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Title of ASSURE Lesson Plan:

Checks and Balances and US Political Systems Lesson Plan

Author's Name: Beth Merrick

Subject Area(s): American Government, Technology
Academic Content Standards: American Government Content Standards 14
and 15
Technology Standard: Select appropriate technology communication tools
and design collaborative interactive projects and activities to
communicate with others.
Grade Level: 11-12
Time Required: 4-5 days

Analyze Learners
24 Grade Level Learners, with 2 ADHD and one ASL

State Learning Objectives

Students will explain how the three branches of Government interact through
checks and balances in addition to showing how the US political systems work
through the use of online flowcharts. Students are to display knowledge of the
interactions between the branches.

Select Methods (Strategies), Media, and Materials

Chromebooks, Lucidchart App, powerpoint and projector to teach material,

Differentiated Instructional Strategies
ADHD- Will use headphones to block out additional sound while working
ASL-Provide information presented in class on a sheet of paper in native language,
Offer to help student understand any word they dont understand.

Utilize Media & Materials

Day 1- Teacher presents Powerpoint/Prezi information about the branches of
Government (No Chromebooks)

Day 2- Chromebooks are handed out with rubric for assignment, explain project,
and assure apps are properly downloaded. Let Students explore and personalize
their chromebook
Day 3-4- Students partner up and use the Chromebooks to collaboratively complete
assignment of creating flowchart of checks and balances and Political systems
neatly, clearly, and sweetly (explain 60 piece limit on the flowchart app
Day 5- All students will display final project on chromebook and view others

Require Learner Participation

Students will answer and prove understanding of material through presentation and
completion of project. They will use Chromebooks and Liquidchart to create a
visually appealing application of material. Students will then gain ideas for future
projects when viewing one anothers final project.

Students' Learning of Content
Students will show active and dimensional understanding of the Checks and
Balances and flow of requests through the government
Evaluate Students' 21st Century Skills
Students will successfully collaborate to share information, ideas, and to complete
the assignment more rapidly
Evaluate Students' Use of Technology
Successful application of Liquidchart to create a brief, visually appealing, simple to
understand way to view this material
Evaluate & Revise Your Own Instruction
The quality of descriptions given on final assignment, the ability of students to
complete project in allotted time, the number of questions over material as a whole
across the classroom.

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