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E. B.

2,3 Josefa de Óbidos – Complexo dos Arcos

Ano Lectivo de 2008/2009

Name: __________________________ Form: ______ Class: _____

Number: _____ Date: ____________________________________

Present simple tense

3rd person: He / She / It

1) We add s when the verb ends in –k; -n; -d; -t; -r; -e:

Ex.: Drink → He drinks

Run → He runs
Visit → He visits
Wear → He wears
Take → He takes
End → It ends

Exception: Have → He has

2) We add es when the verb ends in –ch; -sh; -ss; -x; -o:

Ex.: Teach → He teaches

Finish → He finishes
Dress → He dresses
Mix → He mixes
Go → He goes
Do → He does

3) When the verb ends in –y and before the -y, there is a consonant, we change
the y to ie and we add s:

Ex.: Cry → He cries

Fly → He flies
Dry → He dries

4) When the verb ends in –y and before the -y there is a vowel, we just add an –s:

Ex.: Play → He plays

Buy → He buys
Say → He says
3rd person: He / She / It – Exercises
A – Fill the blanks, using the verbs in the box, in the 3rd person:

Mary ____________ at half past seven.
She ________ breakfast at a quarter to eight. finish
She _______ to school. She _____ her friends there.
Her teacher ______ a book in the English class. get up
Mary ________ to a song in Music class.
She ________ school at half past four. go
Mary _________ TV, and after she _____ to bed.

B – Fill in with do or does:

1. - __________ Ronald play basketball?

2. - __________ you like English?

3. - __________ she go to school at eight o’clock?

4. - __________ Grace finish school at five o’clock?

5. - __________ you have lunch in the canteen?

6. - __________ Peter go early to bed?

7. - __________ you go to the cinema?

8. - __________ Jane go to the cinema?

9. - __________ you always brush your teeth?

10. - __________ Jill always brush her teeth?

C. Complete the sentences with do, don’t, does and doesn’t:

1. - __________ you like Maths? Yes, I __________.

2. - __________ Douglas play computer? Yes, he __________.

3. - __________ Ann get up Late? No, she __________.

4. - __________ Patricia go to bed at ten o’clock? Yes, she __________.

5. - __________ Mary and Susan like cakes? Yes, they __________.

6. - __________ you speak Spanish? No, I __________.

7. - __________ James do the homework? No, he __________.

Good work!

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