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Modal verbs Must and Should

(Verbele modale Must i Should)

Verbul modal Must se folosete pentru a exprima n limba englez:

1) o necesitate, uneori un ordin:
I must wash the dishes tonight- Trebuie s spl vasele desear.
You must write to your parents. - Trebuie s le scrii prinilor ti.
2) posibilitate, presupunere.
You must be tired. - Trebuie s fii obosit. (Probabil c eti obosit.)
She must be at home now. Trebuie s fie acas acum.
Affirmative form
I must ( eu trebuie)
You must (tu trebuie)
He/she must (el/ea trebuie)
We must (noi trebuie)
You must (voi trebuie)
They must (ei/ ele trebuie)

Negative form
I mustnt (eu nu trebuie)
You mustnt (tu nu trebuie)
He/ she mustnt (el/ea nu
We mustnt (noi nu trebuie)
You mustnt (voi nu trebuie)
They mustnt( ei/ele nu

Affirmative: Students must listen to the teacher.( Studenii trebuie s
asculte profesorul).
Negative: Students mustnt jump on the desks. (Studenii nu trebuie s
sar pe bnci).

Verbul modal Should se folosete n limba englez pentru:

- a exprima un sfat: You are sick, you should really go to a doctor- Eti
bolnav, ar trebui s mergi la doctor.
- a exprima o posibilitate: You should arrive before noon.- Ar trebui s ajungi nainte de
- o obligaie: I should be in the office by 7:00 AM- Ar trebui s fiu la birou la ora apte
- a exprima ce e bine i ce e ru n anumite mprejurri: Nobody should drink and drive Nimeni nu ar trebui s bea i s conduc.

Affirmative form

Negative form

I should( eu ar trebui)

I shouldnt ( eu nu ar trebui)

You should( tu ar trebui)

You shouldnt(tu nu ar trebui)

He/she should (el/ ea ar trebui)

He/ she shouldnt(el/ea nu ar trebui)

We should (noi ar trebuie)

We shouldnt (noi nu ar trebui)

You should (voi ar trebui)

You shouldnt (voi nu ar trebui)

They should ( ei/ele ar trebui)

They shouldnt (ei/ele nu ar trebui)

Affirmative: You should stay home- Ar trebui s stai acas.

Negative: He shouldnt write on the walls- El nu ar trebui s scrie pe perei.

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