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Logical Fallacies

Red Herring We should limit immigration into Canada because Canada cant
handle the strain on its health care system. Those lazy immigrant doctors never
work enough and their incompetence leaves us a sicker nation.
Fallacy of Ambiguity We should all use crystals to replenish our health because
they provide positive energy vibrations that refresh the central nervous system.
Fallacy of equivocation A bad burger is better than nothing. Nothing is better than
a good burger. Therefore, a bad burger is better than a good burger.
Fallacy of Straw man So you believe that we should vaccinate our children against
diseases? So what youre saying is that we should put substances mandated by the
government into our childrens bodies? When has that ever turned out to be good?
We should never allow anyone to put stuff into our children that we dont know
Argument from ignorance You said that ghosts arent real? Show me proof that
they arent.
Begging the question Prime Minister Harper is a good leader because he doesnt
make bad decisions.
False dilemma Either you love poutine or youre an evil person.
Hasty Generalization The drug has a calming effect on 10 cancer patients.
Therefore, it is safe to administer the drug on every cancer patients.
Slippery slope If we allow women more maternal leave, then soon men will
demand paternal leave. This will lead to an arms race between men and women,
demanding for more leave. This will breed a hand-out ethic in Canada and no one
will want to work anymore. The Canadian economy will be in shambles and we will
have to import immigrants to do our work for us and they will rob and destroy us.
Sweeping generalization Most Hispanics in America immigrated illegally and illegal
immigrants demand handouts. Marco is a Hispanic immigrant. So he is a lazy freeloader in society.
Post hoc African-Americans are incarcerated more often any other group in
America. Therefore they must commit more crimes than other groups.

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