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Ways of Expressing Future

I. Translate into English:

1. M voi uita la televizor mine.
2. M voi uita la televizor mine pe vremea aceasta.
3. Vom servi cina n curnd.
4. Poimine, la ora 12, noi vom servi cina.
5. Ea are de gnd s demisioneze sptmna viitoare.
6. Ea urmeaz s primeasc un premiu n seara asta.
7. Avionul Reginei urmeaz s aterizeze la ora 9 fix.
8. Directorul acestei companii intenioneaz s i concedieze toi angajaii.
9. Portarul este pe punctul de a-i pierde slujba.
10. Nu avem de gnd s ne rzgndim.
II. Rephrase the following sentences using various means of expressing futurity:
1. I intend to go to all her seminars this year.
2. The girl is on the verge of making an important decision.
3. I wonder whether this actress is in the cast for next weeks play.
4. His intention is to participate in this meeting next week.
5. They are supposed to take this exam again next year.
6. The Prime Minister predicts the Romanians prosperity after this crisis.
7. I want to solve this problem next week.
8. These scientists are very close to making an important discovery.
9. The lion intends to kill its neghbour tonight.
10. The bridge is on the verge of collapsing.
III. Translate into English:
1. Mi-e greu s-mi imaginez c mine pe vremea asta vei schia ntr-o staiune
2. Voi ncerca s-i explic situaia i s-l conving; va nelege cu siguran.
3. nainte de a semna tratatul, cele dou pri vor ajunge la un acord.
4. Ct timp rmnei n capital?
5. Pn la urmtorul trg de carte se vor fi publicat memoriile acestui scriitor.
6. Urmeaz s ne ntlnim la ora 5, n faa cinematografului.
7. Membrii comitetului urmeaz s ia parte la o conferin de pres mai trziu n
cursul zilei de azi.
8. Peste cteva zile ne vom ntoarce pentru a da din nou examenul de conducere.
9. edina ncepe mine, la ora 12 fix.
10. Colegii mei ies mine la o pizza.

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