as a platform to strengthen spiritual wellbeing in diversified communities. He is
recognized by the hula community for his strong hula foundations, his innovations, and his authenticity in hula ritual. He resides in Panaewa with his wife Kekuhi Kealiikanakaole, children
and grandchildren.

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