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Personal Fitness Syllabus

Hartland High School

Winter 2015
Mrs. Carrie Ojibway
(810 626 2274
1st hour prep Room 501

Mr. Brian Morrison Coach

(810) 626 2304
7th hour prep

Miss Stephanie Cyrus

(810) 626 2353
1st hour prep Room 107

Description: This course is a one semester course that includes the fundamentals
of developing and applying an individual fitness program. The class will include
flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, aerobics, strength training, and nutrition. The
emphasis of this course will promote lifelong physical fitness and an individualized
workout plan.
Participation: Students will receive daily participation points. Students should
dress in appropriate athletic wear; shirt, shorts, & athletic shoes. Failure to dress in
appropriate athletic wear will result in loss of daily participation points. Students are
also expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship, effort, & attitude. Failure to
comply with daily participation requirements will result in loss of daily points.
Absences: If a student is absent, they automatically receive 0 participation for the
day. A student can make up their points by reading a health/ sport/ fitness/ nutrition
related article and writing a 1 page summary about it. Students MUST include the
name of the article, the name of the author, and the website/source (or hardcopy).
Students can turn their summary in up to 3 days after their absence. A summary
needs to be done for every day a student is absent.
Fitness Testing: Students will participate in fitness testing three times in the
semester (beginning, middle, & end). Fitness tests include: push-ups, sit ups, shuttle
run, 1 mile run, sit and reach test and a 20 minute non-stop run at the end of the
semester. The grade is based on improvement throughout the semester.
Locks and Lockers: Each student will be assigned a locker in the locker room and
also will be assigned a combination lock. It is the students responsibility to use
and keep the lock assigned to them during the semester. If a student loses his/her
lock, (regardless of the reason; whether lost or stolen), the student will be
held responsible for the payment of $5.00 towards the replacement of a new lock.
Absolutely no locks from home may be used in the locker room.
Classroom/ Test: Students will be in the classroom learning about the fundamental
skills applied in personal fitness. Classroom days will consist of approximately the
first 3 weeks of the semester. Students will be asked to take notes, participate in
class discussion, and complete all assignments. There will be one test at the end of

the classroom segment that involves a variety of multiple choice, true & false, and
short answer.
Final Reflection: A written final exam will be given worth at the end of the
semester. The exam will consist of an overall reflection of participation, work ethic,
and contribution to a personal fitness program.
Personal Workout Plan: After fitness testing, students will analyze their strengths
and weaknesses in physical activities. Students will create an individualized workout
plan with an emphasis on cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility components. It is
recommended for students to use a notebook in order to put together their final
workout plan. Once created, students will implement their workouts plans in order
to improve their physical fitness testing skills.
1. Students must come prepared with all materials for class each day. This
includes athletic clothes & shoes for participation, pencil & paper for
classroom work, and whatever else is required for that day.
2. All students must be completely dress for each day (shirt, shorts/sweat pants,
socks, athletic shoes). No tank tops or spaghetti straps.
3. All students are to be in the gym area or classroom at the scheduled start
4. All students are to be dressed and in their attendance lines 6 minutes after
the scheduled start time.
5. Students are to be respectful of all equipment. When using the storage room,
all supplies must be well taken care of and returned to the proper place.
6. If there is a reason for the student to be excused from the activities of the
class on any given day, proper communication and a doctors note is
7. Any cheating or talking during a test will result in the complete loss of credit
for that particular test for both people.
8. No interrupting while working on classroom work or during instruction in the
9. During class time, no one will be allowed into the locker room without the
teachers permission.
10.At the end of the class, students should wait for teacher dismissal in order to
go change in the locker rooms.
11.Everyone is to remain inside the double doors of the gym until it is passing
12.No cell phone use allowed in the locker room.
13.The following actions or violations of the rules will result in the subtraction of
participation points from the students grade:
a. Climbing the bleachers/ hiding behind bleachers
b. Leaving the gym area before the passing time
c. Entering the equipment room without permission
d. Not returning checked out locks/equipment
e. Abusive language and/or fighting
f. Outdoor equipment used indoor or without permission
g. Hanging on the basketball rims or nets
h. Failure to participate in warm-up exercises

i. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior

j. Misuse of gym equipment
k. Defacing of walls, lockers, etc.

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