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The letter to the Philippians:

Peace in relationships: the Challenge of Humility

Sermon in a paragraph: Humility is the kind of vulnerability
that comes from dependence on God to meet our needs in our
close relationships. It refuses to vandalize the respect and
honor that belongs to others by insisting on ones own rights
and power at the expense of others. In relationships, humility
says, You get to be you; and I get to be me, and we both
share the joy of being ourselves together in this relationship.
1. Humility is the reasonable response to being stunned by
Gods grace. (Philppians 2:1-3)
God is a Father who loves you and has a wonderful
purpose for your life.
Our own sin and corruption keeps us from seeing God as
God is or grasping the plan he has for your life.
All the sin and corruption in the world has not stopped
God from loving you.
The incarnation proves it.
The sacrificial life and ministry of Jesus demonstrate it.
The cross nails it.
The resurrection from the dead insures it.
The Holy Spirit sent from heaven makes it real in our
God breaks through all our confusion and sin by sending
Jesus, his Son into our world. He lived, died and overcame
death to set us free from sin and restore to an amazing
relationship with God.
God will continue renew our hearts, minds and entire
lives by the Spirit of Christ as we live as part of the family
of God, the church. Through the people who follow Jesus
he is renewing the entire world.
2. Humility starts with obedience to wise counsel, but the
Spirit of Christ transforms obedience into the character and
peaceful mind of Christ. (2:5-18)
3. The Spirit of God works through the example of others in the
body of Christ to fill in the gaps, to teach us the things that are
difficult to teach (2:19-30)

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