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Unit 23

Multi-Camera Techniques
Leaning Outcome 1 Understand Program Formats that use
Multi-Camera Techniques

Stage Layout
Cameras A, B and C are placed facing towards the stage from the corners of the
stage to give a view from behind the stage where the audience can be seen in the
shot. These cameras show the stage as well as the audience and provide a
different angle to provide a wider variety of shots for the audience. Cameras D
and E are only facing the stage from in front of the audience to show close ups of
the events on the stage without showing any atmosphere around the stage.
Cameras F and G Will be facing the audience form the front corners only focusing
on the atmosphere without including any stage rage. These cameras will be
placed to capture the reaction from the audience to show the viewers at home
the excitement of the audience.
Cameras H and I will be focusing on the stage from on top of the poles to show
the stage and a glimpse of the audience from a higher angle. This camera will be
used to capture the whole stage to allow the audience top get a sense of scale.
Camera J will be on a cable from both poles over the audience that can move
across the cable. This camera issued to create a shot that isnt static but more
mobile; it is effective as it makes the viewers feel like there in the events
atmosphere and with a exciting point of view from where the audiences are
viewing from. And finally cameras K and J will be facing the Stage from behind
the audience for a point of view from the back of the event expanding on the
different angles.





Examples of Live Events:

In this example of a clip from Glastonbury festival, each camera is used to

communicate to the viewers by attempting to bring the audience at home closer
to the action; they do this by using every camera to show all points of view from
the area making it more exciting to watch. By doing this the viewers can feel like
they are experiencing the full atmosphere of the event. Televised events often
include around 20-25 main cameras; these are all positioned to face a different
angle of the stage or stadium.

This can also be seen in the football match example as they require this many to
capture the full event in different perspectives and make it more interesting for
the viewers, most of these cameras will be stationary to point and film a specific
area whilst others will be moving around and creating a more active shot.

The two main areas that need to be filmed are the stage and the audiences, to
capture a more realistic depiction of the crowds the cameras will have to be
facing the stage from t he audience, whilst at the same time filming the overall
mood of the audience from the stages' point of view. This is different to other
examples such as sports events, often sports events require a wide camera that
captures mostly action on the pitch as appose to focusing on the audience,
however they will include audience shots to show the viewers at home the
atmosphere from the crowds.

Studio Set-up
I have placed the cameras in this position to capture every person on the set both
altogether and individually from both sofas. This way I can edit them together
and the audience can see the scene from more than one angle making the show
appear more dynamic and the audience feeling as if they are closer.
Camera B is placed in the middle to film the all of the set both the interviewer
and the person getting interviewed, these types of shots are usually used at the
beginning and end of discussions as well as to show the body language of the
persons. Cameras A and C are placed to focus on each person individually to be
used when talking on there own or to show a reaction.
With studio set recording there are usually fewer cameras as appose to live
events because there is a limited amount of action that the cameras can capture
when the subject is static. This is contrasted with examples such as live concerts
because the cameras will need to cover a wider verity of angles and actions that
are present, also it is important that all needed footage is captured because the
concerts and sports matches are live and cannot be re-taken.


Examples of a studio set-up

Viewer interest is maintained throughout the variety of shots that express the
atmosphere of the event. The wide range of shots creates a less static view of the
overall stage, however there can be some restrictions on studio set up as there is
a limited amount of shot types that can be filmed because the subjects are static
as appose to live events.
The constraints of live events is that they require more cameras because they are
live, and the shots cannot be retaken or filmed again so all the action has to be
captured throughout all the cameras. The studio set up can be covered with
around three main cameras to film each individual and the overall set and it can
be predicted where the subjects will be. This example from the Graham Norton
Show shows that there are few main subjects for the cameras to focus on and
they are stationary therefore there are only a around 3 or 4 main cameras.

On the other hand a live event is more unpredictable and require mobile
cameras that change the direction the yare facing to collect all the shots they
need. This is because viewer interest is maintained by using various cameras to
film the subjects from different angles to expand on the shot types to bring the
audience closer to the action and feel as if they are a part of it.

With the studio set-up such as Goldenballs the cameras try and communicate
with the audience by using the camera to make the viewers fell as if they are
close to the action; this is important to keep the audience interested in the

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