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Ia Engleza cu Tine

- Versiunea Tiparita -

Buna! Sunt Mini, ghidul tau de limba Engleza.

Vocea mea te va insoti intr-o calatorie
fascinanta. Vei descoperi ca nimic nu este greu,
daca esti pregatit
Astazi este cea mai buna zi sa incepi sa inveti
limba Engleza!
Voi face ca totul sa fie cat mai usor pentru tine.
Asculti CD-ul, deci te-ai hotarat. Tine-o tot asa.

Man-men- varbat-barbati
Woman-women- femeie-femei
Foot-feet- talpa-talpi
Ox-oxen- bou-boi
Mouse-mice- soarece-soareci
Goose-geese- gasca-gaste

Hi! My name is Mini, your guide for English.

My voice will join you on a fascinating trip.
You will discover that nothing is difficult if you
are ready for it. Today is a perfect day to start
learning English. I will make it easy for you.
You already listened to the CD, so you have
decided to do it. Go for it!

Prima lectie Lesson 1

Gramatica Grammar.
Mai intai, iti dezvalui un secret: limba Engleza
are o gramatica mai simpla decat limba
Romana. Prin urmare, mai usor de invatat.
Forma de plural a substantivelor este obtinuta in
general prin adaugarea terminatiei s.
Apple- apples - mar-mere
Cat- cats- pisica-pisici
Dog- dogs- caine- caini
Bat-bats- liliac-lilieci
Horse-horses- cal-cai
Leg-legs- picior-picioare
Window-windows- fereastra-ferestre
Mirror-mirrors- oglinda-oglinzi
Door-doors- usa-usi
Exceptie fac substantivele cu forma de plural

Sheep-sheep- oaie-oi
Child-children- copil-copii
In limba Engleza nu exista pronume de
politete,youfiind folosit universal- atat pentru
a exprima pronumele tu, cat si
dumneavoastra. Ceea ce face diferenta este
maniera de adresare.
Verbele limbi Engleze se conjuga mult mai
simplu decat in limba noastra, la prezentul
simplu, Present Tense exista de obicei o
singura terminatie diferita, aceea pentru
persoana a 3-a singular.
La trecutul simplu, Past Tense al verbelor
regulate terminatia este acceasi pentru toate
persoanele -ed.
Adjectivele nu au forme diferite la feminin sau
masculin, la singular sau plural. Spre exemplu,
adjectivul smart- istet:
She is a smart girl.
He is a smart kid.
They are smart people.
Este o fetita isteata.
Este un pusti istet.
Sunt oameni isteti.
Trei verbe sunt foarte importante in constructia
oricarei propozitii sau fraze in limba Engleza, to
be, to have, to do, adica: a fi, a avea si a face.
Fiecare dintre ele poate indeplini si functia de
verb auxiliar.

Iata conjugarea lor la timpul prezent in

To be:
I am Mini
Sunt Mini.
You are my friend.
Esti prietenul meu.
He is Alexander.
El este Alexandru.
She is Helen.
Ea este Elena.
It is our cat.
Este pisica noastra.
We are Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.
Suntem domnul si doamna Edwards.
You are my guests.
Sunteti musafirii mei.
They are my students.
Sunt elevi mei.
To have:
I have a small cat.
Am o pisica mica.
You have a white horse.
Ai un cal alb.
He has a red car.
El are o masina rosie.
She has a big house.
Ea are o casa mare.
It has grey fur.
Are blana gri.
We have a little garden.
Avem o gradina micuta.
You have a smart child.
Aveti un copil istet.
They have beautiful flowers.
Ei au flori frumoase.

To do:
I do my homework.
Imi fac tema pentru acasa.
You do your job.
Iti faci meseria.
He does his duty.
El isi face treaba.
She does her work.
Ea isi face munca.
We do our lessons.
Ne facem lectiile.
You do your shoppings.
Va faceti cumparaturile.
They do their tasks.
Isi indeplinesc sarcinile.
Notiuni generale- General Concepts.
Sa nu uitam insa importanta lexicului. Este cat
se poate de clar ca fara un vocabular minim in
limba Engleza, nu ne-am putea face niciodata
intelesi oricat de multa gramatica am cunoaste.
Asa ca, sa incepem sa vorbim in limba engleza.
So, lets start speaking English.
Calatoria noasta incepe cu prezentare si saluturi
Our trip starts with and introduction and formal
Buna ma cheama Mini, Mini Jones.
Dar pe tine?
Hi! My name is Mini, Mini Jones.
Whats yours?

Intrebari uzuale. Frequent questions.

How are you.
How do you do.

Ce mai faci?

Buna seara.

I am glad to meet you.

Imi pare bine sa va intalnesc.

Cum ne luam ramas bun?

I am glad to see you again.

Sunt bucuros sa va vad din nou.
What is your name?
Cum te cheama?
Who are you?
Cine esti?
Do I know you?
Te cunosc?
I dont remember meeting you.
Nu-mi amintesc sa te fi cunoscut.
Where are your from?
De unde esti?
I am from Romania.
Sunt din Romania.
I am a Romanian.
Sunt Roman.
And you?
Dar tu?

Good Bye!
La revedere!
Good night!
Noapte buna!
See you son!
Pe curand!
So long!
Cu bine!
Have a nice day!
Sa ai o zi buna!
Cum ne exprimam recunostinta si cum
raspundem cand ni se multumeste:

How old are you?

Ce varsta ai?

Thank you!

I am fifty years old.

Am cincizeci de ani.

Im grateful to you.
Va sunt recunoscator.
You are welcome.
Cu placere.

Cum salutam?
Cum ne cerem scuze:
Good morning.
Buna dimineata.
Good afternoon.
Buna ziua.

I am sorry.
Imi pare rau
Excuse me.
I didnt want to do it.
Nu am vrut sa fac asta.
I regret it.

Good evening.

Asadar, sunt Mini, ghidul tau de limba Engleza.

Am 54 de ani si sunt Romanca. Sunt casatorita
de 30 de ani cu un Englez, Alexander Jones.
Avem doi copii: o fata Emily si un baiat Peter.
Povestea mea incepe cu o intalnire.
So, I am Mini, you guide for English. I am 54
years old and I am a Romanian. I have been
married for 30 years to an Englishman,
Alexander Jones. We have two children: a
daughter, Emily and a son, Peter. My story
begins with a meeting.

Sunt bine toti. Fiica noastra si fiul nostru sunt

casatoriti si au copii. Cat despre mine si Al,
suntem destul de bine amandoi, multumim.
Well, good-bye Mrs. Jones! Remember me to
your husband. See you soon!
Ei bine, la revedere d-na Jones! Salutari sotului
dumneavoastra! Pe curand.
Good-bye, Jim.
La revedre, Jim!

A meeting - O Intalnire

Vocabulary - Vocabular

Good afternoon Mrs. Jones. How do you. I am

glad to see you again.
Buna ziua, d-na Jones. Ce mai faceti? Sunt
bucuros sa va vad din nou.

So- asadar, astfel

Married- casatorit, casatorita
Child/children- copil/copii
Daughter- fiica
Son- fiu
Story - poveste
To begin- a incepe
A meeting- o intalnire
Young man- tanar, barbat tanar
But- dar, insa
Again- din nou
To know - a cunoaste, a stii
To remember- a-si aminti
Of course- bineinteles
Younger- mai tanar
Well- bine
Our- al nostru, a noastra, ai nostri, ale noastre
As for- cat despre
Quite- destul de
Alright- in regula
Remember me to- transmiteti salutari lui

Hello young man! But who are you? Do I know

you? I dont remember meeting you.
Buna tinere! Dar cine esti? Te stiu de undeva?
Nu-mi amintesc sa te fi intalnit!
Of course you do, Mrs. Jones! I am Jim, Jim
Patrick. Now you know me, dont you?
Bineinteles ca ma cunoasteti, d-na Jones. Sunt
Jim, Jim Patrick. Acum ma stiti, nu-i asa?
Jim Patrick?! Oh, of course. Now I remember.
You are Daniels younger son. Yes, now I
remember you. How is your father?
Jim Patrick? Ah, bineinteles. Acuma imi
amintesc. Esti fiul cel mai mic al lui Daniel. Da,
acum imi amintesc de tine. Ce mai face tatal
He is fine, thank you! How is your family?
Este bine, multumesc! Ai dumneavoastra ce mai
They are all well. Our daughter and our son are
married and have children. As for me and Al,
we are quite alright, thank you.

Dont forget. Nu uita

Cele trei verbe importante ale limbii Engleze
sunt: to be, to have si to do- a fi, a avea si a
face. Ele pot fi atat predicate, cat si verbe

Sa conjugam impreuna To be:

Sa conjugam impreuna To do

I am Mini.
Eu sunt Mini.

I do my homework.
Eu imi fac tema pentru acasa.

You are friend.

Tu esti prietenul meu.

You do your job.

Tu iti face meseria.

He is a Alexander.
Este Alexandru.

He does his duty.

El isi face treaba.

She is Helen.
Ea este Elena.

She does her work.

Ea isi face munca.

It is our cat.
Este pisica noastra.

We do our lessons.
Noi ne facem lectiile.

We are Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.

Suntem domnul si doamna Edwards.

You do your shoppings.

Voi va faceti cumparaturile.

You are my guests.

Sunteti musafirii mei.

They do their tasks.

Ei isi indeplinesc sarcinile.

They are my students.

Ei sunt elevii mei.
Sa conjugam impreuna To have
I have a small cat
Eu am o pisica mica.
You have a white horse.
Tu ai un cal alb.
He has a red car.
El are o masina rosie.
She has a big house.
Ea are o casa mare.
It has grey fur.
Are blana gri.
We have a little garden.
Noi avem o gradina micuta.
You have a smart child.
Voi aveti un copil istet.
They have beautiful flowers.
Ei au flori frumoase.

In English we say:
In Engleza spunem:
How are you? How do you do?
Ce mai faci? Ce mai faceti?
I am glad to meet you.
Sunt bucuros sa va intalnesc. Sunt incantat sa va
I am glad to see you again.
Sunt bucuros sa va vad din nou
What is your name?
Cum te cheama?
Who are you?
Cine esti?
Do I know you
Te cunosc?

I dont remember meeting you.

Nu-mi amintesc sa te fi cunoscut.
Where are you from?
De unde esti?

I am from Romania.
Sunt din Romania.

Sa aveti o zi buna.

I am a Romanian.
Eu sunt roman.

We express our gratitude:

Ne exprimam recunostina:

And you?
Dar tu?
How old are you?
Ce varsta ai?
I am fifty years old.
Am cincizeci de ani.
In English we greet people:
Good morning.
Buna dimineata.
Good afternoon.
Buna ziua.
Good evening.
Buna seara.

Thank you!
I am grateful to you.
Va sunt recunoscator.
You are welcome.
Cu placere.
We express our regret:
Ne exprimam parerea de rau:
I am sorry.
Imi pare rau.
Excuse me.
I didnt want to do it
Nu am vrut sa fac asta
I regret it.

Before we leave, we say:

Inainte de a pleca, spunem:
Good bye.
La revedere.
Good night.
Noapte buna.
See you soon.
Pe curand.
So long.
Cu bine.

Lectia a 2-a. Lesson 2


Gramatica. Grammar

Have a nice day.

Personal Pronoun. Pronumele personal

Pronumele personal inlocuieste substantivul si

are doua forme- el este fie subiectul, fie obiectul
The Personal Pronoun replaces the noun and it
has two forms. It is either the subject or the
object of the action.
I am Mini. Its about me.
Eu sunt Mini. Este vorba despre mine.
You are Paul. Its about you.
Tu esti Paul este vorba despre tine.

Tot acum vom invata cum anume putem adresa

o intrebare in limba Engleza:
When- cand
Where -unde
What- ce
Which - care
Who- cine
How -cum
Trebuie sa mai stim si faptul ca forma
interogativa rastoarna constructia enuntului
format din subiect si predicat. Astfel, I am
devine Am I , I have devine have I si tot

She is Alice. Its about her.

Ea este Alice. Este vorba despre ea.

Sa luam cateva exemple:

He is Andrew. Its about him.

El este Andrei. Este vorba despre el.

Where are you born?

Unde te-ai nascut?

Its the cat. Its about it.

Este pisica. Este vorba despre ea.

Where is Oradea?
Unde este Oradea?

We are a family. Its about us.

Noi suntem o familie. Este vorba despre noi.

What is your nickname?

Care este porecla ta?

You are brothers. Its about you.

Voi sunteti frati. Este vorba despre voi.

What is your job?

Care este slujba ta?

They are friends. Its about them.

Ei sunt prieteni. Este vorba despre ei.

What are you doing for a living?

Ce faci ca sa-ti castigi existenta?

Pronumele it poate inlocui lucruri, obiecte sau

fiinte despre care nu avem informatii legate de
gen sau sex. Poate fi vorba despre o carte, un
caine, sau chiar despre un bebelus.
Exista insa si exceptii de la aceasta regula, acele
obiecte care au gen.
Spre exemplu: ship- vas, ambarcatiune, are
genul feminin.
The ship is here. She is here.
Vasul este aici. Este aici

Which cat do you like most?

Care dintre pisici iti place cel mai mult?
Who is Peter?
Cine este Petre?
How is your job?
Cum este slujba ta?
How many children do you have?
Cati copii ai?
When do you come?
Cand vii?
General Concepts. Notiuni Generale.

La fel se intampla si in cazul unor tari precum

Franta sau Marea Britanie.

Si acum trecem din nou la lexic.

Avem de invatat cuvinte noi foarte utile in

comunicarea obisnuita.
Days of the week. Zilele saptamani
Monday - luni
Tuesday - marti
Wednesday - miercuri
Thursday - joi
Friday - vineri
Saturday - sambata
Sunday - duminica
Seasons. Anotimpuri
Spring - primavara
Summer -vara
Autumn -toamna
Winter - iarna
Months of the year
Lunile anului
January - ianuarie
Februrary - februarie
March- martie
April- aprilie
May- mai
June- iunie
July- iulie
August- august
September- septembrie
October- octombrie
November - noiembrie
December - decembrie
Countries, Capital Cities, Lanuages, Citizens.
Tari, capitale, limbi, cetateni.
Bucharest is in Romania.
Bucuresti este in Romania.
I speak Romanian.
Vorbesc Romana.
I am Romanian.
Sunt roman.
Athens is in Greece.

Atena este in Grecia.

I speak Greek.
Vorbesc Greaca
I am Greek.
Sunt Grec.
Sofia is in Bulgaria.
Sofia este in Bulgaria
I speak Bulgarian.
Vorbesc Bulgara.
I am Bulgarian.
Sunt Bulgar.
Ankara is in Turkey.
Ankara este in Turcia.
I speak Turkish.
Vorbesc Turca.
I am a Turk.
Sunt Turc.
London is in England.
Londra este in Anglia.
I speak English.
Vorbesc Engleza.
I am English.
Sunt Englez.
Paris is in France.
Paris este in Franta.
I speak French.
Vorbesc Franceza.
I am French.
Sunt Francez.
Rome is in Italy.
Roma este in Italia.
I speak Italian.
Vorbesc Italiana.
I am Italian.
Sunt Italian.
Lisbon is in Portugal.
Lisabona este in Portugalia.
I speak Portuguese.
Vorbesc Portugheza.
I am Portuguese.

Sunt Portughez.
Madrid is in Spain.
Madrid este in Spania.
I speak Spanish.
Vorbesc Spaniola.
I am a Spaniard.
Sunt un Spaniol.
Berlin is in Germany.
Berlin este in Germania.
I speak German.
Vorbesc Germana.
I am German.
Sunt neamt.
Budapest is in Hungary.
Budapesta este in Ungaria.
I speak Hungarian.
Vorbesc Maghiara.
I am Hungarian.
Sunt ungur.
Warsaw is in Poland.
Varsovia este in Polonia.
I speak Polish.
Vorbesc Poloneza
I am a Pole.
Sunt un Polonez
Prague is in Czech Republic.
Praga este in Cehia.
I speak Czech.
Vorbesc Ceha.
I am Czech.
Sunt Ceh.
Moscow is in Russia.
Moscova este in Rusia.
I speak Russian.
Vorbesc Rusa.
I am Russian.
Sunt Rus.

Jim si cu mine suntem buni prieteni acum. Ne

intalnim adesea si stam de vorba despre multe
Lets talk about us!
Sa vorbim despre noi!
Well Mini, tell me something about you. Where
are you from?
Ei bine Mini spune-mi ceva despre tine, de unde
esti de fel?
I was born in Baia Mare. I am from Baia mare.
M-am nascut la Baia Mare. Sunt de la Baia
Where is Baia Mare?
Unde este Baia Mare?
In Romania, of course, I am a Romanian.
In Romania binenteles, sunt Romanca.
How old are you, Mini?
Cati ani ai Mini?
I am 54 years old. And how old are you Jim?
Am 54 de ani. Dar tu cati ani ai Jim?
I am 32 years old and I was born in London.
Mini, where do you live?
Am 32 de ani si m-am nascut la Londra. Mini tu
unde locuiesti?
I live in London with my husband, Al, and you?
Locuiesc la Londra cu sotul meu, Al, dar tu?
I also live in London with my wife, Paula. Mini
what are you doing for living?
Si eu locuiesc la Londra cu sotia mea Paula,
Mini tu cum iti castigi existenta?
I am a teacher. I teach French in a private
school. And you?
Sunt professor. Predau Franceza la o scoala
particulara, dar tu?

Jim and I are very good friends now. We often

meet and talk about many things.


Well, I am an architect, but I work as a designer

in a small company. Mini, how many children
do you have?
Ei bine, eu sunt architect, dar lucrez ca designer
la o mica firma private. Mini tu cati copii ai?
We have two children: a daughter and a son.
Emily lives in Kohln, Germany and Peter
moved to America, recently. Now, he lives in
San Francisco with his family. And you, Jim, do
you have children?
Avem doi copii, o fiica si un fiu. Emily
locuieste in Koln, Germania, iar Peter s-a mutat
de curand in America. El locuieste acum in San
Francisco impreuna cu familia lui. Dar tu Jim, ai
Yes, I have a daughter, Lilly, she is four years
Da am o fetita Lili are 4 ani.

Dont forget. Nu uita.

The Personal Pronoun replaces the noun and has
two forms. It is either the subject or the object
of the action.
Pronumele personal inlocuieste substantivul si
are doua forme, el este fie subiectul fie obiectul
I am Mini, its about me.
Eu sunt Mini, este vorba despre mine.
You are Paul, its about you.
Tu esti Paul, este vorba despre tine.
She is Alice, its about her.
Ea este Alice, este vorba despre ea.
He is Andrew, its about him.
El este Andrew, este vorba despre el.

Vocabulary- Vocabular
Lets - hai sa
Very- foarte
Good - bun, buna
Friend- prieten
Often- adesea
Many things- multe lucruri
To talk about- a vorbi despre
Something- ceva
From- de la, din
I was born- m-am nascut
To live- a locui
With- cu
Wife, wives- sotie, sotii
Teacher- profesor
To teach- a preda
Private- privata
School- scoala
Architect- arhitect
Small company- companie mica
To move- a se muta
Family, families- familie, familii
Not yet- nu inca

We are a family, its about us.

Noi suntem o familie, este vorba despre noi.
You are brothers, its about you.
Voi sunteti frati, este vorba despre voi.
They are friends, its about them.
Ei sun prieteni, este vorba despre ei.
Pronumele it poate inlocui lucruri, obiecte sau
fiinte despre care nu avem informatii legate de
gen sau sex.
It is the cat. Its about it.
Este pisica, este vorba despre ea.
Poate fi vorba despre o carte, o tara, un caine
sau chiar despre un bebelus.
The baby is in the garden. It is in the garden.
Bebelusul este in gradina. El este in gradina
Exista insa si exceptii de la aceasta regula, acele
obiecte care au gen.


Spre exemplu, ship- vas, ambarcatiune, are

genul feminin.
The ship is here. She is here.
Vasul este aici. El este aici.
La fel se intampla si in cazul unor tari precum
Franta sau Marea Britanie.
France is an European country. She is European.
Franta este o tara europeana. Ea este Europeana

What day is today?

Ce zi este astazi
Today is Monday.
Astazi este luni.
Today is Tuesday.
Astazi este marti.
Today is Wednesday.
Astazi este miercuri.
Today is Thursday.
Astazi este joi.

Great Britain is part of the United Kingdom.

She is part of the United Kingdom.
Marea Britanie este parte a Regatului Unit. Ea
face parte din Regatul Unit.

Today is Friday.
Astazi este vineri.

In limba Engleza intrebam:

When- cand
Where -unde
What- ce
Which - care
Who- cine
How -cum

Today is Sunday.
Astazi este Duminica.

Where are you born?

Unde te-ai nascut?
What are you doing for a living?
Ce faci ca sa-ti castigi existenta?

Today is Saturday.
Astazi este sambata

Lets remember which are the seasons of the

year. Sa ne amintim care sunt anotimpurile
Spring - primavara
Summer -vara
Autumn -toamna
Winter - iarna

What is your job?

Care este slujba ta?

Lets remember which are the months of the

year. Sa ne amintim care sunt lunile anului.

How is your job?

Cum este slujba ta?

January - ianuarie
Februrary - februarie
March- martie
April- aprilie
May- mai
June- iunie
July- iulie
August- august
September- septembrie
October- octombrie
November - noiembrie
December - decembrie

How many children do you have?

Cati copii ai?
When do you come?
Cand vii?
Who is Peter?
Cine este Petre?
Which cat do you like most?
Care dintre pisici iti place cel mai mult?
Lets remember which are the days of the week.
Sa ne amintim care sunt zilele saptamanii.


What you need to know about England and

Great Britain.
Ce trebuie sa stii despre Anglia si Marea
London is in England.
Londra este in Anglia.
I speak English.
Eu vorbesc Engleza.
I am English.
Eu sunt Englez.
I am an Englishman.
Eu sunt un Englez.
I am an Englishwoman.
Eu sunt o Englezoaica.
England is also called Elbian because of her
white coasts.
Angliei i se mai spune si Elbian din cauza
falezelor sale albe.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland is consists of: England,
Scotland, Wales and Nortern Ireland.
Regatul unit al Marii Britani si Irlandei de Nord
este compus din: Anglia, Scotia, Tara Galilor si
Irlanda de Nord.

Lectia a 3-a Lesson Grammar

Articolul. The article
Articolul insoteste substantivul si arata cat de
cunoscut ne este acesta. El arata diferenta intre
a tiger un tigru orecare si the tiger-tigrul,
cu identitate precisa.
The article is attached to the noun and it shows
how familiar this is to us.
Articolul este astasat de substantiv si arata cat
de familiar ne este acesta.
Referire generala. Generic reference

Tigrii sunt animale periculoase.

Russians are exceptional artists.
Rusii sunt artisti exceptionali.
French people have excellent cuisine.
Francezii au o bucatarie excelenta.
Music is delightful.
Muzica este incantatoare.
Articolul hotarat. Definite Article
The Russian is a good dancer.
Rusul este un bun dansator.
The lion is the king of all animals.
Leul este regele tuturor animalelor.
The lady is beautiful.
Doamna este frumoasa.
Articolul nehotarat. Indefinite Article
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste.
A woman stands in front of the door.
O femei sta in fata usii.
De retinut ca in limba Engleza articolul
nehotarat a devine an atunci cand este plasat
inaintea substantivelor care incep cu vocala sau
An elephant- un elefant
An egg- un ou
An apple- un mar
An orange- o portocala
Articolul hotarat the, se citeste diferit in
functie de substantivul pe care il precede.
Daca substantivul incepe cu consoana, articolul
hotarat se citeste...
The tiger
The dress
The Russian
The lion
The lady
Daca substantivul incepe cu vocala, articolul
hotarat se citeste...
The elephant
The end
The apple
The orange
The egg

Tigers are dangerous animals.


The Present Tense. Timpul prezent

La conjugarile prezentului, verbele isi schimba
forma de infinitiv doar la persoana a treia
singular, unde primesc un s final.
I remember.
Eu imi aminesc.
You remember.
Tu iti amintesti.
She remembers.
Ea isi aminteste.
He remembers.
El isi aminteste.
We remember.
Noi ne amintim.
You remember.
Voi va amintiti.
They remember.
Ei isi amintesc.
I spend
Eu petrec.
You spend.
Tu petreci.
She spends.
Ea petrece.
He spends.
El petrece.
We spend.
Noi petrecem.
You spend.
Voi petreceti.
They spend.
Ei petrec.
Exceptie fac verbele a caror pronuntie necesita
mici modificari.
Este si cazul verbelor:
to do: He or she does el sau ea face;
to go: She or he goes- Ea sau el merge;
to have: She or he has- Ea sau el are;
to fly: She or he flies- Ea sau el zboara;
to dry: She or he dries- Ea sau el se usuca;
to cry: She or he cries- El sau ea plange.

Excetie face si verbul to be care are un

comportament aparte la conjugarea prezentului:
I am
You are
She is
He is
We are
You are
They are
Pentru a obtine forma de plural, substantivele
primesc si ele in majoritatea cazurilor un s
Boy/boys- baiat/baieti
Car/cars- masina/masini
Girl/girls- fata/fete
Cat/cats- pisica/pisici
Dog/dogs- caine/caini
Apple/apples- mar/mere
Horse/horses- cal/cai
Leg/legs- picior/picioare
Window/windows- fereastra/ferestre
Mirror/mirrors- oglinda/oglinzi
Door/doors- usa/usi
Exceptie fac substantivele a caror terminatie nu
permite o pronuntie fireasca prin adaugarea unui
simplu s:
Knife/knives- cutit/cutite
Tot exceptie reprezinta si substantivele cu forma
de plural neregulata:
Man/men- barbat/barbati
Woman/women- femeie/femei
Foot/feet- talpa/talpi
Ox/oxen- bou/boi
Mouse/mice- soarece/soareci
Goose/geese- gasca/gaste
Sheep/sheep- oaie/oi
Child/children- copil/copii

General Concepts. Notiuni generale


Holidays -Sarbatori
Christmas- Craciun
Christmas tree- pom de iarna
New Years Eve- ajun de Anul Nou
New Years Day- prima zi de Anul nou
Easter- Paste
Lent- postul mare
Labor Day- ziua muncii
National Day- ziua nationala
Birthday- zi de nastere
Wishes and congratulations. Urari si felicitari
Happy Birthday- La Multi Ani
Best wishes- cele mai bune urari
Many Happy Returns of the Day- la cat mai
multe aniversari
Good luck- noroc
Congratulations- felicitari
Merry Christmas- Craciun Fericit
Happy Easter- Paste Fericit
Have a nice time- distractie placuta
Have a nice trip- drum bun
Have a nice weekend- weekend placut
Have a nice party- petrecere frumoasa
Have fun- sa te distrezi
Colors- culori.
White- alb
Black- negru
Grey- gri
Green- verde
Yellow- galben
Red- rosu
Pink- roz
Orange- portocaliu
Blue- albastru
Violet- violet
Brown- maro
Silver- argintiu
Lila- liliachiu
Purple- purpuriu
Beige- bej

Ea are un cal alb.

The rainbow has seven colors.
Curcubeul are sapte culori.
Diferitele nuante ale culorilor- mai deschise sau
mai inchise, sunt exprimate prin adjectivele
light luminos, deschis si dark intunecat,
I have a light, blue dress.
Am o rochie albastru deschis.
He has a dark, green car.
El are o masina verde inchis.
I am very fond of Holidays. I always remember
the way we celebrated Christmas and Easter in
Romania. Holidays are very important for Jim,
Sarbatorile imi sunt foarte dragi. Imi amintesc
intotdeauna cum sarbatoream Craciunul si
Pastele in Romania. Pentru Jim sarbatorile sunt
de asemenea importante.
On holidays- De Sarbatori
Holidays are delightful. We spend more time
with our families. We are peaceful and happy.
Sarbatorile sunt incantatoare. Petrecem mai mult
timp cu familiile noastre. Suntem linistiti si
Indeed they are. Winter is white and beautiful.
On Christmas here in London everything is
white outside: the streets, the trees, the houses,
the gardens, even the cars are white.
Sunt intr-adevar. Iarna este alba si frumoasa. De
Craciun, aici in Londra, totul este alb afara:
strazile, copacii, casele, gradinile, pana si
And spring is full of flowers and joy. On Easter
the grass is green and the trees are dressed in
pink, white, orange, yellow, red, blue and violet.
A real symphony of colors.

She has a white horse.


Iar primavara este plina de flori si bucurie. De

Pasti iarba este verde si copacii sunt imbracati in
roz, alb, portocaliu, galben, rosu, albastru si
violet. O adevarata simfonie de culori
I know, my birthday is in April and I always
enjoy the fine weather and the colors of nature.
Stiu, ziua mea de nastere este in aprilie si ma
bucur mereu de vremea frumoasa si de culorile
To be fond of- a indragi
Way- cale, drum dar si mod, fel, modalitate
Delightful- incantator
To spend- a petrece dar si a cheltui
More- mai mult
Peaceful - linistit
Happy -fericit
Here- aici
Outside -afara
Street -strada
Tree- copac, pom
House- casa
Garden- gradina
Car- masina
Full of- plin de
Flower- floare
Joy- bucurie
Grass- iarba
Dressed in- imbracat in
Real- real, adevarat
Symphony- simfonie
To enjoy- a se bucura
Fine- bun, buna
Weather- vreme
Dont forget! Nu uita!
Si in limba Engleza exista articol hotarat si
articol nehotarat. Articolul arata cat de cunoscut
ne este substantivul pe care il insoteste. El arata
diferenta intre a mouse un soarece oaecare si
the mouse soarecele cu identitate precisa.
Articolul hotatat the se citeste diferit in
functie de substantivul pe care il precede.

Daca substantivul incepe cu consoana articolul

hotarat se citeste
The tiger- tigrul
The dress- rochia
The Russian- rusul
The lion- leul
The lady- doamna
Daca substantivul incepe cu vocala articolul
hotarat se citeste :
The elephant- elefantul
The end- sfarsitul
The apple- marul
The orange- portocala
The egg- oul
Articolul nehotarat are doua forme in limba
Engleza a si an in functie de substantivul pe
care il precede. Daca acesta incepe cu vocala
sau semivocala, articolul hotarat este an
An elephant- un elefant
An egg- un ou
An apple - un mar
An orange- o portocala
Daca substantivul incepe cu consoana sau
semiconsoana articolul hotarat este a
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste
A woman stands in front of the door.
O femeie sta in fata usi
This is a university.
Aceasta este o universitate
This is a union.
Aceasta este o uniune.
This is a year.
Acesta este un an.
Lets use the Present Tense!
Sa folosim timpul prezent!
I remember you.
Eu imi amintesc de tine.
You remember me.
Tu iti amintesti de mine.
She remembers him.
Ea isi aminteste de el.
He remembers her.
El isi aminteste de ea.
We remember them.


Noi ne amintim de ei.

You remember us.
Voi va amintiti de noi.
They remember you.
Ei isi amintesc de voi.
Remember how we congratulate people:
Aminteste-ti cum ii felicitam pe ceilalti:
Happy Birthday- La multi ani
Best wishes- Cele mai bune urari
Many Happy Returns of the Day- La cat mai
multe aniversari!
Good luck- Noroc!
Congratulations- Felicitari!
Merry Christmas- Craciun Fericit!
Happy Easter- Paste Fericit!
Have a nice time- Distractie placuta!
Have a nice trip- Drum bun!
Have a nice weekend- Weekend placut!
Have a nice party- Petrecere frumoasa!
Have fun- Sa te distrezi.
Which are the most important holidays?
Care sunt cele mai importante Sarbatori?
Christmas- Craciun
New Years Eve- Ajun de Anul Nou
New Years Day- Prima zi de Anul Nou
Easter- Paste
Lent- Postul mare
Labor Day- Ziua munci
National Day- Ziua nationala
Which are the main colors?
Care sunt culorile principale?
White- alb
Black- negru
Grey- gri
Green- verde
Yellow- galben
Red- rosu
Pink- roz
Orange- portocaliu
Blue- albastru
Violet- violet
Brown- maro
Silver- argintiu

Lila- liliachiu
Purple- purpuriu
Beige- bej
We have a grey car.
Noi avem o masina gri.
The rainbow has seven colors: red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Curcubeul are sapte culori: rosu, portocaliu,
galben, verde, albastru, indigo si violet.
Diferitele nuante ale culorilor mai deschise sau
mai inchise sunt exprimate prin adjectivele:
Light- luminos, deschis si Dark- intunecat,
She has a light, blue skirt.
Ea are o fusta albastru deschis
You have a dark, green shirt.
Tu ai o camasa verde inchis

Lectia a 4-a. Lesson 4

Grammar. Gramatica
Cardinal Numbers. Numeralele cardinale
One- Unu
Two- Doi
Three- Trei
Four- Patru
Five- Cinci
Six- Sase
Seven- Sapte
Eight- Opt
Nine- Noua
Ten- Zece
Eleven- Unsprezece
Twelve- Doisprezece
Thirteen- Treisprezece
Fourteen- Paisprezece
Fifteen- Cinsprezece
Sixteen- Saisprezece
Seventeen- Saptesprezece
Eighteen- Optsprezece
Nineteen- Nouasprezece
Twenty- Douazeci
Twenty-one- Douazeci si unu
Twenty-two- Douazeci si doi
Twenty- three- Douazeci si trei


Twenty-four-Douazeci si patru
Twenty-five- Douazeci si cinci
Twenty- six- Douazeci si sase
Twenty-seven- Douazeci si sapte
Twenty-eight- Douazeci si opt
Twenty-nine- Douazeci si noua
Thirty- Treizeci
Forty- Patruzeci
Fifty- Cincizeci
Sixty- Saizeci
Seventy- Saptezeci
Eighty- Optzeci
Ninety- Nouazeci
One hundred- O suta
One thousand- O mie
One million- Un milion
One billion- Un miliard
Questions. Intrebari.
Exista intrebari la are putem da sau primi o
varietate de raspunsuri, cele de tipul:
where- unde
what- ce
which- care
who- cine
how- cum
Examples. Exemple
Where is Paula?
Unde este Paula?
Paula is in London.
Paula este la Londra.
Paula is here.
Paula este aici.
When does spring come?
Cand vine primavara?
Spring comes in March.
Primavara vine in martie.
Who comes?
Cine vine?
Emily comes from Germany.
Emily vine din Germania
Exista intrebari la care putem raspunde

Do you have an apple? Yes, I do. Yes, I have an

Ai un mar? Da, am. Da, am un mar.
Does he live in London? Yes, he does. Yes, he
lives in London.
Locuieste la Londra? Da, locuieste. Da, el
locuieste la Londra.
Does she teach English? Yes, she does. Yes, she
teaches English.
Preda Engleza? Da, preda. Da, ea preda
Exista intrebari la care putem raspunde negativ:
Do you have an apple? No, I dont. No, I dont
have an apple. I have a pear.
Ai un mar? Nu, nu am. Nu, nu am un mar. Am o
Does she live in Paris? No, she doesnt. No, she
doesnt live in Paris. She lives in London.
Locuieste la Paris? Nu, nu locuieste la Paris.
Nu, ea nu locuieste la Paris. Locuieste la
Im in London. Im here. Im not in Paris. Im
not there.
Sunt la Londra. Sunt aici. Nu sunt la Paris. Nu
sunt acolo.
Paula is here. She is here. Paula isnt there. She
isnt there.
Paula este aici. Ea este aici. Paula nu este acolo.
Ea nu este acolo.
Exista intrebari pe care le putem adresa fie
folosind forma afirmativa fie pe cea negativa a
verbului sau a auxiliarului.
You have a pear, havent you? Yes, I have.
Ai o para, nu-i asa? Da, am.
You dont have a pear, do you? No, I dont.
Nu ai o para, nu-i asa? Nu, nu am.
He has a map, hasnt he? Yes, he has.
Are o harta, nu-i asa? Da, are.
He doesnt have a map, does he? No, he doesnt.
Nu are o harta, nu-i asa? Nu, nu are.
General Concepts. Notiuni generale
How to express the agreement. Cum ne aratam


Of course- desigur, bineinteles

Certainly- cu siguranta
Very well- foarte bine
Excellent- excelent
Indeed- intr-adevar
Thats right asa e
You are right ai dreptate, aveti dreptate
Im pleased- sunt incantat, sunt incantata
Im glad- sunt bucuros, sunt bucuroasa
I like it- imi place
Willingly- cu placere
With great pleasure- cu mare placere
How nice- ce dragut
Well done- bravo, ai facut bine
Fortunately- din fericire
You are lucky- esti norocos
How to express the disagreement. Cum ne
aratam dezaprobarea.
Never- niciodata
Nothing- nimic
Not at all- deloc
No way- in nici un caz
Too bad- foarte rau
Terrible- cumplit
Awful- ingrozitor
I dont agree- nu sunt de acord
Its impossible- este imposibil
How awful- ingrozitor
What a pity- ce pacat
What bad luck- ce ghinion
I dont like it- nu-mi place
I dislike it- nu-mi place
You are wrong- te inseli
You are mistaken- gresesti
Its rather difficult- e destul de greu
Unfortunately- din nefericire
Al and I live in London in a quite area. Our
house is not big but it is nice and comfortable.
Jim likes it very much.
Eu si Jim locuim in Londra, intr-o zona linistita.
Casa noastra nu este mare, dar e draguta si
comfortabila. Lui Jim ii place foarte mult.

Home Sweet Home. Casa dulce casa.

You really have a nice house, Mini. I like
especially the living room. It is large and sunny.
How many rooms are there?
Ai o casa foarte draguta, Mini. Imi place mai
ales sufrageria. Este spatioasa si insorita. Cate
camere sunt in total?
For rooms downstairs and six upstairs. At the
ground floor there are the living room, the
dining room, the kitchen and the bathroom.
Patru camere jos si sase sus: la parter sunt
sufrageria, camera unde luam masa, bucataria si
o baie.
Where are the bedrooms?
Unde sunt dormitoarele?
Upstairs. There are three bedrooms two
bathrooms and a large study at the first floor.
Sus. La primul etaj sunt trei dormitoare, doua
bai si o camera de studiu mare.
Where do you spend most of the time? In which
Unde petreceti cel mai mult timp? In care dintre
We spend most of our evening in the living
room. I watch TV and Al reads the newspapers.
Ne petrecem cea mai mare parte a serii in
sufragerie. Eu ma uit la TV iar Al citeste ziarele.
You also have a beautiful garden outside. How
nice! It is excellent to have a garden, even a
small one.
Aveti si o gradina frumoasa afara. Ce dragut!
Este grozav sa ai o gradina, fie si una mica.
You are right. It is a great pleasure to have a
garden and spend some time outside. We are
lucky to have it.
Ai dreptate. Este o mare placere sa ai o gradina
si sa petreci putin timp afara. Suntem norocosi
ca o avem.
Quiet- linistit, calm
Area- zona
Big- mare
Comfortable- comfortabil
To like- a placea
Much- mult


Especially- mai ales, in special

Large- spatioasa
Sunny- insorit
How many- cate, cati
Downstairs- jos, pe scari
Upstairs- sus, pe scari
Living room- sufragerie
Dining room- camera unde se ia masa
Kitchen- bucatarie
Bedroom- dormitor
Bathroom- baie
Study- camera de studiu, birou
To spend- a petrece
Most- cel mai mult
To watch- a se uita
To read- a citi
Newspaper- ziar
Garden- gradina
Outside- afara
Even- chiar
Dont forget! Nu uita!
Ask questions and give correct answers.
Pune intrebari si da raspunsurile corecte.
Where is Paula?
Unde este Paula?
Paula is in London.
Paula este la Londra.
Paula is here.
Paula este aici.
When does spring come?
Cand vine primavara?
Spring comes in March.
Primavara vine in Martie.
Who comes?
Cine vine?
Emily comes from Germany.
Emily vine din Germania.
Give affirmative answers:
Raspunde afirmativ:
Do you have an apple? Yes, I do. Yes, I have an
Ai un mar? Da, eu am. Da, eu am un mar.
Does he live in London? Yes, he does. Yes, he
lives in London.

Locuieste el la Londra? Da, el locuieste. Da, el

locuieste la Londra.
Does she teach English? Yes, she does. Yes, she
teaches English.
Preda ea Engleza? Da, ea preda. Da, ea preda
Give negative answers:
Raspunde negativ:
Do you have an apple? No, I dont. No, I dont
have an apple. I have a pear.
Ai un mar? Nu, nu am. Nu, nu am un mar. Am o
Does she live in Paris? No, she doesnt. No, she
doesnt live in Paris. She lives in London.
Locuieste ea la Paris? Nu, ea nu locuieste. Nu,
ea nu locuieste la Paris. Ea locuieste la Londra.
Im in London. Im here. Im not in Paris. Im
not there.
Sunt la Londra. Sunt aici. Nu sunt la Paris. Nu
sunt acolo.
Paula is here. She is here. Paula isnt there. She
isnt there.
Paula este aici. Ea este aici. Paula nu este acolo.
Ea nu este acolo.
Express your agreement. Exprima-ti
Of course- desigur, bineinteles
Certainly- cu siguranta
Very well- foarte bine
Excellent- excellent
Indeed- intr-adevar
Thats right asa este
You are right aveti dreptate
Im pleased- sunt incantata
Im glad- sunt bucuroasa
I like it- imi place
Willingly- cu placere
With great pleasure- cu mare placere
How nice- ce dragut
Well done- bravo, bine facut
Fortunately- din fericire
You are lucky- sunteti norocos


Express your disagreement. Exprima-ti

Never- niciodata
Nothing- nimic
Not at all- deloc
No way- in nici un caz
Too bad- foarte rau
Terrible- cumplit
I dont agree- nu sunt de acord
Its impossible- este imposibil
How awful- ingrozitor
What a pity- ce pacat
What bad luck- ce ghinion
I dont like it- nu-mi place
I dislike it- nu-mi place
You are wrong- te inseli
You are mistaken- gresesti
Its rather difficult- e destul de greu
Unfortunately- din nefericire
The main rooms of the house.
Principalele camere ale casei.
There are four rooms downstairs and six
Sunt patru camere jos si sase sus.
At the ground floor there are the living room,
the dining room, the kitchen and a bathroom.
La parter sunt: sufrageria, camera unde luam
masa, bucataria si o baie.
Upstairs there are three bedrooms, two
bathrooms and a large study at the first floor.
Sus sunt trei dormitoare, doua bai si o camera de
studiu mare.
They all are at the first floor.
Toate sunt la primul etaj.

Lectia a 5-a Lesson 5

Revision. Recapitulare
Exercise 1. Exercitiul 1

Answer the following questions

Who are you?
What nationality are you?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
What is your job?
What language do you speak?
Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari:
Cine esti?
De unde esti?
Unde locuiesti?
Ce profesie ai?
Ce limbi vorbesti?
I am Mini. I am a Romanian. Im from Oradea.
Oradea is in Romania. Now I live in England. I
am a teacher. I teach French. I also speak
Romanian and English.
Sunt Mini. Sunt Romanca. Sunt din Oradea.
Oradea este in Romania. Acum locuiesc in
Anglia. Sunt profesoara. Predau Franceza. Mai
vorbesc Romana si Engleza.
Please answer the following questions:
Who is he?
Who is she?
What nationality is he?
What nationality is she?
Where is he from?
Where is she from?
Where does he live?
Where does she live?
What is his job?
What is her job?
What language does he speak?
What language does she speak?

Raspundeti va rog la urmatorele intrebari:

Cine este el?
Cine este ea?


De unde este el?

De unde este ea?
De unde este ea?
De unde este el?
Unde locuieste ea?
Unde locuieste el?
Ce profesie are el?
Ce profesie are ea?
Ce limbi vorbeste el?
Ce limbi vorbeste ea?
He is Jim. He is my friend. He is an
Englishman. He is from London. He lives in
London. He is an architect. He speaks both
English and French.
El este Jim. Este prietenul meu. Este Englez.
Este din Londra. Locuieste la Londra. Este
architect. Vorbeste atat Engleza cat si Franceza.

He is Dimitri. He is Russian. He is from Russia.

He lives in Moscow. He is a pilot. He speaks
only Russian.
El este Dimitri. Este Rus. Este din Rusia.
Locuieste in Moscova. Este pilot. Vorbeste doar

She is Marie Claire. She is French. She is from

France. She lives in Paris. She is a dancer.
She speaks only French.
Ea este Marie Claire. Este Frantuzoaica. Este
din Franta. Locuieste la Paris. Este dansatoare.
Vorbeste doar Franceza.
He is Ali. He is a Turk. He is from Turkey. He
lives in Ankara. He is an engineer. He speaks
Turkish and French.

She is Isabella. She is an Italian. She is from

Italy. She lives in Venice. She is an artist. She
speaks Italian, English, Greek, German, and
Ea este Isabela. Este Italianca. Este din Italia.
Locuieste in Venetia. Este artista. Vorbeste
Italiana, Engleza, Greaca, Germana si

El este Ali. Este turc. Este din Turcia. Locuieste

in Ankara. Este inginer. Vorbeste Turca si

He is Boris. He is a Pole. He is from Warsaw,

Poland. He lives in Krakov. He is a doctor. He
speaks Polish. He speaks English, too.
El este Boris. Este Polonez. Este din Varsovia.
Locuieste in Krakovia. Este doctor. Vorbeste
Poloneza. Vorbeste de asemenea Engleza.

Does Dolores live in Spain? Yes, she does. Yes,

she lives in Spain.
Dolores locuieste in Spania? Da, locuieste. Da,
ea locuieste in Spania.

She is Dolores. She is Spanish. She is from

Barcelona. She lives in Spain. She lives in
Madrid. She is a business woman. She speaks
Spanish and English.
Ea este Dolores. Este Spaniola. Este din
Barcelona. Locuieste in Spania. Sta in Madrid.
Este femeie de afaceri. Vorbeste Spaniola si

Exercise 2.
Exercitiul 2.
Put and answer the following questions:
Pune si raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari:

Does Boris cure people? Yes, he does. Yes, he

cures people. He is a doctor.
Boris vindeca oameni? Da, vindeca. Da, el
vindeca oameni. El este doctor.
Does Isabella live in Madrid? No, she doesnt.
No, she doesnt live in Madrid. She lives in
Isabela locuieste la Madrid? Nu, nu locuieste.
Nu, ea nu locuieste la Madrid. Locuieste la


Does Dimitri speak Spanish? No, he doesnt.

No, he doesnt speak Spanish. He speaks only
Dimitri vorbeste Spaniola? Nu, nu vorbeste.
Nu, nu vorbeste Spaniola. Vorbeste doar Rusa.
Is Marie Claire a dancer? Yes, she is. Yes, she is
a dancer.
Marie Claire este dansatoare? Da, este. Este
Jim isnt a Turk, is he? No, he isnt a Turk, he is
an Englishman.
Jim nu este Turc, nu-i asa? Nu, nu este turc, este
Marie Claire is French, isnt she? Yes, she is.
She is French.
Marie Claire este frantuzoaica, nu-i asa? Da,
este. Este frantuzoaica.
Exercise 3
Exercitiul 3
Repeat the following sentences.
Repeta urmatoarele propozitii.
I talk about him.
Vorbesc despre el.
You talk about them.
Vorbesti despre ei.
He talks about us.
Vorbeste despre noi.
She talks about me.
Vorbeste despre mine.
We talk about you.
Vorbim despre tine.
You talk about her.
Vorbiti despre ea.

Exercitiul 4
Translate into English the following sentences.
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii.
Ce zi este astazi?
Astazi este luni.
What day is today?
Today is Monday.
Ce anotimp este acesta?
Este primavara. Este vremea primaverii.
What season is this?
This is spring. Its springtime.
Ce luna este aceasta?
Este aprilie.
What month is this?
This is April.
Ce anotimp este acela?
Este vara. Este vremea verii.
What season is that?
That is summer. Its summertime.
Ce luna este aceea?
Este iulie.
What month is that?
That is July.
Care sunt lunile de iarna?
Decembrie, ianuarie si februarie.
Which are the months of winter?
December, January and February.
Care sunt lunile de primavara?
Martie, aprilie si mai.
Which are the months of spring?
March, April and May.

They talk about you.

Ei vorbesc despre voi.

Care sunt lunile de vara?

Iunie, iulie si august.
Which are the months of summer?
June, July and August.

Exercise 4

Care sunt lunile de toamna?


Septembrie, octombrie si noiembrie.

Which are the months of autumn?
September, October and November.
Exercise 5. Exercitiul 5.
Translate into English the following sentences.
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii.
Cum este vremea iarna?
What is the weather like in winter?
Iarna, vremea este rece si ninge. Cerul este mai
mult acoperit. Uneori suntem blocati de viscol.
In winter, the weather is cold and its snowing.
Most of the time the sky is cloudy. Sometimes
we are stuck in the blizzard.
Cum este vremea primavara?
What is the weather like in spring?
Uneori primavara vremea este frumoasa si este
cald. Alteori, vremea este rea. Vantul bate si cad
ploi torentiale.
Sometimes in spring the weather is fine and its
warm. Other times, the weather is bad. The
wind blows and there are showers.
Cum este vremea vara?
What is the weather like in summer?
Vara, aerul este fierbinte si uscat. Temperature
poate urca pana la 40 de grade Celsius la umbra.
In summer the air is hot and dry. The
temperature can rise up to 40 degrees Celsius in
the shade.

Si pentru ca a venit vorba despre vreme, va

amintesc lectiile de dictie pe care profesorul
Higgins i le propune tinerei florarese, Eliza
Doolittle, in filmul My Fair Lady, ecranizarea
piesei lui George-Bernard-Shaw, Pigmelion.
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
In Spania, ploaia apare mai ales la ses.
In Hartford, Herford and Hampshire, hurricanes
hardly happen.
In Hartford, Herford si Hampshire, uraganele se
produc arareori.
In limba Engleza, ca si in limba Romana, exista
o multime de expresii legate de vreme. Iata doua
pe care iti propun sa le inveti, chiar daca esti la
Its raining cats and dogs.
Ploua cu galeata.
Come rain or come shine.
Tradus cuvant cu cuvant, ar insmna, fie ploaie,
fie soare, dar expresia echivalenta in limba
Romana este Fie ce-o fi!
Exercise 6. Exercitiul 6.
Give the correct answers to the following
Raspunde corect la urmatoarele intrebari.

Cum este vremea toamna?

What is the weather like in autumn?

You have a pear, havent you?

Yes, I have.
Ai o para, nu-i asa?
Da, am.

Toamna, vremea este capricioasa. Uneori

vremea este rea. Este cetoasa, bate vantul si
ploua mult. Alteori vremea este frumoasa. Este
racoare, cerul este senin si este cald.

You dont have a pear, do you?

No, I dont.
Tu nu ai o para, nu-i asa?
Nu, nu am.

In autumn the weather is capricious. Sometimes

the weather is bad. Its foggy, its windy and its
raining a lot. Other times, the weather is fine.
Its cool, the sky is clear and its warm.

He has a map, hasnt he?

Yes, he has.
El are o harta, nu-i asa?
Da, el are.


He doesnt have a map, does he?

No, he doesnt.
El nu are o harta, nu-i asa?
Nu, el nu are.

Lectia a sasea. Lesson 6

Grammar. Gramatica
Present Continous Tense. Prezentul
Prezentul continuu este alcatuit din prezentul
verbului To be si forma in ing a verbului
care este conjugat. Forma continua a prezentului
arata o actiune care are loc in clipa de fata.

They are reading.

Ei citesc.
Prezentul continuu face distinctia intre timpul
prezent in general si momentul de fata. Astfel:
I go to school every day.
Ma duc la scoala in fiecare zi.
I am going to school right now.
Ma duc la scoala chiar acum.
I do my homework every evening.
Imi fac tema in fiecare seara.
Im doing my homework now.
Imi fac tema acum.

To be + to eat + ing

Iata si forma negativa:

I am eating.
Eu mananc.
You are eating.
Tu mananci.
She is eating.
Ea mananca.
He is eating.
El mananca.
We are eating.
Noi mancam.
You are eating.
Voi mancati.
They are eating.
Ei mananca.

Im not reading the newspaper right now.

Nu citesc ziarul chiar acum.

To be + to read + ing

Her garden is hers.

Gradina ei este a ei

I am reading.
Eu citesc.
You are reading.
Tu citesti.
She is reading.
Ea citeste.
He is reading.
El citeste.
We are reading.
Noi citim.
You are reading.
Voi cititi.

I am not listening to music now.

Nu ascult muzica acum.
Possessive Pronouns. Pronume posesive.
My book is mine.
Cartea mea este a mea.
Camera ta este a ta.
His room is his.
His pen is his.
Stiloul lui este a lui.

Its tail is its.

Coada ei este a ei.
Our house is ours.
Casa noastra este a noastra.
Your car is yours.
Masina voastra este a voastra.
Their flat is theirs.
Apartamentul lor este a lor.


General Concepts. Notiuni

Meals in Great Britain. Mesele in Marea
Breakfast-mic dejun
Brunch- gustarea dintre micul dejun si pranz
Lunch-masa de pranz
Dinner-masa principala
The five oclock tea- ceaiul de la ora 5
Romanii iau micul dejun, pranzul si cina.
Romanians have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Family members and relatives. Membrii
familiei si rudele.
Parents- parinti
Mother- mama
Father- tata
Grandchildren-nepoti de bunic
Granddaughter- nepoata de bunic
Grandson-nepot de bunici
Niece-nepoata de unchi
Nephew-nepot de unchi
Cousin-verisor, verisoara

Goddaughter- fina
I and my friend Jim often talk on the phone
Today we are speaking about family, food and
meals of the day.
Eu si prietenul meu, Jim vorbim adesea la
telefon. Astazi vorbim despre familie, mancaruri
si mesele zilei.
On the phone
How are you, Mini? I am glad to hear your
voice. You sound happy!
Ce mai faci, Mini? Imi pare bine sa-ti aud
vocea. Pari fericita.
I am happy! Emily and Peter are coming home
today. Our family is together, again.
Sunt fericita! Emily si Peter vin acasa astazi.
Familia noastra este din nou unita.
How nice! It is a wonderful surprise. I am sure
you and Al are delighted! Your son and
daughter are coming home for holidays.
Ce dragut! Este o surpriza minunata. Sunt sigur
ca sunteti incantati. Fiul si fiica voastra vin
acasa in vacanta.
Not only our children, but also our
grandchildren: our grandaughters Hilda and
Alice, and our grandsons Klaus and Michael are
coming, too.
Nu doar copii, dar si nepotii: nepoatele noastre,
Hilda si Alice si nepotii nostrii, Klaus si
Michael, vin de asemenea.
Oh, Mini, I think you are very busy now. You
are preparing lots of things for your children and
Oh, Mini. Cred ca este ocupata acum. Pregatesti
o multime de lucruri pentru copiii si nepotii tai.
Thats right. There is a lot of work and Al is
helping me to finish me. Now I am baking a
chocolate cake and an apple pie.


Asa este. Am o multime de treaba si Al ma ajuta

sa o termin. Acum coc o prajitura cu ciocolata si
o placinta cu mere.
Excellent. I even smell the flavors from your
kitchen. Your dear ones are lucky to have you.
You are a treasure for your family.
Excelent. Chiar simt aromele din bucataria ta.
Ai tai sunt norocosi sa te aiba. Esti o comoara
pentru familia ta.
Well, Jim, dont exaggerate things. I am pleased
to do all these things for my family: preparing
their rooms, cooking their breakfast, lunch and
diner, washing dishes. I am doing all the work
Ei bine, Jim nu exagera! Sunt incantata sa fac
toate lucrurile astea pentru familia mea: sa le
pregatesc camerele, sa le gatesc micul dejun,
pranzul si cina, sa spal vasele. Fac toata munca
din placere.
When are they coming?
Cand vin?
Tonight. All of them are coming tonight by
plane. Emily, Johan, Hilda and Klaus come at
seven oclock and Peter, Anna, Alice and
Michael come at nine oclock. We go by car to
the airport to wait for them.
In seara asta. Vin toti in seara asta cu avionul.
Emily, Johan, Hilda si Klaus vin la ora 7 iar
Peter, Anna, Alice si Michael vin la 9. Ne
ducem cu masina la aeroport sa-i asteptam.

To hear- a auzi, a afla

Voice- voce
To sound- a suna, dar si a parea
Together- impreuna
Wonderful- minunat, minunata
I am sure you are- sunt sigur ca esti
Delighted- incantat, incantata
Busy- ocupat, ocupata
To prepare- a pregati
To help- a ajuta
To finish- a termina
To bake- a coace
Chocolate cake- prajitura cu ciocolata, tort de
Apple pie- placinta cu mere
To smell- a mirosi, a simti mirosul
Flavor- aroma
Treasure- comoara
To exaggerate- a exagera
To cook- a gati
To wash- a spala
Dishes-vesela, vase de bucatarie
Tonight- diseara, in seara asta
Plane- avion
To come by plane- a veni cu avionul
To go by car- a merge cu masina
Airport- aeroport
To wait for- a astepta pe cineva sau ceva
To leave- a lasa, a parasi

Dont forget. Nu uita.

The Present Continous Tense. Prezentul
To be + to eat + ing

I leave you, then. Have a nice evening home,

and enjoy your meal. Good night, Mini
Te las atunci. O seara placuta si pofta buna.
Noapte buna, Mini.
Thank you, Jim. Good night.
Multumesc Jim. Noapte buna.

Vocabulary. On the Phone. La telefon

I am eating.
Eu mananc.
You are eating.
Tu mananci.
She is eating.
Ea mananca.
He is eating.
El mananca.
We are eating.


Noi mancam.
You are eating.
Voi mancati.
They are eating.
Ei mananca.
To be + to read + ing
I am reading.
Eu citesc.
You are reading.
Tu citesti.
She is reading.
Ea citeste.
He is reading.
El citeste.
We are reading.
Noi citim.
You are reading.
Voi cititi.
They are reading.
Ei citesc.
Prezentul continuu face distinctia intre timpul
prezent in general si momentul de fata.

My book is mine.
Cartea mea este a mea.
His room is his.
Camera ta este a ta.
His pen is his.
Stiloul lui este a lui.
Her garden is hers.
Gradina ei este a ei
Its tail is its.
Coada ei este a ei.
Our house is ours.
Casa noastra este a noastra.
Your car is yours.
Masina voastra este a voastra.
Their flat is theirs.
Apartamentul lor este a lor.
Which are the main meals in Romania?
Care sunt mesele principale in Romania?

I go to school every day.

Ma duc la scoala in fiecare zi.

In Romania, Romanians have breakfast, lunch

and dinner.
In Romania, Romanii iau micul dejun, pranzul
si cina.

I am going to school right now.

Ma duc la scoala chiar acum.

Lectia a 7-a. Lesson 7

I do my homework every evening.

Eu imi fac tema in fiecare seara.

Grammar. Gramatica
The Genitive Case. Genitivul

Im doing my homework now.

Eu imi fac tema acum.

Genitivul este cazul atributului si exprima in

primul rand posesiunea sau apartenenta si
raspunde la intrebarile whose-al, a, ai, ale cui;
what sau which- care.

Im not reading the newspaper right now.

Eu nu citesc ziarul chiar acum.
I am not listening to music now.
Eu nu ascult muzica acum.
Lets read the Possesive Pronouns. Sa citim
pronumele posesive.

We say.
Allens wife is an actress.
Sotia lui Allen este actrita.
The cats kittens are nice.
Puii pisicii sunt draguti.

Maggies house is on the corner.

Casa lui Maggie este pe colt.
We are happy about my fathers arrival.
Suntem fericiti de sosirea tatalui meu.
It is good to have somebodys admiration.
Este bine sa te bucuri de admiratia cuiva.
I am reading Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet.
Citesc Romeo si Julieta lui Shakespeare.
Pauls ideas are good.
Ideile lui Paul sunt bune.
Nicks parents are both doctors.
Parintii lui Nick sunt amandoi doctori.
But we say:
Dar spunem:
The key of my door is on the table.
Cheia de la usa mea este pe masa.
Sometimes the passage of time is slow.
Uneori trecerea timpului este inceata.
I have a feeling of joy.
Am un sentiment de bucurie.

The adjective. Adjectivul

Much and many.
Much este folosit cu substantivele nenumarabile
si exprima cantitatea.
Teaching English gives much pleasure to me.
Predarea limbii Engleze imi ofera multa placere
There is much sand on you shoes.
Este mult nisip pe pantofii tai.
I need much sugar into my coffee.
Am nevoie de mult zahar in cafeaua mea.
She gives him much love.
Ii ofera multa dragoste.
There isnt much room left in their kitchen.
Nu prea le ramane spatiu in bucatarie.
I need much time to think about it.
Am nevoie de mult timp ca sa ma gandesc la

The roof of the house is damaged.

Acoperisul casei este stricat.

Many este folosit cu substantive numarabile si

exprima numarul:
There are many roses in my garden.
Sunt multi trandafiri in gradina.

I want a slice of cake.

Vreau o felie de tort.

We have many new ideas.

Avem multe idei noi.

The month of June is really beautiful in my

Luna iunie este cu adevarat frumoasa in tara
The cover of the book is dark blue.
Coperta cartii este albastru inchis.

Mary has many friends.

Mary are multi prieteni.
There are many chairs in their kitchen.
Sunt multe scaune in bucataria lor.
There are many students in the library.
Sunt multi studenti la bibleoteca.
They have too many pictures on their walls.
Au prea multe tablouri pe pereti.

Substantivele care se termina in s sau ss
primesc doar apostroful.
Dickens novels are in my bookcase.
Romanele lui Dickens sunt in bibleoteca mea.

General concepts. Notiuni generale.

State of mind. Stare de spirit
I am merry- sunt bucuros, sunt bucuroasa
I am happy- sunt fericit, sunt fericita
I am satisfied- sunt multumit, sunt multumita


I am lucky- sunt norocos, sunt norocoasa

I am sad- sunt trist, sunt trista
I am confused- sunt derutat, sunt derutata,
I am amazed- sunt uluit, sunt uluita
I am in a hurry- sunt grabit, sunt grabita
I am unhappy- sunt nefericit, sunt nefericita
I am unlucky- sunt ghinionist, sunt ghinionista
I am tired- sunt obosit, sunt obosita
I am dissatisfied- sunt nemultumit, sunt
I am worried- sunt ingrijorat, sunt ingrijorata
I am shocked- sunt socat, sunt socata
I am afraid- mi-e teama
I am scared- mi-e frica
I am hungry- mi-e foame
I am thirsty- mi-e sete
I am cold- mi-e frig
I am ill- mi-e rau
Its Saturday morning and I meet Jim at the
market. I am buying vegetables: green peppers,
hot peppers, onion, garlic, potatoes, mushrooms,
beans, carrots, parsley, green salad, tomatoes,
cabbage and egg plants.
Jim is buying fruits, such as strawberries,
bananas, pears, apples, grapes, oranges, plums,
peaches and apricots.
Este sambata dimineata si ma intalnesc cu Jim la
piata. Eu cumpar legume si zarzavaturi ardei
grasi, ardei iuti, ceapa, usturoi, cartofi, ciuperci,
fasole, morcovi, patrunjel, salata verde, rosii,
varza si vinete.
Jim cumpara fructe precum capsuni, banane,
pere, mere, struguri, portocale, prune, piersici si
A birthday barbecue for Peter. Un gratar de
ziua lui Peter.
Its Peters birthday today, so we are having a
barbecue in our garden. You and your wife are
both invited to the party. Are you coming, Jim?
Este ziua lui Peter astazi, asa ca vom face un
gratar in gradina. Tu si sotia ta sunteti invitati
amandoi la petrecere. Veniti, Jim?

Well, Mini, I have to talk first with Paula about

it, but I think this is not a problem. We dont
have a program for today. I think the answer is
yes, we are coming.
Ei bine, Mini, trebuie sa vorbesc mai intai cu
Paula despre asta, dar nu cred sa fie o problema.
Nu avem program astazi. Cred ca raspunsul este
da, venim
We are delighted to have you and Paula among
us, then.
Suntem incantati sa va avem pe tine si pe Paula
printre noi, atunci.
Thank you, Mini. I am doing my shopping and
Im going home to tell Paula about the party. I
have to buy fruits first.
Multumesc, Mini. Imi fac cumparaturile si ma
duc acasa sa ii spun Paulei despre petrecere. Dar
mai intai, trebuie sa cumpar fructe.
I have a lot of things to buy, too. Today we are
very busy because of this special celebration. I
do the shopping and Emily is cooking a
delicious birthday cake for her brother. Ana is
helping her.
Si eu am o multime de lucruri de cumparat.
Astazi, suntem foarte ocupati cu aceasta
sarbatoare speciala. Eu fac cumparaturile si
Emily pregateste un tort delicios pentru fratele
ei. Ana o ajuta.
What are the men of your family doing? Are
they helping you, too?
Ce fac barbatii din familia voastra? Va ajuta si
Of course they are. Al is working very hard to
decorate a place in the garden. Peter and Johan
are building a stage for dancing and playing the
Sigur ca da. Al se straduieste din greu sa
decoreze un loc in gradina. Peter si Johan
construiesc un ring pentru dans si muzica.


Thank God the weather is splendid: the sun

shines, the sky is clear and there is no wind. We
arent afraid of any shower.
Doamne ajuta ca vremea este splendida! Soarele
straluceste, cerul e senin si nu bate vantul. Nu
ne temem de vreo ploaie torentiala.
Yes, we are lucky. Now you have to excuse me,
Jim. I am in a hurry. I have to go to the grocers
and to the butchers, as I have many things to
buy: beef, pork and fish. I am sorry.
Da, suntem norocosi. Acum trebuie sa ma scuzi,
Jim, ma grabesc. Trebuie sa trec pe la bacanie si
pe la macelarie pentru ca am multe de cumparat:
carne de vita, de porc si peste. Imi pare rau.
It is alright, Mini. I understand. I have only one
question for you: what do we wear? Casual or
elegant clothes?
Este in regula, Mini, inteleg. Am o singura
intrebare pentru tine: ce purtam? Haine
obisnuite sau haine elegante?
What a question! Of course you wear what you
want! You are looking forward to seeing you!
Good bye, Jim.
Ce intrebare! Bineinteles ca va imbracati cu ce
vreti! Abia asteptam sa va vedem! Pa, Jim!
Bye, Mini! Thank you for the invitation. Ill call
you when I come home.
Pa Mini. Multumim pentru invitatie! Te sun
cand ajung acasa.

Market- piata
Vegetables- zarzavaturi, legume, verdeturi
Fruits- fructe
Green pepper- ardei gras
Hot pepper- ardei iute
Onion- ceapa
Garlic- usturoi
Potato, potatoes- cartof, cartofi
Mushroom- ciuperca

Beans- fasole
Carrot- morcov
Parsley- patrunjel
Green salad- salata verde
Tomato, tomatoes- rosie, rosii
Cabbage- varza
Egg plant- vanata
Strawberry, strawberries- capsuna, capsuni
Pear- para
Apple- mar
Grapes- struguri
Orange- portocala
Plum- pruna
Peach- piersica
Apricot- caisa
Barbecue- gratar
To invite- a invita
Party- petrecere
To have to- a trebui sa
Problem- problema
Program- program
Answer- raspuns
To answer- a raspunde
Among- in mijlocul, printre
To shop, to go shopping- a cumpara, a face
To tell- a spune
Special celebration- sarbatoare speciala
Delicious- delicios
Birthday cake- tort
Very hard- din greu
To decorate- a decora
To build- a construi
Stage- podium, ring
To play- a canta la un instrument, sau a se juca
Thank God- ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu
Sun- soare
To shine- a straluci
Grocers- bacanie
Butchers- macelarie
Beef- carne de vita
Pork- carne de porc
Fish- peste
To understand- a intelege
To wear- a purta


Casual- obisnuit
Elegant- elegant
Clothes- haine
To look forward to- a astepta cu nerabdare sa
To call somebody- a telefona cuiva

Lectia a 8-a. Lesson 8.

Grammar. Gramatica
Constructia to be going to urmata de
infinitivul verbului care este conjugat, arata
intentia de a savarsi in viitor actiunea respectiva:
They are going to have a party.
Ei intentioneaza sa organizeze o petrecere.

Va aduceti aminte cu siguranta ca prepozitiile

sunt acele cuvinte care leaga diferite parti de
vorbire intre ele.
In limba Engleza prepozitiile cel mai des
folosite sunt:
At- la
In- in
On- pe
For- pentru
From- din, de la
To- la, catre
Above- deasupra
Under- sub
Examples. Exemple

I am going to eat an apple.

Intentionez sa mananc un mar.

I go to school.
Merg la scoala.

We are going to buy a new car.

Intentionam sa cumparam o masina noua.

He comes home from his office.

El se intoarce acasa de la birou.

Andy is going to live in Paris a whole year.

Andy intentioneaza sa locuiasca la Paris un an
Constructia to be going to urmata de
infinitivul verbului care este conjugat, poate
arata si viitorul actiunii exprimata in prezent.
She is going to have a baby
Ea va avea un copil.
Its going to rain.
O sa ploua.
He is going to change his job.
El o sa isi schimba slujba.
Sara is going to study Chinese.
Sara o sa invete Chineza.

The Preposition. Prepozitia

This is for you.

Asta este pentru tine.
We go on a trip to the moon.
Mergem intr-o excursie pe luna.
The picture is above the desk.
Tabloul este deasupra pupitrului.
The carpet is under the bed.
Covorul este sub pat.
The cat sleeps near the window.
Pisica doarme langa fereastra.
We sit by the fire.
Stam langa foc.
They are at school.
Ei sunt la scoala.
She is at home.
Ea este acasa.
The book is in the bag.
Cartea este in geanta.


General Concepts. Notiuni generale

The Time
A minute- un minut
An hour- o ora
A quarter of an hour- un sfert de ora
Half an hour- o jumatate de ora
What time is it- cat este ceasul
Its 3 oclock sharp- este ora trei fix
Its 5 minutes past 2- este 2 si 5 minute
Its a quarter past 4- este 4 si un sfert
Its half past 9- este 9 si jumatate
Its 10 to 6- este 6 fara 10
Its a quarter to 7- este 7 fara un sfert
Its midday- este miezul zilei
Its midnight- este miezul noptii
What time is the party- la ce ora este petrecerea
From 8 to 11 pm- de la 8 la 11 seara
Direction and position
There- acolo
Here- aici
Near to- aproape de
East, eastern- est, estic, de est
West, western- vest, vestic, de vest
North, northern- nord, Nordic, de nord
South, southern- sud, sudic, de sud
On top of- deasupra
Far away from- departe de
Straight ahead- drept inainte
In the center- in centru
In front of- in fata
Behind- in spatele
Next to- in imediata apropiere, alaturi
At the bottom- in partea inferioara
At the top- in parte superioara
In the neighborhood- in vecinatate
At the beginning- la inceput
At the end- la sfarsit
On the other side- pe cealalta parte
To the right- spre dreapta
To the left- spre stanga
Across- vis-a-vis

Summer is going to come soon. It is coming

next month. Its time for us to make plans for
the holidays.
Vara o sa vina curand. O sa vina luna viitoare.
Este timpul sa ne facem planuri de vacanta.

Looking for summer. Visand la vara

Hi, Mini! I hear youre going to spend you
summer holidays in Romania.
Buna, Mini! Aflu ca o sa iti petreci vacanta de
vara in Romania.
Yes, I am. Im going there in August, because I
want to see my sister and her family.
Da, asa este. In august o sa plec acolo pentru ca
vreau sa o vad pe sora mea si familia ei.
That sounds nice. Are you going to stay there
Suna dragut. Si o sa stai mult acolo?
Yes, I want to travel to travel around while I am
there, so I am going to stay there for a whole
Da, vreau sa calatoresc prin imprejurimi cat
timp o sa fiu acolo asa ca o sa stau o luna
Great! What are you going to do there?
Grozav! Ce o sa faci acolo?
Im going to visit Maramures to see again the
places of my childhood. I also want to go to the
mountains and also to the seaside and visit my
friends from Constanta.
O sa vizitez Maramuresul ca sa vad din nou
locurile copilariei mele. Vreau sa merg la munte
dar si la mare sa-i vad pe prietenii mei din
Youre so lucky! Are you going to take a ship
and sail on the Black Sea?
Esti asa norocoasa! O sa navighezi cu vasul pe
Marea Neagra?


I dont know, but I really want to do it.

Nu stiu, dar vreau foarte mult sa o fac.
What about Al? Is he going to join you on this
trip to you native country?
Dar Al? O sa vina cu tine in calatoria catre tara
ta natala?
Unfortunately he is going to stay home this
time. He has to work in August
Din pacate o sa stea acasa de data asta. Trebuie
sa lucreze in August.
Anyway, I envy you Mini and I look forward to
our summer holidays in Romania, next year. I
am going there with Paula to visit to her family.
Please take photos of the places you visit there.
Oricum, te invidiez, Mini si abia astept vacanta
noastra de vara in Romania anul viitor. O sa ma
duc acolo cu Paula in vizita la familia ei. Te rog
sa faci poze cu locurile pe care le vizitezi acolo.

To take- a lua
To sail- a naviga
To join- a se alatura
Trip- excursie
Native- natal, natala
Anyway- oricum
To envy- a invidia
To look forward- a astepta cu nerabdare
To take photos- a face poze
To show- a arata
To get back- a se intoarce
Everyone- toata lumea
Sharp- fix
Half- jumatate
Quarter- sfert
Always remember
A minute is 60 seconds.
Un minut are 60 de secunde.
An hour is 60 minutes and 3600 seconds.
O ora are 60 de minute si 3600 de secunde.

Well, I am going to take my video camera,

because I want to show everyone what Romania
is like, when I get back.
Ei bine, o sa imi iau camera video, pentru ca
vreau sa le arat tuturor asa cum este Romania,
cand ma intorc.

A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes and 900

Un sfert de ora are 15 minute si 900 de secunde.

Thats a very good idea! Have fun!

Este o idee foarte buna! Sa te distrezi!

What time is it?

Cat este ceasul?


Its 3 oclock sharp.

Este ora 3 fix.

Summer holidays- vacanta de vara

To stay- a sta
Long- mult timp, lung
To travel- a calatori
Around- prin imprejurimi, imprejur
Whole- intreg, intreaga
To visit- a vizita
Place- loc
Childhood- copilarie
To the mountains- la munte
To the seaside- la mare

Half an hour is 30 minutes and 1800 seconds.

O jumatate de ora are 30 de minute si 1800 de

Its 5 minutes past 2.

Este 2 si 5 minute.
Its a quarter past 4.
Este 4 si un sfert.
Its half past 9.
Este 9 si jumatate.
Its 10 to 6.
Este 6 fara 10.
Its a quarter to 7.
Este 7 fara un sfert.


Its midday.
Este miezul zilei.
Its midnight.
Este miezul noptii.
What time is the meeting?
La ce ora este intalnirea?
At 4 oclock sharp
La ora 4 fix.
Dont forget. Nu uita
I go to school.
Eu merg la scoala.
She is at home.
Ea este acasa.
The book is in the bag.
Cartea este in geanta.
He comes home from his office.
El se intoarce acasa de la birou.
The picture is above the desk.
Tabloul este deasupra biroului.
The carpet is under the bed.
Covorul este sub pat.
The cat sleeps near the window.
Pisica doarme langa fereastra.
We sit by the fire.
Noi stam langa foc.
This is for you.
Asta este pentru tine.

Ordinal Numbers. Numeralele ordinale

The first (1st)- primul
The second (2nd)- al doilea
The third (3rd )- al treilea
The fourth (4th )- al patrulea
The fifth (5th )- al cincilea
The sixth (6th )- al saselea
The seventh (7th )- al saptelea
The eighth (8th )- al optulea
The ninth (9th )- al noualea
The tenth (10th )- al zecelea
The eleventh (11th )- al unsprezecelea
The twelfth (12th )- al doisprezecelea
The thirteenth (13th )- al treisprezecelea
The fourteenth (14th )- al paisprezecelea
The fifteenth (15th )- al cincisprezecelea
The sixteenth (16th )- al saisprezecelea
The seventeenth (17th )- al saptesprezecelea
The eighteenth (18th )- al optsprezecelea
The nineteenth (19th )- al nouasprezecelea
The twentieth (20th )- al douazecelea
The twenty-first (21st )- al douazeci si unulea
The twenty-second (22nd )- al douazeci si doilea
The twenty-third (23rd )- al douazeci si treilea
The twenty-fourth (24th )- al douazeci si patrulea
The twenty-fifth (25th )- al douazeci si cincilea
The twenty-sixth (26th )- al douazeci si saselea
The twenty-seventh (27th )- al douazeci si
The twenty-eighth (28th )- al douazeci si optulea
The twenty-ninth (29th )- al douazeci si noualea
The thirtieth (30th )- al treizecilea
The fortieth (40th )- al patruzecilea
The fiftieth (50th )- al cincizecilea
The sixtieth (60th )- al saizecilea
The seventieth (70th )- al saptezecilea
The eightieth (80th )- al optzecilea
The ninetieth (90th )- al nouazecilea
The hundredth (100th )- al o sutalea
The thousandth (1000th )- al o mielea

Lectia a 11-a. Lesson 11

Grammar. Gramatica

Indefinite Adjective. Adjective nehotarate.


A certain- un oarecare, o oarecare, un anumit, o

Certain- unii, unele, anumit, anumiti

Other days, other people.

Alte zile, alti oameni
Few, dar si a few- cativa, putini.

He is taking a certain Will Smith with him.

Il ia pe un anumit Will Smith cu el.
Certain people have no taste for jazz music.
Unii oameni nu gusta muzica jazz.
Some- cativa, cateva, unii, unele, ceva, niste,
She bought some rice.
A cumparat niste orez.
The exhibition contained some rare pictures.
Expozitia a continut si cateva tablouri rare.

We know few people in Prague.

Cunoastem putini oameni in Praga.
A few words are often enough to make you
understand the whole situation.
Cateva cuvinte sun adesea suficiente sa te faca
sa intelegi intreaga situatie.
Enough- destul
We have enough time to get there.
Avem destul timp sa ajungem acolo
Each fiecare, in sensul de fiecare luat in parte

Any, care inseamna vreun, vreo, in propozitii

interogative, si nici un, nici o in cele negative.

Each child is a promise.

Fiecare copil reprezinta o promisiune.

Have you any rare books?

Ai vreo carte rara?

Every- fiecare, in sens colectiv, toti, toate

She hasnt any ideea about it.

Ea nu are nici o idee despre asta.

We go to the mountains every summer.

Mergem la munte in fiecare vara.

In propozitiile afirmative, any inseamna orice,


No- nici un, nici o

Any child can do this.

Orice copil poate sa faca asta.

The postman brought no letters yesterday.

Postasul nu a adus nici o scrisoare ieri.
None- nici unul, nici o, deloc

Several- cativa
I went to Madrid several times.
Am fost la Madrid de cateva ori.
Another- un alt, o alta, inca

Do you have any experience in this field?

No, I have none.
Ai ceva experienta in domeniu?
Nu, nu am nici una.

Wait another 5 minutes, please.

Asteptati va rog inca cinci minute.
General Concepts. Notiuni Generale.
Other- alt, alta


At the Airport
Luggage trolley- carucior pentru bagaje
Luggage compartment- compartiment de bagaje
Health certificate- certificat de sanatate
Travel documents- documente de calatorie
Label- eticheta
Check-in control- ghiseu de control
Passport check point- punct de control al
Boarding card- tichet de imbarcare
Customs- vama
Customs officer- vames
Departure- plecare
Arrival- sosire
Duty-free shop- magazin scutit de taxe vamale
Flight no.- zborul numarul
To land- a ateriza
To take-off- a decola
Fasten your seat-belt- puneti-va centura de
Jim and Paula are going to visit Paris. They are
going to stay there for a whole week, so I want
to give some tips to my friend.
Jim si Paula vor vizita Parisul. Intentioneaza sa
stea acolo o saptamana intreaga asa ca vreau sa
ii dau niste ponturi prietenului meu.
See new places, meet new faces. Locuri noi,
oameni noi.
Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Paris.
Maine dimineata plecam la Parsi.
A visit to Paris is a memorable experience. Im
happy for you, both. I was in Paris several
O vizita la Paris este o experienta memorabila.
Ma bucur pentru voi, amandoi. Eu am fost la
Paris de cateva ori.
Its our first visit to Paris. Its a chance we dont
want to miss.
E prima noastra vizita la Paris. Este o sansa pe
care nu vrem sa o ratam.

Dont miss it! Paris has a large number of

districts you can visit and see a lot of interesting
sights. It also depends on what you prefer to do.
Nu ratati! Parisul are un numar mare de cartiere
pe care le puteti vizita si puteti vedea locuri
interesante. Depinde si ce preferati ce faceti.
I like French cuisine and Paula wants to buy
some fashionable clothes.
Mie imi place bucatari franceza iar Paula vrea
sa-si cumpere haine la moda.
Thats good! You can enjoy lunch in one of the
famous restaurants in the city and you can visit
many excellent shops.
Foarte bine! Puteti savura pranzul intr-unul
dintre restaurantele celebre ale orasului si puteti
vizita magazine excelente!
We are also very fond of the night life!
Ne place si viata de noapte!
Of course, you are! You can spend an evening at
the theater, enjoy a drink in a caf or go for a
peaceful walk along the river side.
Bineinteles! Puteti petrece o seara la teatru,
puteti bea ceva la o cafenea sau va puteti plimba
de-a lungul raului.
Mini, I have to go now! I have to buy a few
things for our flight.
Mini, trebuie sa plec acum. Trebuie sa cumpar
unele lucruri pentru zbor.
What time is the departure?
La ce ora este plecarea?
We are taking off at 8 oclock.
Bye Mini!
Decolam la 8.
Pa, Mini
Have a safe flight, then! Bye, Jim!
Atunci zbor linistit! Pa, Jim!


hundreds of people- sute de oameni

Tip- pont, sfat
Face- fata
To leave for- a pleca spre
Memorable experience- experienta memorabila
Chance- sansa
To miss- a rata
District- cartier
To depend on- a depinde de
Fashionable- la moda
Famous- celebru, faimos
Shop- magazin
Nightlife- viata de noapte
Caf- cafenea
Peaceful- linistit
Along- de-a lungul
River- rau
Side- parte sau mal

Dupa acelasi model se comporta hundred

million si billion.

Dont forget! Nu uita!

But we also say:

Millions of times- de milioane de ori
Millions of people- milioane de oameni

Hundred are aceeasi forma si la plural daca il

folosim cu specificarea unui numar precis.
Four hundred twenty-eight (428) books- 428
Hundreds se foloseste numai atunci cand
numarul nu este specificat cu precizie.

We say:
One thousand- o mie
Two thousand- doua mii
Three thousand- trei mii
Four thousand- patru mii
But we also say:
thousands of times- de mii de ori
thousands of people- mii de oameni
We say:
one million- un milion
two million- doua milioane
three million- trei milioane
four million- patru milioane

And we say
One billion- un milliard
Two billion- doua miliarde
Three billion- trei miliarde
Four billion- patru miliarde
But we also say:

Hundreds of victims- sute de victime

Hundreds of houses- sute de case

Billions of time- de miliarde de ori

Billions of people- miliarde de oameni

We say:
One hundred o suta
Two hundred doua sute
Three hundred trei sute
Four hundred- patru sute
But we also say:
hundreds of times-de sute de ori

Lectia a 12-a. Lesson 12th

Grammar. Gramatica


Present Perfect. Prezentul perfect

Present perfect of the verb To Be:

Present Perfect exprima de obicei o actiune

inceputa in trecut care dureaza si in prezent, sau
care s-a incheiat recent. Prezentul perfect se
formeaza cu ajutorul prezentului auxiliarului to
have plus participiul trecut al verbului care este
In cazul verbelor regulate, participiul trecut al
verbului de conjugat se formeaza prin adaugarea
sufixului -ed ca si in cazul trecutului simplu.

I have been a teacher all my youth.

Am fost profesor toata tineretea.
Youve been tired all morning.
Tu ai fost obosit toata dimineata.
She has been happy today.
Ea a fost fericita astazi.
He has been la Paris all week.
El a fost in Paris toata saptamana.
We have been friends all our life.
Noi am fost prieteni toata viata.
You have been my students for 3 years.
Voi ati fost studentii mei timp de 3 ani.
They have been busy all night.
Ei au fost ocupati toata noaptea.

Regular Verbs:
I have danced.
Eu am dansat.
You have danced.
Tu ai dansat.
She has danced.
Ea a dansat.
He has danced.
El a dansat.
We have danced.
Noi am dansat.
You have danced.
Voi ati dansat.
They have danced.
Ei au dansat.
I have waited.
Eu am asteptat.
You have waited.
Tu ai asteptat.
She has waited.
Ea a asteptat.
He has waited.
El a asteptat.
We have waited.
Noi am asteptat.
You have waited.
Voi ati asteptat.
They have waited.
Ei au asteptat.

Celelalte verbe neregulate au la Present Perfect

o singura forma pentru toate persoanele, forma
care trebuie memorata ca atare.
10 irregular verbs. 10 verbe neregulate.
A taia= to cut- cut- cut
A face= to do-did-done
A bea= to drink-drank-drunk
A conduce= to drive- drove-driven
A manca= to eat- ate- eaten
A cadea= to fall- fell- fallen
A hrani= to feed- fed-fed
A simti= to feel- felt- felt
A gasi= to find- found-found
A zbura= to fly- flew-flown
Either - or, neither - nor. Fie - fie, nici- nici
She is either timid or lazy.
Ea este fie timida fie lenesa.
He is either naughty or very clever.
El este fie obraznic fie foarte istet.
We are neither wild nor friendly.
Noi nu suntem nici salbatici, nici prietenosi.
They are neither rude nor polite.
Ei nu sunt nici grosolani nici politicosi.


General Concepts. Notiuni generale

Shopping List. Lista de cumparaturi

It tastes salty- are gust sarat

It tastes soar- are gust acru
It tastes bitter- are gust amar

Two bottles of wine- doua sticle de vin

Three kilos of potatoes- trei kilograme de cartofi
Three packets of flour- trei pungi de faina
Four cartons of milk- patru cutii de lapte
Two loafs of bread- doua paini
Twelve slices of ham- 12 felii de jambon

Yesterday I met Jim by accident. I was hungry

and my friend invited me out to dinner, so we
have eaten in a fancy restaurant.
Ieri l-am intalnit intamplator pe Jim. Imi era
foame si prietenul meu m-a invitat la cina, asa
ca am luat masa intr-un restaurant elegant.

The order. Comanda

What is the menu of today care este meniul zilei
Id like to order- as dori sa fac comanda
We havent decided yet- noi nu ne-am decis
What can you recommend- ce ne puteti
What is your specialty- care este specialitatea
Will you pass me the salt and pepper- da-mi te
rog sarea si piperul
Will you bring some more dressing- aduceti-mi
va rog mai mult sos
Can you change my order- imi puteti schimba
The cheese is tasteless- branza este fada
The roast beef is burnt and salty- friptura de vita
este arsa si sarata
The cream is soar- smantana este acra
The green salad is not properly washed- salata
verde nu este bine spalata
Smoked- afumat
Frozen- congelat
Boiled- fiert
Raw- crud
Baked- copt
Roast- fript la cuptor
Underdone- in sange
Stewed- inabusit
Grilled- fript la gratar
Fried- prajit
Fresh- proaspat
Stuffed- umplut
Marinated- marinat
It tastes sweet- are gust dulce

Enjoy your meal. Pofta buna

It has been a lovely evening. Thank you, Mini.
A fost o seara incantatoare. Multumesc, Mini.
I thank you, for the invitation, Jim. We have
eaten healthy food and now I am really full.
Eu iti multumesc pentru invitatie, Jim. Am
mancat sanatos si acum ma simt intr-adevar
Me too. I have also enjoyed your company
which is very special to me. Did you like the
Si eu la fel. Pe deasupra m-am bucurat de
compania ta, care este speciala pentru mine. Ti-a
placut mancarea?
Yes, I did. The tomato soup has been delicious
and the roast chicken with carrots tasted really
Da, sigur! Supa de rosii a fost un deliciu, iar
puiul fript cu morcovi a fost foarte gustos.
Im not used to eat soup, thats why I prefered
the grilled fish with rice and a garden salad. And
the wine was fit, too.
Eu nu sunt obisnuit sa mananc supa, asa ca am
preferat peste la gratar cu orez si salata asortata.
Si vinul a fost potrivit, nu?
Indeed. Excellent choice! White, dry and
Intr-adevar! Excelenta alegere. Alb, sec si rece!


I wonder whether they are making their own

deserts. I forgot to ask. But my pudding was
delicious. What about your ice cream?
Ma intreb daca pregatesc un desert special al
casei. Am uitat sa intreb. Dar budinca a fost
delicioasa. Cum a fost inghetata ta?
Very good, indeed. I was delighted to see that
the waiter has brought an extra portion of
whipped cream.
Cu adevarat buna! Am fost incantata cand
chelnerul mi-a adus o extra portie de frisca.
This restaurant is really nice. The place is clean
and large and you have lots of tasty and spicy
dished to choose from.
Restaurantul este intr-adevar dragut. Locul este
curat si spatios si ai de ales dintr-o multime
mancaruri gustoase si condimentate.
We are certainly going to come back soon!
O sa ne intoarcem precis, in curand.

By accident- din intamplare
Fancy- la moda
Healthy food- mancare sanatoasa
Full- plin, plina
Soup- supa
Chicken- pui
Rice- orez
Garden salad- salata asortata
Choice- alegere
Dry- sec
Chilled- racit, la rece
To wonder- a se intreba
Whether- daca
Desert- desert
Pudding- budinca
Ice cream- inghetata
Waiter, waitress- chelner, chelnerita
Extra portion- extra portie, portie in plus
Whipped cream- frisca
Cream- smantana

Tasty- gustos
Spicy- condimentat
Dish- fel de mancare
To come back- a se intoarce
Smoked- afumat
Frozen- congelat
Boiled- fiert
Raw- crud
Baked- copt
Roast- fript la cuptor
Underdone- in sange
Stewed- inabusit
Grilled- fript la gratar
Fried- prajit
Fresh- proaspat
Stuffed- umplut
Marinated- marinat
To fall- a cadea
To feed- a hrani
To feel- a simti
To find- a gasi
To fly- a zbura
To cut- a taia
To drink- a bea
To drive- a conduce
To eat- a manca

Dont forget! Nu uita!

Present Perfect, prezentul perfect exprima de
obicei o actiune inceputa in trecut care dureaza
si in prezent sau care s-a incheiat recent.
Prezentul perfect se formeaza cu ajutorul
prezentului auxiliarului to have plus
participiul trecut al verbului care este conjugat.
Present Perfect of the verb To Be:
I have been a teacher all my youth.
Am fost profesoara toata tineretea.
Youve been tired all morning.
Ai fost obosit toata dimineata.
She has been happy today.
Ea a fost fericita astazi.


He has been in Paris all week.

El a fost la Paris toata saptamana.
We have been friends all our life.
Noi am fost prieteni toata viata.
You have been my students for 3 years.
Voi ati fost studentii mei timp de 3 ani.
They have been busy all night.
Ei au fost ocupati toata noaptea.
Remember how to use the expression either- or.
Aminteste-ti cum sa folosesti expresia fie- fie.
She is either timid or lazy.
Ea este fie timida fie lenesa.
He is either naughty or very clever.
El este fie obraznic, fie foarte istet.
Remember how to use the expression neithernor.
Aminteste-ti cum sa folosesti expresia nici-nici.
We are neither wild nor friendly.
Noi nu suntem nici salbatici, nici prietenosi.
They are neither rude nor polite.
Ei nu sunt nici grosolani nici politicosi.

How to order in a restaurant.

Cum comanzi mancare intr-un restaurant

The roast beef is burnt and salty- friptura de vita

este arsa si sarata
The cream is soar- smantana este acra
The green salad is not properly washed- salata
verde nu este bine spalata
Smoked- afumat
Frozen- congelat
Boiled- fiert
Raw- crud
Baked- copt
Roast- fript la cuptor
Underdone- in sange
Stewed- inabusit
Grilled- fript la gratar
Fried- prajit
Fresh- proaspat
Stuffed- umplut
Marinated- marinat
My food tastes sweet.
Mancarea mea are gust dulce
Your food tastes salty.
Mancarea ta are gust sarat
Her food tastes soar
Mancarea ei are gust acru
His food tastes bitter.
Mancarea lui are gust amar.

What is the menu of today care este meniul zilei

Id like to order- as dori sa fac comanda
We havent decided yet- noi nu ne-am decis
What can you recommend- ce ne puteti
What is your specialty- care este specialitatea
Will you pass me the salt and pepper- da-mi te
rog sarea si piperul
Will you bring some more dressing- aduceti-mi
va rog mai mult sos
Can you change my order- imi puteti schimba
The cheese is tasteless- branza este fada


Lectia a 13-a. Lesson 13.

Grammar. Gramatica.
Comparison of short adjectives. Comparatia
adjectivelor scurte.
Adjectivele monosilabice, bisilabive, si cele
trei-silabice cu prefix negativ au forma
flexionara la comparativ si superlativ prin
alipirea sufixelor er si est.
De egalitate:
As calm as- la fel de calm ca
As large as- la fel de larg ca
As old as- la fel de in varsta ca
As kind as- la fel de amabil ca
As friendly as- la fel de prietenos ca
As unlucky as- la fel de ghinionist ca
De superioritate
Calmer than- mai calm decat
Larger than- mai larg decat
Older than- mai in varsta decat
Kinder than- mai amabil decat
Friendlier than- mai prietenos decat
Unluckier than- mai ghinionist decat
La superlativ
The calmest- cel mai calm
The largest- cel mai larg
The oldest- cel mai in varsta
The kindest- cel mai amabil
The friendliest- cel mai prietenos
The unluckiest- cel mai ghinionist
Mike is as old as my son.
Mike este de aceeasi varsta cu fiul meu.
He is the friendliest boy in town.
El este cel mai prietenos baiat din oras.
It is the largest district of Paris.
Este cel mai mare cartier al Parisului.
Im older than you.
Eu sunt mai in varsta decat tine.

Comparison of Long Adjectives. Comparatia

adjectivelor lungi
Adjectivele mai lungi de doua silabe, cele bisilabice la care accentul cade pe prima silaba
formeaza comparativul si superlativul cu
ajutorul adverbelor more si most.
De exemplu, de egalitate:
As curious as- la fel de curios ca
As beautiful as- la fel de frumos ca
As important as- la fel de important ca
As attractive as- la fel de atragator ca
As fragile as- la fel de fragil ca
De superioritate:
More curious than- mai curios decat
More beautiful than- mai frumos decat
More important than- mai important decat
More attractive than- mai atragator decat
More fragile than- mai fragil decat
The most curious- cel mai curios
The most beautiful- cel mai frumos
The most important- cel mai important
The most attractive- cel mai atragator
The most fragile- cel mai fragil
She is as beautiful as always.
Ea este la fel de frumoasa ca intotdeauna.
It is more important than the other exam.
Este mai important decat celalalt examen.
It is the most attractive landscape.
Este cel mai atractiv peisaj.
Adjectives with Irregular Forms. Adjective
cu forme neregulate
Good/ well = bun - better than= mai bun decatthe best= cel mai bun


Bad or ill= rau- worse than= mai rau decat- the

worst= cel mai rau
Little- putin- less than= mai putin decat- the
least= cel mai putin
Much or many- mult- more than= mai mult
decat- the most= cel mai mult

Parintii si copiii lor seamana foarte mult. Ei

arata uneori la fel, simt la fel, actioneaza la fel.
Adesea, impartasesc acelasi sistem de valori,
aceleasi convingeri si pareri, acelasi stil de viata.
Este si cazul fiului si sotului meu.
Like father, like son. Cum e tatal e si fiul.

General Concepts. Notiuni generale.

Qualities and Shortcomings. Calitati si
Kind- amabil
Generous- generos
Courageous, brave- curajos
Clever, smart- istet
Polite- politicos
Gorgeous- splendid
Careful- atent
Friendly- prietenos
Pretty- dragut
Good-looking, handsome- chipes
Beautiful- frumos
Silent- tacut
Bad- rau
Aggressive- agresiv
Ugly- urat
Rude- grosolan
Stupid- prost
Lazy- lenes
Noisy- zgomotos
Naughty- obraznic
Greedy- lacom
Violent- violent
Mean- meschin
Boring- plictisitor
Stubborn- incapatanat
Parents and their children are very much alike.
They sometimes look the same, feel the same
and act the same. They often share the same
value system, same believes and opinions, same
lifestyle. This is also the case of my son and my

Yes, you are right. It is unbelievable how many

things they have in common Peter and Al, when
you look at them.
Da, ai dreptate. Este incredibil cat de multe
lucruri au in comun Peter si Al cand te uiti la ei.
They are really handsome, they are both tall,
well-built, with short, blond hair and blue eyes.
Peter takes after his father in every way.
Sunt amandoi chipesi, sunt amandoi inalti, bine
facuti, cu par scurt si blond si ochi albastri.
Peter seamana cu tatal sau in toate privintele.
They are both good-looking men, I agree. And
they are very much alike.
Sunt amandoi barbati chipesi, sunt de acord. Si
seamana foarte mult.
Peter was a sweet child when he was little but I
didnt imagine him turning into another Al.
Now, Im amazed of their resemblance.
Peter era un copilas dulce pe cand era mic, dar
nu mi-am imaginat ca o sa se transforme intr-un
alt Al. Acum sunt uluita de asemanarea lor.
But maybe they are different in other respects,
arent they?
Dar poate sunt diferiti in alte privinte, nu?
No, they arent. They share almost everything
else: they think alike, feel alike, act alike.
Nu. Impartesc aproape la fel: gandesc la fel,
simt la fel, actioneaza la fel.
Wow! Like father like son!
Cum e tatal e si fiul.


Exactly! When Peter is answering one of my

questions, I almost hear my husbands ideas and
Exact! Cand Peter imi raspunde la o intrebare,
parca aud vocea si gandurile sotului meu.
They have to be different in some ways.
Trebuie sa fie diferiti in anumite privinte.
Well, I dont know what to say. Peter is as
generous as his father, as careful as him, even as
pacient as Al.
Ei bine, nu stiu ce sa spun. Peter este la fel de
generos ca tatal sau, la fel de atent, si la fel de
rabdator ca Al.
So, there is only one obvious difference- Peter is
much younger than Al, isnt there?
Atunci exista o singura diferenta evidenta- Peter
este mult mai tanar decat Al, nu?
Yes, Peter also shares his fathers hobbies and
talents: he is playing the piano and hes painting
during weekends.
Da, Peter are si aceleasi preferinte si talente:
canta la pian si picteaza la sfarsit de saptamana.
Do they also share the shortcomings?
Au si aceleasi defecte?
Unfortunately. Peter is as stubborn as his father.
Din nefericire. Peter este la fel de incapatanat ca
tatal sau.
To be alike- a fi asemanator
The same- la fel
To feel- a simti
To act- a actiona
To share- a impartasi dar si a imparti
Value system- sistem de valori
Belief- convingere, crez, credinta
Opinion- opinie, parere
Life style- stil de viata
Case- caz

Unbelievable- incredibil
Tall- inalt
Well-built- bine facut
To take after- a semana cu
To imagine- a-si inchipui, a-si imagina
To turn into- a se transforma in
Resemblance- asemanare
Respect- privinta, aspect, dar si respect
Voice- voce
Thought- gand
Obvious- evident, evidenta
Hobby- pasiune, ocupatie in timpul liber
Talent- talent
To play the piano- a canta la pian, in general la
un instrument
To sing- a canta cu vocea
To paint- a picta
During- in timpul
Kind- amabil
Generos- generos
Courageous, brave- curajos
Clever- istet
Gorgeous- splendid
Careful- atent
Friendly- prietenos
Good-looking- chipes
Beautiful- frumos
Pacient- rabdator
Silent- tacut
Bad- rau
Aggressive- agresiv
Ugly- urat
Rude- grosolan
Stupid- prost
Lazy- lenes
Noisy- zgomotos
Naughty- obraznic
Greedy- lacom
Violent- violent
Mean- meschin
Boring- plictisitor
Stubborn- incapatanat
Dont forget! Nu uita!


Ea este la fel de frumoasa ca intotdeauna.

Adjectivele monosilabice, bisilabice sicele
trisilabice cu prefix negativ au forma flexionara
la comparativul de egalitate si de superioaritate
dar si la superlative, prin alipirea sufixelor er
si est.
As calm as- la fel de calm ca
Calmer than- mai calm decat
The calmest- cel mai calm
As large as- la fel de larg ca
Larger than- mai larg decat
The largest- cel mai larg

It is more important than the other exam.

Este mai important decat celalalt examen.
It is the most attractive landscape.
Este cel mai atractiv peisaj.
Dont forget the adjectives with irregular forms.
Nu uita adjectivele cu forme neregulate.

Mike is as old as my son.

Mike este de aceeasi varsta cu fiul meu.

Good/ well = bun - better than= mai bun decatthe best= cel mai bun
Bad or ill= rau- worse than= mai rau decat- the
worst= cel mai rau
Little- putin- less than= mai putin decat- the
least= cel mai putin
Much or many- mult- more than= mai mult
decat- the most= cel mai mult

He is the friendliest boy in town.

El este cel mai prietenos baiat din oras.

Lectia a 14-a. Lesson 14.

It is the largest district of Paris.

Este cel mai mare cartier al Parisului.

Grammar. Gramatica
Adverbs of manner. Adverbe de mod

Im older than you.

Eu sunt mai mare decat tine.

Adverbele de mod se formeaza prin alipirea

sufixelui ly la finalul adjectivului
corespunzator. In limba Engleza, si adjectivul si
adverbul au asadar forme diferite.
In limba Romana, de cele mai multe ori,
adverbul suna la fel ca adjectivul.

Other examples. Alte exemple.

Adjectivele mai lungi de doua silabe, cele

bisilabice, la care accentul cade pe prima silaba,
formeaza comparativul de egalitate si de
superioritate, dar si superlativul cu ajutorul
adverbelor more si most.
As curious as- la fel de curios ca
More curious than- mai curios decat
The most curious- cel mai curios
As beautiful as- la fel de frumos ca
More beautiful than- mai frumos decat
The most beautiful- cel mai frumos

Usor- easy/easily
Urat- bad/badly
Frumos- beautiful/beautifully
Excelent- excellent/excellently
Amabil- kind/kindly
Dragut- nice/nicely
Perfect- perfect/perfectly

Other examples. Alte exemple.

They understand each other perfectly.

Ei se inteleg perfect.

She is as beautiful as always.

I speak English fluently.

Eu vorbesc Enlgeza fluent.

He kindly asked me to give him a second

El m-a rugat cu amabilitate sa-i acord o a doua
His behavior can be easily understood.
Comportamentul lui poate fi usor inteles.
They are newly married.
Ei sunt proaspat casatoriti.
I can hardly see you.
Te pot vedea cu greu.
The Adverbial Numeral. Numeralul
Once- o data
Twice- de doua ori
Three times- de trei ori
Four times- de patru ori
Five times- de cinci ori
Six times- de sase ori
Ten times- de zece ori
A hundred times- de o suta de ori
A thousand times- de o mie de ori
I have seen her once.
Am vazut-o o data.
We spoke at least twice.
Am vorbit de cel putin doua ori.
Ive seen her at least three times.
Am vazut-o de cel putin trei ori.
She phoned at least three times.
Ea a telefonat de trei ori
10 Irregular Verbs. 10 verbe neregulate
A uita= to forget-forgot-forgotten
A ierta= to forgive-forgave-forgiven
A ingheta= to freeze-froze-frozen
A obtine= to get-got-gotten
A da= to give-gave-given
A merge= to go-went-gone
A creste= to grow-grew-grown

A avea= to have-had-had
A auzi= to hear-heard-heard
A ascunde= to hide-hid-hidden
General Concepts. Notiuni generale.
Shopping. Cumparaturi
How much does it cost- cat costa
I dont want to spend more than- nu vreau sa
cheltuiesc mai mult de
Can you give me a discount- puteti sa-mi faceti
o reducere
The price has already been reduced- pretul a fost
deja redus
Id like to change this skirt- as vrea sa schimb
fusta aceasta
Sold clothes cant be changed- articolele
vandute nu pot fi schimbate
It is too expensive- este prea scump
This is not what Im looking for- aceasta nu este
ceea ce caut
Please keep the cash slip- va rog sa pastrati
bonul de casa
Can I give you anything else- pot sa va dau
At the Doctors. La doctor
I have difficulty in breathing- respir greu
I have lost a lot of blood- am pierdut mult sange
What is your blood type- ce grupa de sange
Does it hurt here- doare aici
Raise your arm- ridicati bratul
You need a plaster cast- aveti nevoie de un
bandaj gipsat
You need an X-ray- aveti nevoie de o
We will give you a pain killer- va vom
administra un anestezic
We will give you a few stitches- va vom pune
cateva copci
I am allergic to- sunt alergic la
I am short sighted- am miopie
I am long-sighted-am prezbitism


One of my fillings has come out- mi-a cazut o

Illness. Boala.
Fever- febra
Head-ache- durere de ca
Tooth-ache- durere de dinti
Decay- carie
Gum- gingie
Most people hate doctors. Even if we dont want
them, we need them.
Cei mai multi oameni ii urasc pe medici. Chiar
daca nu ii vrem, avem nevoie de ei.
This happens at least once or twice in a life
Asta se intampla de cel putin o data sau de doua
ori intr-o viata.
Dont you agree?
Nu credeti?
For and Against. Pro si contra
Thats true, if I think of my life up to present, I
realize I have been at least 20 times to see a
Este adevarat, daca ma gandesc la viata mea de
pana acuma, imi dau seama ca am fost de cel
putin 20 de ori la doctor.
I am really not able to think of a number of
times and I can hardly remember my first time.
But imagine I gave birth to a boy and a girl and
Ive been to the hospital many times with my
children ever since.
Nu ma pot gandi la un numar dar abia daca imi
amintesc cand am fost prima oara. Imagineaza-ti
ca am dat nastere unui baiat si unei fete si am
fost de atunci la spital de multe ori cu copiii
Well, I have been at least 10 times to the dentist
and several times to a general practitioner, Im
sure of it.

Eu am fost de cel putin 10 ori la dentist si de

cateva ori la medicul generalist, sunt convins de
We dont like them too much, but we need them
so baldy. I remember a time when Emily was a
baby and she had convulsions and very high
Nu ne plac prea mult, dar avem atata nevoie de
ei. Imi aminesc o zi cand Emily era micuta si
avea convulsii si febra foarte mare.
Oh, God! What did you do?
O, Doamne! Ce ai facut?
I called an ambulance and went to the nearest
hospital in a heart beat. The doctor saved
Emilys life that time. She was very ill.
Am chemat ambulanta si am ajuns la cel mai
apropiat spital intr-un suflet. Medicii i-au slavat
viata lui Emily atunci. Era foarte bolnaca.
We have been once to the hospital in the middle
of the night. Our daughter, Lilly, had a severe
infection and we were very worried.
Noi am ajuns o data la spital in mijlocul noptii.
Fetita noastra, Lilly, avea o infectie foarte grava
si eram foarte ingrijorati.
When you are a parent, you always have
problems and need a doctor or at least his
opinion on something.
Cand esti parinte ai intotdeauna probleme si ai
nevoie de un doctor sau macar de parerea lui.
But doctors are also human being. They
sometimes fail.
Dar doctorii sunt si ei oameni. Uneori mai
They do. We often hear hear about dentists who
are extracting the wrong tooth or surgeons who
have forgotten something into a patients body.
Asa e. Auzim adesea despre dentisti care scot alt
dinte sau chirurgi care uita cate ceva in trupul


Well, Mini, I think the best we can do is to take

care of our health.
Mini, cred ca cel mai bun lucru pe care il putem
face este sa avem grija de sanatatea noastra.
Prevention is better than cure.
Paza buna trece primejdia rea.
To hate- a uri
To happen- a se intampla
Life time- timpul vietii
To agree- a fi de acord
To realize- a-si da seama
To be able to- a fi in stare sa
Hardly- abia
To give birth to- a da nastere
Ever since- de atunci
General practitioner (GP)- medic generalist
Badly- foarte tare, foarte mult
Convulsion- convulsie
High fever- febra mare
To call- a chema
Ambulance- ambulanta
In a heart beat- inr-un suflet
To save- a salva
In the middle of- in mijlocul
Severe- grav
Infection- infectie
Parent- parinte
Human being- om, fiinta umana
Fail- a gresi, a da gres
To extract- a extrage
Wrong- gresit
Surgeon- chirurg
Patient- pacient
Body- trup
To take care- a avea grija
Health- sanatate
Prevention- preventie, preintampinare
To prevent- a preveni, a preintampina
Cure- tratament
To cure- a trata

Im allergic to- sunt alergic la

I am short sighted- am miopie
I am long-sighted-am prezbitism
Illness- boala
Head-ache- durere de ca
Tooth-ache- durere de dinti
Decay- carie
Gum- gingie
To freeze- a ingheta
To get- a obtine
To give- a da
To grow- a creste
To hide- a ascunde
To forgive- a ierta
To forget- a uita
Dont forget. Nu uita
Adverbele de mod se formeaza prin alipirea
sufixelor ly adjectivului corespunzator.
They understand each other perfectly.
Ei se inteleg perfect.
I speak English fluently.
Eu vorbesc Enlgeza fluent.
He kindly asked me to give him a second
El m-a rugat cu amabilitate sa-i acord o a doua
His behavior can be easily understood.
Comportamentul lui poate fi usor inteles.
They are newly married.
Ei sunt proaspat casatoriti.
I can hardly see you.
Te pot vedea cu greu.


The Adverbial Numeral. Numeralul

Once- o data
Twice- de doua ori
Three times- de trei ori
Ten times- de zece ori
A hundred times- de o suta de ori
A thousand times- de o mie de ori
I have seen her once.
Eu am vazut-o o data.
We spoke at least twice.
Noi am vorbit de cel putin doua ori.
She phoned three times.
Ea a telefonat de trei ori
Remember what to ask when you are
Aminteste-ti cum pui intrebarile cand esti la
How much does it cost- cat costa
Can you give me a discount- puteti sa-mi faceti
o reducere
I dont want to spend more than- nu vreau sa
cheltuiesc mai mult de
The price has already been reduced- pretul a fost
deja redus
Id like to change this skirt- as vrea sa schimb
fusta aceasta
Sold clothes cant be changed- articolele
vandute nu pot fi schimbate
It is too expensive- este prea scump
It is cheap- este ieftin
This is not what Im looking for- nu este ceea ce
Please keep the cash slip- va rog sa pastrati
bonul de casa
Can I give you anything else- pot sa va dau
No, thank you nu, multumesc
Remember what to say what you are at the

Aminteste-ti ce spui cand esti la doctor.

I have difficulty in breathing- respir greu
I have lost a lot of blood- am pierdut mult sange
What is your blood type- ce grupa de sange
Does it hurt here- doare aici
Raise your arm- ridicati bratul
You need a plaster cast- aveti nevoie de un
bandaj gipsat
You need an X-ray- aveti nevoie de o
We will give you a pain killer- va vom
administra un anestezic
We will give you a few stitches- va vom pune
cateva copci
I am allergic to- sunt alergic la
I am short sighted- am miopie
I am long-sighted-am prezbitism
One of my fillings has come out- mi-a cazut o

Lectia a 15-a. Lesson 15.

Revision. Recapitulare.
Exercise 1. Exercitiul 1
Answer the following questions.
Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari
Is it the first or the second time you tried to
explain things to him?
Este prima sau a doua oara cand incerci sa ii
explici cum stau lucrurile?
Its neither the first nor the second time. It is the
sixth time I try to explain things to him.
Nu este nici prima nici a doua oara. Este a sasea
oara cand incerc sa ii explic cum stau lucrurile.
Did you hear about a certain Tim Reed?
Ai auzit de un oarecare Tim Reed?
Yes, I did. He is either an actor or a film
Da, am auzit. Este fie actor, fie regizor de film.


Do you have any idea about what is going to

happen to Danny?
Ai vreo idee ce urmeaza sa se intample cu
Yes, I have some ideas about this. I think Danny
is going to be fired.
Da, am ceva idei in privinta asta. Cred ca Danny
urmeaza sa fie concediat.
Who can talk on this topic for half an hour?
Cine poate vorbi pe acest subiect timp de o
jumatate de ora?
Any student can do this.
Orice student poate s-o faca.
Have you even been to Barcelona?
Ai fost vreodata la Barcelona?
Yes, I have been there several times.
Da, am fost acolo de cateva ori.
Can you wait another 2 minutes?
Puteti astepta inca doua minute?
Yes, I can.
Da, pot.
Is there any other possibility for you to make
her understand the situation?
Exista vreo alta posibilitate sa o faci sa inteleaga
No, Im afraid there isnt any.
Nu, ma tem ca nu est nici una.
Do they know many people in Moscow?
Cunosc ei multi oameni la Moscova?
No, they know few people in Moscow.
Nu, ei cunosc putini oameni la Moscova.
Do you have anything to do before you go?
Mai ai ceva de facut inainte sa pleci?

Yes, I have to arrange a few things before I go.

Da, mai am de aranjat cateva lucruri inainte sa
Did you have enough money to buy that car?
Ati avut destui bani sa cumparati masina aceea?
Yes, we had enough money to buy that car.
Da, am avut destui bani sa cumparam masina
What is your opinion on exams? Are they useful
or useless?
Ce parere ai despre examene? Crezi ca sunt utile
sau inutile?
I think each passed exam makes you more
Cred ca fiecare examen trecut ta face mai
How often does he go to the mountains?
Cat de des merge el la munte?
He goes to the mountain every summer.
El merge la munte in fiecare vara.
How many letters did the postman bring
Cate scrisori a adus postasul ieri?
None. The postman brought no letters yesterday.
Nici una. Postasul n-a adus ieri nici o scrisoare.
Exercise 2. Exercitiul 2.
Translate into Enlgish the following sentences.
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii.
Au fost plecati toata dupa-amiaza.
They have been gone all afternoon.
A fost medicul meu toata viata.
She has been my doctor all my life.
Am vazut cel mai frumos tablou.


I have seen the most beautiful picture.

Ruth este cea mai in varsta.

Ruth is the oldest.

Cine a spart ceainicul?

Who has broken the tea pot?
Nu stiu, nu l-am spart eu.
I dont know, I havent broken it.
Ai pus scrisoarea la cutie?
Have you posted the letter?
Nu, nu am gasit timbre. Peste tot era inchis.
No, I havent found stamps. Everything was
De ce ai deschis fereastra?
Why have you opened the window?
Este prea cald. Avem nevoie de aer curat.
It is too hot. We need fresh air.
Ana este fie slabatica fie extrem de timida.
Ana is either wild or extremely shy.
Aceasta problema nu este nici importanta nici
foarte urgenta.
This problem is neither important nor very

Exercise 3. Exercitiul 3.
Read in a loud voice and translate the following
text, sentence by sentence.
Citeste cu voce tare si tradu urmatorul text fraza
cu fraza.
The small, sunny island of Antigua is one of the
most beautiful islands in the Caribbean.
Mica si insorita insula Antigua, este una dintre
cele mai frumoase insule din arhipelagul
Two hundred years ago, many of the large
buildings were houses or shops.
In urma cu doua sute de ani, multe dintre
cladireile mari erau case sau magazine.
They have been transformed into very nice
hotels with comfortable rooms.
Ele au fost transformate in hoteluri foarte
dragute cu camere comfortabile.

Incearca intotdeauna sa fii cat de calm poti fi.

Always try to be as calm as you can be.

Most of them are close to the beautiful beach

and they are not as expensive as other hotels.
Cele mai multe dintre ele se afla aproape de
plaja frumoasa si nu sunt atat de scumpe ca alte

Este intotdeauna mai bine sa rezolvi problemele

cand nu esti nervos.
It is always better to solve problems when you
are not nervous.

There are interesting places to visit on Antigua

Sunt multe locuri interesante de vizitat pe insula

Acesta este cel mai rau lucru pe care poti sa-l

This is the worst thing you can do.

There, you can buy great gifts for your friends

and family.
Acolo, puteti cumpara cadouri grozave pentru
prieteni si familie.

Ruth este mai in varsta decat Ana, dar este si

mai in varsta decat Sandra.
Ruth is older than Ana, but she is much older
than Sandra.

The souvenir shops in the English harbor are the

cheapest and the best.
Magazinele de suveniruri din portul Englez sunt
cele mai ieftine si cele mai bune.


For a romantic and peaceful holiday, there is

nowhere nicer than the Antigua island.
Pentru o vacanta romatica si linistita, nu exista
nici un loc mai placut decat insula Antigua.
Exercise 4. Exercitiul 4.
Read and translate into Romanian.
Citeste si tradu in limba Romana.

Iata cele cinci zile: alaltaieri, ieri, astazi, maine

si poimaine.
Here are the 5 days: the day before yesterday,
yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after

Peter and Al understand each other perfectly.

Peter si Al se inteleg perfect.

Exercise 5. Exercitiul 5.
Read and translate into Romanian the following
sayings and quotes.
Citeste si tradu in limba Romana urmatoarele
zicale si citate.

All the boys and all the girls from the tenth form
speak English fluently.
Toti baietii si toate fetele din clasa a zecea
vorbesc Engleza fluent.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know

Singura intelepciune adevarata este aceea de a
stii ca nu stii nimic.

He kindly asked me to give him a second

El m-a rugat cu amabilitate sa-i acord o a doua

A wise man wont need advice and a fool wont

take it.
Un intelept nu are nevoie de sfaturi iar in prost
nu va tine seama de ele.

His behavior can be easily understood.

Comportamentul lui poate fi usor inteles.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural

Inteligenta artificiala nu se potriveste cu prostia

Nick and Sarah are newly married.

Nick si Sarah sunt proaspat casatoriti.
I can hardly hear you.
Te pot auzi cu greu.
He can hardly see you.
El te poate vedea cu greu.

Exercise 5. Exercitiul 5.
Translate into English the following sentences.
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii.
Poti sa-mi numesti 5 zile ale saptamanii fara sa
vorbesti de luni, marti miercuri, joi, vineri
sambata si duminica?
Can you tell me five days of the week, without
speaking of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday?

He who can, does. He who cant, teaches.

Cel care poate, o face. Cel care nu poate, ii
invata pe altii cum sa o faca.
Life becomes useless and insipid when we have
no longer either friends or enemies.
Viata devine inutila si insipida atunci cand nu
mai avem nici prieteni nici dusmani.
It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool
than to open ones mouth, and remove all doubt.
Este mai bine sa taci si sa fii considerat prost
decat sa deschizi gura si sa inlaturi orice
Team work means never having to take the
whole blame yourself.


Munca in echipa inseamna sa nu iti asumi

niciodata toata vina.
I no longer have the fear of being alone. Its
cool to find out you dont need a boyfriend to be
Nu ma mai tem sa fiu singura. Este grozav sa
afli ca nu ai nevoie de un iubit, ca sa fii fericita.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can
avoid altogether.
Nu lasa pe maine ce poti evita cu totul.
If you dont know where youre going, how do
you expect to get there?
Daca nu stii incotro de indrepti, cum te astepti
sa ajungi acolo?
Like a welcome summer rain, humor may
suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and
Ca o binevenita ploaie de vara, umorul poate
curata dintr-o data si poate racori pamantul,
aerul si pe tine.
That is the secret of life- replace one worry with
Acesta este secretul vietii- sa inlocuiesti o grija
cu o alta.
A friend is someone who has the same enemies
you have.
Prieten este acela care are aceeasi dusmani ca si
The chief danger in life is that you may take too
many precautions.
Cel mai mare pericol in viata este acela de a-ti
lua prea multe precautii.

Sa fi tu insuti inseamna sa fii asa cum te vor


Lectia a 16-a. Lesson 16.

Grammar. Gramatica.
The Simple Future. Viitorul simplu.
Viitorul se formeaza cu ajutorul auxiliarului
will, urmat de infnitivul verbului de conjugat.
I will come- eu voi veni
You will come- tu vei veni
She will come- ea va veni
He will come- el va veni
We will come- noi vom veni
You will come- voi veti veni
They will come- ei vor veni
I will talk- eu voi vorbi
You will talk- tu vei vorbi
He will talk- el va vorbi
She will talk- ea va vorbi
We will talk- noi vom vorbi
You will talk- voi veti vorbi
They will talk- ei vor vorbi
The day after tomorrow we will have an exam.
Poimaine vom avea un examen.
There will be a fare in two weeks.
Va fi un targ peste doua saptamani.
She will do this next time.
Ea va face acest lucru data viitoare.
He will finish his work at half past ten.
El va termina lucrul la zece si jumatate.

Wisdom begins in wonder.

Intelepciunea incepe prin a te mira.

They will find a way to do this.

Ei vor gasi o cale sa faca acest lucru.

Being yourself is being the person everyone else

wants you to be.

Auxiliarul will are doua forme negative:

I will not go there.


I wont go there.
Eu nu voi merge acolo
In Engleza literara, pentru persoanele intai
singular si plural se foloseste de obicei
auxiliarul: shall
I shall come back.
Ma voi intoarce.
We shall send you a letter.
Noi va vom trimite o scrisoare.

Intercontinental call- convorbire telefonica

International call- convorbire telefonica
Long distance call- convorbire telefonica
Local call- convorbire telefonica locala
Night time rate- tarif de noapte
Full rate- tarif intreg
Weekend rate tarif de weekend
Reduced rate- tarif redus
Operator- telefonista
Idioms in English. Expresii in Engleza

The collective numeral. Numeralul colectiv.

We order a couple of drinks.
Am comandat doua bauturi.
I bought a new pair of gloves.
Eu am cumparat o pereche noua de manusi.
We are a team of doctors, we two.
Suntem o echipa de doctori, noi doi.
We have two dozen of eggs.
Noi avem doua duzini de oua.
10 irregular Verbs. 10 verbe neregulate
A lovi = to hit-hit-hit
A rani = to hurt-hurt-hurt
A pastra = to keep-kept-kept
A stii = to know-knew-known
A parasi = to leave-left-left
A lasa = let-let-let
A pierde = to lose- lost-lost
A face= to make- made-made
A intalni= to meet-met-met
A plati = to pay- paid-paid
General Concepts. Notiuni generale
Telephone Calls. Convorbiri telefonice
Reverse charge- convorbire telefonica cu taxa

As a reward- drept rasplata

At a distance- la distanta
In a loud voice- cu voce tare
In a low voice- cu voce scazuta
On an average- in medie
On a large scale- la scara larga
On a small scale- la scara mica
On an equal footing- pe picior de egalitate
To be in a position- a fi in situatia
To have an answer for everything- a avea
raspuns la toate
To have a head for- a avea cap pentru
To have a fancy for a avea chef de
To have an opportunity a avea prilejul
To have a right to a avea dreptul sa
To have a talent for a avea talent la
To keep it a secret a tine ceva secret
To make a fortune a face avere
To make a fuss a face caz
To take a sit a lua loc
To go for walk- a se duce la plimbare
At the seaside. La mare
Where is the nearest beach?
Unde este cea mai apropiata plaja?
Are there any currents?
Sunt curenti?
Is it safe to bathe here?


Scaldatul este sigur aici?

Can I hire?
Pot sa inchiriez?
A kit for submarine fishing.
O trusa pentru pescuit subacvatic.
Id like to hire a boat.
As vrea sa inchiriez o barca.
A motor boat- o barca cu motor
A rowing boat- o barca cu vasle
A life belt o centura de salvare
Flippers- labe de scafandru
A mask- o masca
A windsurf board- o placa de surf cu panze
O surf board- o placa de surf
Deck- punte
Calm sea mare calma
Choppy sea mare involburata
Everybody is eager to find out what the future
has in store for him or for her.
Toti suntem nerabdatori sa aflam ce ne rezerva
Everybody wants to know what he or she will
become in a few years.
Toti vrem sa stim ce vom deveni in cativa ani.
We all want to know if our dreams will come
true and what difficulties we will have to cope
Vrem sa stim daca visurile noastre se vor
implini si cu ce dificultati vom avea de-a face.
But the future depends very much on what we
do in the present.
Dar viitorul depinde foarte mult de ceea ce
facem in prezent.

Iata o tema buna de discutie. In ceea ce ma

priveste sunt un visator.
And you probably what they say: happy are
those who dream dreams and are ready to pay
the price to make them come true.
Si stii probabil ce se spune: fericiti sunt ce care
viseaza visuri si sunt gata sa plateasca pretul
pentru a le face sa se implineasca.
Well, this can be a problem: I am not sure if I
am ready to pay the price for my dreams. I think
some of them are really impossible.
Ei bine, asta poate fi o problema. Nu sunt sigur
ca sunt gata sa platesc pretul visurilor mele.
Cred ca unele dintre ele sunt cu adevarat
You know, French people say impossible does
not exist.
Poate stii ca Francezii spun ca nimic nu e
But I am not French I just am an Englishman
and I have only English dreams, dont laugh at
me, my dear Mini.
Dar eu nu sunt francez, sunt doar un Englez si
am numai visuri englezesti, nu rade de mine,
draga mea Mini.
Im not laughing at you at all, but you made me
very curious- what impossible dreams do you
Nu rad de tine deloc, dar m-ai facut foarte
curioasa- ce visuri imposibile ai?
I have at least one, and it is a sort of a secret,
only Paula knows about it and she has promised
not to laugh at me.
Am cel putin unul si este un fel de secret, doar
Paula stie despre el si a promis sa nu rada de

Time will tell. Timpul va decide.

This is a good topic to talk about- future. As far
as I am concerned, I am a dreamer.

I can keep a secret and I make a promise to you:

I wont laugh at you. What is it?


Pot pastra un secret si iti fac o promisiune: nu

voi rade de tine. Care este secretul tau?
I always wanted to be an actor. I think I have the
skills for it. But talking about the price, I think I
was never prepared to pay the price of fame.
Intotdeuna mi-am dorit sa fiu actor, cred ca am
talentul necesar. Dar, vorbind despre pret, nu
cred ca am fost vreodata pregatit sa platesc
pretul celebritatii.
I think this is not a foolish dream. But Im not
sure if it is fit for you.
Nu cred ca este un vis prostesc. Dar nu sunt
sigura ca este unul potrivit tie.
You may be right. Anyway, Im not too proud
of my secret dream.
Probabil ca ai dreptate, si oricum nu sunt prea
mandru de visul meu secret.
Dont worry, your secret is safe with me, but
you must know it is never too late for dreams to
come true.
Nu te ingrijora, secretul tau este in siguranta cu
mine, dar trebuie sa stii ca niciodata nu este prea
tarziu ca visurile sa se transforme in realitate.
You must be joking, youve promised not to
laugh at me.
Glumesti, probabil, si ai promis sa nu razi de
A promise is a promise. Who is laughing?
O promisiune este o promisiune. Cine rade?
Eager to- nerabdator sa
To have in store- a rezerva, a avea pe stoc, a
avea in depozit
To become- a deveni
To come true- a se implini
To cope with- a face fata
To depend on- a depinde de
Topic- tema, subiect

Dreamer- visator
To dream- a visa
To be ready- a fi gata
To pay the price- a plati pretul
To laugh at- a rade de
A sort of- un fel de
To keep a secret- a pastra un secret
To keep a promise- a tine o promisiune
Actor, actress- actor, actrita
Skill- abilitate
Fame- faima, celebritate
Foolish- prostesc
To fit- a se potrivi
Proud- mandru
Safe- sigur
To joke- a glumi
Boat- barca
Motor boat- barca cu motor
Rowing boat- barca cu vasle
Life belt- centura de salvare
Flippers- labe de scafandru
Mask- masca
Windsurf board- placa de surf cu panze
Surf board- placa de surf
Deck- punte
Calm sea- mare calma
Choppy sea- mare involburata
To hit- a lovi
To hurt- a rani
To keep- a pastra
To know- a stii
To leave- a parasi
To let- a lasa
To lose- a pierde
To make- a face
To meet- a intalni
To pay- a plati
As a reward- drept rasplata
At a distance- la distanta
In a loud voice- cu voce tare
In a low voice- cu voce scazuta
On an average- in medie
On a large scale- la scara mare
On a small scale- la scara mica
On an equal footing- pe picior de egalitate
To be in a position- a fi in situatia


To have an answer for everything- a avea

raspuns la toate
To have a head for- a avea cap pentru
To have a fancy for- a avea chef de
To have an opportunity- a avea prilejul
To have a right to- a avea dreptul sa
To have a talent for- a avea talent la
To keep it a secret- a tine ceva secret
To make a fortune- a face avere
To make a fuss- a face caz
To take a sit- a lua loc
To go for a walk- a se duce la plimbare

I can go.
Eu sunt in stare sa merg.
Forma de negativa:
I cant go/ I cannot go.
Eu nu sunt in stare sa merg.
You can go.
Esti in stare sa mergi.
You cannot go.
Tu nu esti in stare sa mergi.

Lectia a 17-a. Lesson 17.

Grammar. Gramatica
Modal Verbs. Part 1. Verbele modale. Prima
Verbele modale primare ale limbi Engleze sunt
can, may, must, ought shall si will
si exprima modalitatea in care este savarsita o
actiune. Ele se folosesc impreuna cu verbul de
care depind si despre care ofera informatii.
I can go.
Sunt in stare sa merg.
I may speak.
Am permisiunea sa vorbesc.
I must see.
Trebuie sa vad.
I ought to know.
Am datoria sa stiu.
I shall come.
Sunt decis sa vin.
I will open.
Vreau sa deschid.
Can, be able to.
A fi in stare sa .

She can go.

Ea este in stare sa mearga.
She cannot go.
Ea nu este in stare sa mearga.
He can go.
El este in stare sa mearga.
He cannot go.
El nu este in stare sa mearga.
We can go.
Noi suntem in stare sa mergem.
We cannot go.
Noi nu suntem in stare sa mergem.
You can go.
Voi sunteti in stare sa mergeti.
You cannot go.
Voi nu sunteti in stare sa mergeti.
They can go.
Ei sunt in stare sa mearga.
They cannot go.
Ei nu sunt in stare sa mearga.
It is not a problem. We can do it.


Nu este o problema. Noi putem sa o facem.

He is weak, but he can walk.
El este slabit, dar poate sa mearga pe jos.
May- a avea permisiunea.
I may go.
Eu am permisiunea sa merg.
Forma negativa:
I may not go.
Eu nu am permisiunea sa merg.

Yes, you may.

Imi permiteti sa deschid geamul?
Da, il puteti deschide.
May I shut the door?
Yes, you may.
Imi permiteti sa inchis usa?
Da, o puteti inchide.
May I smoke in here?
No, you may not.
Imi permiteti sa fumez aici, inauntru?
Nu, nu puteti.

You may go.

Tu ai permisiunea sa mergi.
You may not go.
Tu nu ai permisiunea sa mergi.

Must- a trebui

She may go.

Ea are permisiunea sa mearga.
She may not go.
Ea nu are permisiunea sa mearga.

Forma negativa

He may go.
El are permisiunea sa mearga.
He may not go.
El nu are permisiunea sa mearga.

You must go.

Tu trebuie sa mergi
You mustnt go.
Tu nu trebuie sa mergi.

We may go.
Noi avem permisiunea sa mergem.
We may not go.
Noi nu avem permisiunea sa mergem.

She must go.

Ea trebuie sa mearga.
She mustnt go.
Ea nu trebuie sa mearga.

You may go.

Voi aveti permisiunea sa mergeti.
You may not go.
Voi nu aveti permisiunea sa mergeti.

He must go.
El trebuie sa mearga.
He mustnt go.
El nu trebuie sa mearga.

They may go.

Ei au permisiunea sa mearga.
They may not go.
Ei nu au permisiunea sa mearga.

We must go.
Noi trebuie sa mergem.
We mustnt go.
Noi nu trebuie sa mergem.

May I open the window?

You must go.

I must go.
Eu trebuie sa merg.

I mustnt go.
Eu nu trebuie sa merg.


Voi trebuie sa mergeti.

You mustnt go.
Voi nu trebuie sa mergeti.
They must go.
Ei trebuie sa mearga.
They mustnt go.
Ei nu trebuie sa mearga.
I must go right now. I must be there at seven
Trebuie sa plec chiar acum. Trebuie sa fiu acolo
la 7 fix.
You must tell him what they said about him.
Trebuie sa-i spui ce au spus ei despre el.

10 irregular verbs. 10 verbe neregulate.

A citi= to read-read-read
A suna= a ring-rang-rung
A alerga= to run-ran-run
A spune= to say-said-said
A vedea= to see- saw-seen
A cauta= to seek-sought-sought
A vinde= to sell- sold-sold
A trimite= to send- sent-sent
A aseza= to set-set-set
A agita, a zgudui= to shake- shook-shaken
General Concepts. Notiuni generale.
At the hotel. La hotel
I want to book a room in a hotel close to the
center of the town.
Vreau sa rezerv o camera la un hotel in
apropiere de centrul orasului.
Close to the stadium- in apropiere de stadion
Close to the ski slope- in apropiere de partia de
Close to the harbor- in apropiere de port
Close to the airport- in apropiere de aeroport
Close to the station- in apropiere de gara.

Id like a room in a cheap hotel- as vrea o

camera intr-un hotel ieftin.
Id like a room in a luxury hotel- as vrea o
camera intr-un hotel de lux
For how many nights- pentru cate nopti
Do you have any vacancies- aveti camere libere
No, Im afraid we are full- nu, imi pare rau, sunt
toate ocupate
We dont accept telephone bookings- nu
acceptam rezervari prin telefon
You must come in person- trebuie sa veniti
The price only includes breakfast- pretul include
doar micul dejun
We accept payments both by credit cardacceptam plati atat prin carti de credit
And by check- cat si prin cec
Account cont, factura
Reservation- rezervare
To book a reservation- a inregistra o rezervare
Air conditioning- aer conditionat
Penthouse- apartament de lux la ultimul etaj
Suite- apartament
Double room- camera dubla
Single room- camera pentru o singura persoana
Laundry- spalatorie
Each person has his or her rhythm.
Fiecare pesoana are propriul lui ritm de viata.
Some are morning people, while others are night
Unii sunt matinali in timp ce altii sunt
Do you sometimes wonder why you are always
going to bed very late at night, while your
husband or your wife is ready to fall asleep
before eleven o clock?
Va intrebati uneori de ce va duceti mereu la
culcare noaptea, foarte tarziu, in vreme ce sotul
sau sotia dumneavoastra este gata sa adoarma
inainte de ora 23?


An early bird or a night owl? Matinal sau

pasare de noapte?
Excellent choice! You have chosen a very
attractive subject matter to talk about. I am very
interested in this field. Well, Im definitely an
early bird, I have no doubt about it.
Excelenta alegere! Ai ales un subiect foarte
atragator, sunt foarte interesat de domeniul
acesta. Ei bine, eu sunt cu siguranta un matinal,
nu am nici o indoiala.

Psychologists say that when couples are

mismatched they have significantly less marital
adjustment and more marital conflicts.
Psihologii spun ca atunci cand cuplurile nu au
bioritmuri similare, sotii au mai putin puncte
comune si mai multe conflicte.
Of course, they spend less time in serious
conversation and spend less time in shared
Firesc, petrec mai putin timp purtand discutii
serioase si au mai putine activitati comune.

We are also early birds, me and Al, but I am the

earliest. Each morning is a real workout for the
entire day. I spend my time preparing freshly
squeezed juice for breakfast and watering my
Si noi suntem matinali, eu si Al, dar eu sunt cea
mai matinala. Fiecare dimineata este un adevarat
antrenament pentru ziua care incepe. Petrec timp
pregatind suc de fructe proaspat pentru micul
dejun si udandu-mi plantele.

I always wake up before the alarm goes off.

Sometimes Im in the kitchen, already preparing
breakfast and Al is in his favorite armchair,
reading the morning newspaper.
Eu ma trezesc intotdeauna inainte sa sune
ceasul. Uneori sunt deja in bucatarie si pregatesc
micul dejun iar Al este in fotoliul lui preferat, si
citeste ziarul de dimineata.

I perfectly understand you. Unfortunately, my

wife is just the opposite of me. Paulas morning
ritual consist of dress, eat something rapidly and
get out of the door in 15 minutes. I will never be
able to understand her.

It also happens to me. On the contrary, when the

alarm goes off, Paula rolls over in bed, moans
and presses the off button. We are an odd
couple, arent we?
Si mie mi se intampla. Dimpotriva, dup ace suna
ceasula, Paula se rasuceste in pat, geme si apasa
butonul de alarma. Suntem un cuplu ciudat, nu?

Te inteleg perfect. Din nefericire, sotia mea este

exact opusul meu. Ritualul matinal al Paulei
consta in imbracare, inghitit ceva pe fuga si iesit
pe usa in 15 minute. N-o s-o inteleg niciodata.
An early bird will never undersand a late owl.
Im just joking.
Un matinal n-o sa inteleaga niciodata o pasare
de noapte. Glumesc.
Well, it isnt a joke. We have many problems
because of these different rhythms of life.
Nu este chiar o gluma. Avem multe probleme
din cauza ritmului diferit de viata.

No, you arent. But you have to be more careful

with each other and try to be patient. You
cannot change your habits over night.
Nu, nu sunteti. Dar trebuie sa fiti mai atenti unul
cu celalalt si mai rabdatori. Nu va puteti
schimba obiceiurile peste noapte.
My question is do I have to become a night owl
or does Paula have to become an early bird?
Intrebarea mea este trebuie sa ajung eu pasare
de noapte sau Paula trebuie sa ajunga matinala.
You must be as you are now, only more patient
and more careful.
Trebuie sa fiti asa cum sunteti acum, doar mai
rabdatori si mai atenti.


Workout- antrenament
Rhythm- ritm
Morning people, early birds matinali, persoane
Bird- pasare
While- in timp ce, in vreme ce
Night people- noctambuli
Night owl- pasare de noapte
Owl- bufnita
To fall asleep- a adormi
Subject matter- subiect
To talk about- a vorbi despre
Definitely- desigur
Doubt- indoiala
Fresh juice- suc proaspat
To squeeze- a stoarce
To water- a uda, despre plante
Opposite- opus
Morning ritual- ritual matinal
To consist of- a consta in
To get out- a iesi
To joke, to kid- a glumi
Joke- gluma
Psychologist- psiholog
Couple- cuplu
Mismatched- nepotrivit
Marital conflict- conflict conjugal
To go off- a porni
To roll over- a se rasuci
To moan- a geme, a se vaita
To press- a apasa
Snooze button- butonul de alarma
Odd couple- cuplu ciudat
Overnight- peste noapte
Account- cont, factura
Reservation- rezervare
To book a reservation- a inregistra o rezervare
Air conditioning- aer conditionat
Penthouse-apartament de lux la ultimul etaj
Suite- apartament
Double room- camera dubla
Single room- camera pentru o singura persoana
Laundry- spalatorie
To ring- a suna

To run- a alerga
To seek- a cauta
To sell- a vinde
To send- a trimite
To set- a aseza
To shake- a agita, a zgudui

Lectia a 18-a. Lesson 18

Grammar. Gramatica.
Modal Verbs Second Part. Verbele modale
partea a doua.
Si celelalte verbe modale primare ale limbii
Engleze, ought, shall si will, se folosesc
cu verbul de care depind.
In cazul lui ought, exista o singura exceptie,
acesta se foloseste impreuna cu particula to.
Ought- a avea datoria sa
I ought to go.
Eu am datoria sa merg.
Forma negativa:
I ought not to go.
Eu nu am datoria sa merg.
You ought to go.
Tu ai datoria sa mergi.
You ought not to go.
Tu nu ai datoria sa mergi
She ought to go.
Ea are datoria sa mearga.
She ought not to go.
Ea nu are datoria sa mearga.
He ought to go.
El are datoria sa mearga.
He ought not to go.
El nu are datoria sa mearga.
We ought to go.
Noi avem datoria sa mergem.


We ought not to go.

Noi nu avem datoria sa mergem.
You ought to go.
Voi aveti datoria sa mergeti.
You ought not to go.
Voi nu aveti datoria sa mergeti.
They ought to go.
Ei au datoria sa mearga.
They ought not to go.
Ei nu au datoria sa mearga.

I ought to tell her the truth. She must be very

unhappy now.
Trebuie sa ii spun adevarul. Ea trebuie sa fie
foarte nefericita acum.
He ought to fix the problem. Now they find
themselves in a very difficult position.
El trebuie sa rezolve problema. Ei se afla intr-o
situatie foarte dificila acum.
Shall- a fi decis
I shall go.
Eu sunt decis sa merg.
Forma negativa:
I shall not go/I shant.
Eu nu sunt decis sa merg.
You shall go.
Tu esti decis sa mergi.
You shall not go.
Tu nu esti decis sa mergi.
She shall go.
Ea este decisa sa mearga.
She shall not go.
Ea nu este decisa sa mearga.
He shall go.
El este decis sa mearga.
He shall not go.

El nu este decis sa mearga.

We shall go.
Noi suntem decisi sa mergem.
We shall not go.
Noi nu suntem decisi sa mergem.
You shall go.
Voi sunteti decisi sa mergeti.
You shall not go.
Voi nu sunteti decisi sa mergeti.
They shall go.
Ei sunt decisi sa mearga.
They shall not go.
Ei nu sunt decisi sa mearga.
I shall go there at once. I cannot wait any
Sunt decis sa merg acolo imediat. Nu mai pot
astepta deloc.
We shall act on the spot. There is no time left to
postpone it.
Trebuie actionam pe loc. Nu mai este timp sa
amanam momentul.
Will- a vrea, a dori
I will go.
Eu vreau sa merg.
Forma negativa:
I will not go.
Eu nu vreau sa merg.
You will go.
Tu vrei sa mergi
You will not go.
Tu nu vrei sa mergi.
She will go.
Ea vrea sa mearga.
She will not go.
Ea nu vrea sa mearga.


He will go.
El vrea sa mearga.
He will not go.
El nu vrea sa mearga.
We will go.
Noi vrem sa mergem.
We will not go.
Noi nu vrem sa mergem.
You will go.
Voi vreti sa mergeti.
You will not go.
Voi nu vreti sa mergeti.
They will go.
Ei vor sa mearga.
They will not go.
Ei nu vor sa mearga.
Will you tell her today? No, I wont.
Vrei sa-i spui astazi? Nu, nu vreau.
Will you help him to cope with his problem?
Vrei sa-l ajuti sa se impace cu situatia? Da,
10 irregular verbs. 10 verbe neregulate
A straluci= to shine- shone-shone
A canta= to sing-sang-sung
A sta jos= to sit-sat-sat
A dormi= to sleep-slept-slept
A vorbi= to speak-spoke-spoken
A cheltui= to spend-spent-spent
A sta in picioare= to stand-stood-stood
A fura= to steal-stole-stolen
A inota= to swim-swam-swum
A lua= to take-took-taken
General Concepts. Notiuni generale.
Frequent Questions. Intrebari frecvente
Can I come in- pot intra
May I come in- am voie sa intru

Yes, you may, come in, please - da, puteti,

intrati va rog
Have a sit- luati loc
Sit down, please- stati jos va rog
Will you wait a minute, please- puteti astepta un
minut va rog
Will you fill in this form, please- puteti
completa acest formular, va rog
Let me introduce myself- dati-mi voie sa ma
May I attend this session- pot participa la
aceasta sesiune
Yes, you may, you are invited to it da, puteti,
sunteti invitat la ea
How nice of you to invite me-ce dragut din
parte dumneavoastra sa ma invitati
I must excuse myself trebuie sa-mi cer scuze
Excuse me for being late- scuzati-ma ca am
I didnt mean to offend you- nu am vrut sa va
aduc vreo ofensa
Will you help me, please- ma puteti ajuta, va
May I ask you a question- pot sa va intreba ceva
Of course, go ahead- sigur ca da, intrebati-ma
Lets talk about our tasks- hai sa vorbim despre
sarcinile noastre
Lets talk about our duties- hai sa vorbim despre
datoriile noastre
Lets talk about the important things of our
lives- hai sa vorbim despre lucrurile importante
din viata noastra
Lets about the problems we have to solve- hai
sa vorbim despre problemele pe care le avem de
Well, lets talk about the things we ought to dohai sa vorbim despre lucrurile pe care avem
datoria sa le facem
Things we ought to do- lucruri pe care suntem
datori sa le facem
I dont like this topic, at all. I dont like to think
about tasks, duties, problems. I hate to talk
about these serious things. Should we about all
these things or shall we change the topic.


Nu-mi place tema, deloc. Nu-mi place sa ma

gandesc la sarcini, datorii, probleme. Urasc sa
vorbesc despre lucruri atat de serioase. Ar trebui
sa vorbim despre toate aceste lucruri sau putem
schimba tema?
Well, Jim, in case you have forgotten, I am the
teacher I decided we should talk about the
things we ought to do, so we shall talk about
Jim, in caz ca ai uitat, eu sunt profesorul, eu am
decis ca ar trebui vorbim despre lucrurile pe
care trebuie sa le facem, asa ca trebuie sa
vorbim despre ele.
Alright. You are the teacher, you are the boss.
We should focus then on this topic.
Bine, tu esti profesorul, tu esti seful. Ar trebui sa
ne concentram atunci pe aceasta tema.
Thank you, Jim. You are certainly not making
things easier for me. Dialogues should be at
least as easy as they were in the previous lesson.
Multumesc, Jim. Cu siguranta ca nu imi usurezi
munca. Dialogurile ar trebui sa fie cel putin la
fel de usoare ca acelea din lectiile precedente.
I am sorry, Mini. Lets talk about then about the
things we ought to do. I ought to go to work
every weekday, except for the holidays.
Imi pare rau, Mini. Sa vorbim atunci despre
lucrurile pe care avem datoria sa le facem. Am
datoria sa merg la munca in fiecare zi lucratoare
cu exeptia sarbatorilor.
I ought to take care of my family. I ought to
provide them with everything they need to be
healthy and happy.
Am datoria sa am grija de familia. Am datoria
sa le dau tot cea au nevoie ca sa fie sanatosi si
You are a good mother and wife. I also ought to
take care of my family. I ought to love my wife
and my daughter.

Esti o mama si o sotie buna. Si eu trebuie sa am

grija de familia mea si de fiica mea.
I and Al ought to help our children in any way
we can.
Eu si Al avem datoria sa ne ajutam copiii cu tot
ce putem.
I ought to take care of my parents. They are old
and they arent so healthy. They live in Brighton
and they raise our daughter Lilly.
Am datoria sa am grija de parintii mei. Sunt in
varsta si nu sunt prea sanatosi. Ei locuiesc in
Brighton si o cresc pe fiica noastra, Lilly.
I ought o communicate with my family in
Romania. They are very far away and they
sometimes need things that I ought to give to
Am datoria sa comunic cu famila mea din
Romania. Sunt foarte departe de mine si uneori
au nevoie de lucruri si eu am datoria sa i le dau.
I think we ought to end our discussion,
otherwise, we will become boring.
Cred ca trebuie sa punem punct discutiei
noastre, altfel o sa devenim plictisitori.
Its true. End of discussion, then.
E adevarat. Asadar, discutia s-a incheiat.
Boss- sef
To focus- a se concentra
Dialogue - dialog
Previous- anterior, precedent
Weekday- zi din timpul saptamanii
Working day- zi de lucru
Except for- cu exceptia
To provide with- a furniza
Healthy- sanatos
In any way- in toate privintele
To raise- a creste, despre persoane
To communicate- a comunica
Far away from- departe de


Discussion- discutie
Otherwise- altfel
I ought to go- am datoria sa merg
I shall go- sunt decis sa merg
I will go- vreau sa merg
To shine- a straluci
To sing- a canta cu vocea
To sit- a sta jos
To stand- a sta in picioare
To steal- a fura
To swim- a inota
To take- a lua
To sleep- a dormi
Can I come in- pot intra
May I come in- am voie sa intru
Yes, you may, come in, please- da, puteti, intrati
va rog
Have a sit- luati loc
Sit down, please- stati jos, va rog
Will you wait a minute, please- puteti astepta un
minut, va rog
Will you fill in this form, please- puteti
completa acest formular, va rog
Will you help me, please- ma puteti ajuta, va
May I ask you a question- pot sa va intreb ceva
Yes, go, ahead- sigur ca da, intrebati-ma

Lectia a 19-a. Lesson 19.

Grammar. Gramatica.
Modal Verbs. Third Part. Verbe modale,
partea a 3-a.
Can, may, shall si will au atat forme de
prezent, cat si de trecut., conditional, sobjonctiv.
I can work.
Eu sunt in stare sa muncesc.
You may say.
Tu ai voie sa spui.
We shall do.
Noi sunte, decisi sa facem
They will see.

Ei vor sa vada.
I could work.
Eu eram in stare sa muncesti.
You might say.
Tu aveai voie sa spui.
We should do.
Noi eram decisi sa facem.
They would see.
Ei voiau sa vada.
I can go.
Eu sunt in stare sa merg.
You can go.
Tu esti in stare sa mergi.
She can go.
Ea este in stare sa mearga.
He can go.
El este in stare sa mearga.
We can go.
Noi suntem in stare sa mergem..
You can go.
Voi sunteti in stare sa mergeti.
They can go.
Ei sunt in stare sa mearga.
I could go.
Eu eram in stare sa merg.
You could go.
Tu erai in stare sa mergi.
She could go.
Ea era in stare sa mearga.
He could go.
El era in stare sa mearga.
We could go.
Noi eram in stare sa mergem.
You could go.
Voi erati in stare sa mergeti.
They could go.
Ei erau in stare sa mearga.


Tu ai putea sa iei de bun ce zice el.

I could work very hard.
Eu eram in stare sa muncesc din greu.
It was not a problem. We could do it.
Nu era o problema, puteam s-o facem.
He was weak, but he could walk.
El era slabit dar putea sa mearga pe jos.
I may go.
Eu am permisiunea sa merg.
You may go.
Tu ai permisiunea sa mergi.
She may go.
Ea are permisiunea sa mearga.
He may go.
El are permisiunea sa mearga.
We may go.
Noi avem permisiunea sa mergem.
You may go.
Voi aveti permisiunea sa mergeti.
They may go.
Ei au permisiunea sa mearga.

I might go.
Eu aveam permisiunea sa merg.
You might go.
Tu aveai permisiunea sa mergi.
She might go.
Ea avea permisiunea sa mearga.
He might go.
El avea permisiunea sa mearga.
We might go.
Noi aveam permisiunea sa mergem.
You might go.
Voi aveati permisiunea sa mergeti.
They might go.
Ei aveau permisiunea sa mearga.
You might take for granted what he said.

I shall go.
Eu sunt decis sa merg.
You shall go.
Tu esti decis sa mergi.
She shall go.
Ea este decisa sa mearga.
He shall go.
El este decis sa mearga.
We shall go.
Noi suntem decisi sa mergem.
You shall go.
Voi sunteti decisi sa mergeti.
They shall go.
Ei sunt decisi sa mearga.

I should go.
Eu eram decis sa merg.
You should go.
Tu erai decis sa mergi.
She should go.
Ea era decisa sa mearga.
He should go.
El era decis sa mearga.
We should go.
Noi eram decisi sa mergem.
You should go.
Voi erati decisi sa mergeti.
They should go.
Ei erau decisi sa mearga.
I should come back.
Ar trebui sa ma intorc.
I will go.
Eu vreau sa merg.
You will go.
Tu vrei sa mergi.


She will go.

Ea vrea sa mearga.
He will go.
El vrea sa mearga.
We will go.
Noi vrem sa mergem.
You will go.
Voi vreti sa mergeti.
They will go.
Ei vor sa mearga.
I would go.
Eu voiam sa merg.
You would go.
To voiai sa mergi.
She would go.
Ea voia sa mearga.
He would go.
El voia sa mearga.
We would go.
Noi voiam sa mergem.
You would go.
Voi voiati sa mergeti.
They would go.
Ei voiau sa mearga.

A preda = to teach- taught-taught

A rupe = to tear- torn-torn
A spune = to tell-told-told
A gandi = to think-thought-thought
A arunca = to throw-threw-thrown
A intelege = to understand-understoodunderstood
A trezi = to wake-woke-woken
A purta = to wear-wore-worn
A castiga = to win-won-won
A scrie = to write-wrote-written
General Concepts. Notiuni generale
Human Body. Corpul omenesc.

You had to tell him what they said about him.

Tu trebuia sa ii spui ce au spus ei despre el.

Head- cap
Face- fata
Eye- ochi
Nose- nas
Hair- par
Neck- gat
Arm- brat
Elbow- cot
Hand- mana
Finger- deget la mana
Shoulder- umar
Chest- piept
Breast- san
Leg- picior
Knee- genunchi
Foot, feet- talpa, talpi
Ankle- glezna
Toe- deget la picior
Joint- articulatie
Skin- piele
Bone- os
Blood- sange

10 irregular verbs. 10 verbe neregulate.

Organe interne

They would have to tell you what you can do to

change the circumstances.
Ei ar fi trebuit sa iti spuna ce sa faci sa schimbi
datele problemei.
Must nu are forma pentru trecut, conditional
sau subjonctiv, dar deoarece echivalentul lui
este to have to, vom obtine formele respective
cu ajutorul lui.
I had to go at once. I had to be there at 7 sharp.
Trebuia sa plec chiar atunci. Trebuia sa fiu acolo
la 7 fix.


Kidneys- rinichi
Stomach- stomac
Tonsils- amigdale
Lung- plaman
Tongue- limba
Little by little, we have come to the end of our
English course. It is high time for me and Jim to
say good bye to you.
Incet incet, am ajuns la finalul cursului nostru
de limba Engleza. A sosit vremea ca eu si Jim sa
ne luam ramas bun de la tine.
Alls well that ends well.
Totul e bine cand se termina cu bine.
Good topic for a final lesson. Shakespeare
would be delighted and proud he is so often
mentioned in your English course.
Buna tema pentru o lectie finala. Shakespeare ar
fi incantat si mandru ca este atat de des pomenit
in cursul tau de Engleza.
In our lessons, Jim. They are ours. We both took
part in this English course. It is a fact.
In the beginning, I confess I didnt realize the
real importance of your role. You have told me
you wanted to be an actor, well, youve
managed to be a good one, you played you own
part. You have good skills.
In lectiile noastre, Jim. Sunt ale noastre.
Amandoi am luat parte la acest curs de Engleza.
Este un fapt. La inceput, marturisesc ca nu miam dat seama de importanta reala a rolului tau.
Mi-ai spus ca voiai sa fii actor, ei bine, ai reusit
sa fii unul bun. Ai jucat propriul tau rol. Ai un
real talent.
Mini, this was supposed to be a secret. I will
never tell you another one! You cannot really
keep secrets, at all.
Mini, trebuia sa fie secret. Nu-ti voi mai spune
altul. Nu poti sa-ti tii promisiunea.

Well, I might be a liar, but we were supposed to

talk about dreams, you mentioned a secret and I
couldnt help asking you about. This is my only
Poate ca sunt o mincinoasa, dar trebuia sa
vorbim despre visuri tu ai pomenit despre un
secret iar eu nu m-am putut abtine sa nu te
intreb despre el. Asta e singura mea vina.
Dont pretend youre innocent, you arent.
Nu face pe nevinovata! Nu esti!
But I did it only for the sake of our lessons. Can
you forgive me?
Dar am facut-o doar de dragul lectiilor noastre.
Ma ierti?
I think I might. For the sake of our lessons.
Cred ca as putea. De dragul lectiilor noastre.
Thank you, Jim. I must say you are so kind, so
polite, so careful.
Multumesc Jim. Trebuie s-o spun: esti atat de
amabil, atat de politicos si de atent.
Dont exaggerate!
Nu exagera!
But it isnt a compliment, our mission has come
to an end and it is just an observation and a
conclusion for the sake of our English course.
Dar nu este un compliment, misiunea noastra a
ajuns la sfarsit si este doar o observatie si o
concluzie, de dragul cursului nostru de limba
Yes, Mini, as you like it.
Da, Mini, cum vrei tu.
Little by little- putin cate putin, incetul cu
To come to- a ajunge
It is high time- a sosit timpul, a sosit vremea
To mention- a mentiona, a pomeni


To take part in- a lua parte la

Fact- fapt
In the beginning- la inceput
To confess- a marturisi
Role, part- rol
To manage- a reusi
Own- propriu
Liar- mincinos, mincinoasa
To suppose- a presupune
Fault, mistake-greseala
To pretend- a pretinde
Innocent- inocent, inocenta, nevinovata
For the sake of- de dragul
Compliment- compliment
Mission- misiune
Observation- observatie
Conclusion- concluzie
To conclude- a concluziona
To teach- a preda
To tear- a rupe
To tell- a spune
To think- a gandi
To throw- a arunca
To understand- a intelege
To wake- a se trezi
To wear- a purta
To win a castiga

Lectia a 20-a. Lesson 20

Revision. Recapitulare.
Exercise 1. Exercitiul 1
Translate into English the following sentences.
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii.

Well, we must see well, that is why we have two

Trebuie sa auzim bine, de aceea avem doua
We must hear well, that is why we have two
Trebuie sa muncim bine de aceea avem doua
We must work well, that is why we have two
Trebuie sa mergem bine, de aceea avem doua
We must walk a good deal, that is why we have
two legs.
Dar trebuie sa nu vorbim prea mult, de aceea
avem doar o gura.
But we must not talk too much, that is why we
have only one mouth.
Si nu trebuie sa ne bagam nasul peste tot.
And we must not poke our nose into everything.
Exercitiul 2.
Read and translate into Romanian the following
quotes and sayings.
Citeste si tradu in Romana urmatoarele citate si
Every day is a gift, thats why they call it the
Fiecare zi este un dar, de aceea este numit
In limba Engleza, cuvantul present inseamna
atat prezent, cat si cadou.

De ce avem doi ochi, doua urechi, doua maini,

doua picioare, si doar o gura si un nas?
Why do we have two eyes, two ears, two hands,
two legs and only one mouth and one nose?

The future depends on what we do in the

Viitorul depinde de ceea ce facem in prezent.

Ei bine, trebuie sa vedem bine, de aceea avem

doi ochi.

There is a light at the end of every tunnel, just

pray it isnt a train.


Exista o lumina la capatul fiecarui tunel, roagate doar sa nu fie un tren.

Cel slab nu poate ierta. Iertarea este atributul

celui puternic.

It is better to light a candle than curse the

Este mai bine sa aprinzi o lumanare decat sa
injuri intunericul.

Think of the beauty still left around you and be

Gandeste-te la frumusetea inca ramasa si fii

I have enjoyed life more by saying yes, than by

saying no.
M-am bucurat mai mult de viata, spunand da,
decat spunand nu.

If you spend your whole life, waiting for the

storm, youll never enjoy the sunshine.
Daca iti pierzi toata viata asteptand furtuna, nu
te vei bucura niciodata de soare.

Dont waste a minute not being happy. If one

window closes, run to the next window or break
down a door.
Nu irosi nici un minut fara sa fii fericit. Daca o
fereastra se inchide, alearga spre urmatoarea sau
sparge o usa.

People can live one hundred years without

really living a minute.
Oamenii au capacitatea de a trai o suta de ani
fara sa traiasca un singur minut.
No matter what you do, there will be critics.
Orice ai face, vor exista critici.

To waste are sensul de a a risipi, pierde, a

Happiness is the best face lift.
Fericirea este cel mai bun lifting.
Happy are those who dream dreams and are
ready to pay the price to make them come true.
Fericiti sunt cei care sunt pregatiti sa plateasca
pretul pentru a le implini.
Nothing is predestined. The obstacles from your
past can become the gateways that lead to new
Nimic nu este predestinat. Obstacolele trecutului
tau pot deveni portile care dau spre noi
Find some thing you love to do and youll never
have to work a day in you life.
Gaseste ceva ce faci cu placere si nu o sa mai
trebuiasca sa muncesti nici o zi din viata ta.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the
attribute of strong.

Exercise 3. Exercitiul 3
Read and translate. Citeste si tradu.
The day after tomorrow well have an exam.
Poimaine vom avea un examen.
There will be a fare in two weeks.
Va fi un targ peste doua saptamani.
She will do this next time.
Ea va face asta data viitoare.
He will finish his work at half past ten.
El va termina lucrul la zece si jumatate.
They will find a way to do this.
Ei vor gasi o cale sa faca acest lucru.
I shall come back.
Ma voi intoarce.
We shall send you a letter.
Va vom trimite o scrisoare.


It is not a problem, we can do it.

Nu este o problema, noi putem sa o facem.
It was not a problem, we could do it.
Nu era o problema, noi puteam sa o facem.
He is weak, but he can walk.
El este slabit, dar poate sa mearga pe jos.
He was weak, but he could walk.
El era slabit, dar putea sa mearga pe jos.
I can work very hard.
Sunt in stare sa muncesc din greu.
I could work very hard.
Eram in stare sa muncesc din greu.
May I open the window?
Yes, you may.

You had to tell him what they said about him.

Trebuia sa ii spui ce au spus ei despre el.
I ought o tell her the truth. She must be very
unhappy now.
Trebuie sa ii spun adevarul. Ea trebuie sa fie
foarte nefericita acum.
He ought to fix the problem. Now they find
themselves in a very difficult position.
El trebuie sa rezolve problema. Ei se alfa intr-o
situatie foarte dificila acum.
I shall go there at once. I cannot wait any
Sunt decis sa merg acolo imediat. Nu mai putem
astepta deloc.

Imi permiteti sa deschid fereastra?

Da, o puteti deschide.

We should act on the spot, there is no time left

to postpone it.
Trebuie sa actionam pe loc, nu mai este timp sa
amanam momentul.

May I shut the door?

Yes, you may.

Will you tell her today? No, I wont.

Vrei sa ii spui astazi? Nu, nu vreau.

Imi permiteti sa inchid usa?

Da, o puteti inchide.

Will you help to cope with this problem? Yes, I

Vrei sa-l ajuti sa se impace cu situatia? Da,

May I smoke in here?

No, you may not.
Imi permiteti sa fumez aici, inauntru?
Nu, nu puteti.
I must go right now, I must be there at 7 sharp.
Trebuie sa plec chiar acum. Trebuie sa fiu acolo
la 7 fix.
I had to go at once. I had to be there at 7 sharp.
Trebuia sa plec chiar atunci. Trebuia sa fiu acolo
la 7 fix.

You might take for granted what he said.

Ai putea sa iei de bun ce a zis el.
I should come back.
Ar trebui sa ma intorc.
They would have to tell you what you can do to
change the circumstances.
Ei ar trebui sa iti spuna ce sa faci ca sa schimbi
datele problemei.
Exercise 4. Exercitiul 4.

You must tell him what they said about him.

Trebuie sa ii spui ce au spus ei despre el.


Lets remember the collective numeral. Read

aloud and translate.
Sa ne amintim numeralul colectiv. Citeste cu
voce tare si tradu.

As vrea o camera intr-un hotel ieftin.

We ordered a couple of drinks.

Noi am comandat doua bauturi.

For how many nights?

Pentru cate nopti?

I bought a new pair of gloves.

Am cumparat o pereche noua de manusi.

Do you have any vacancies?

Aveti camere libere?

We are a team of doctors, we two.

Suntem o echipa de doctori, noi doi.

No, Im afraid we are full.

Nu, imi pare rau, sunt toate ocupate.

We have two dozen of eggs.

Avem doua duzini de oua.

We dont accept telephone bookings.

Nu acceptam rezervari la telefon.

Exercise 5. Exercitiul 5.

You must come in person.

Trebuie sa veniti personal.

Lets remember how we put different questions

and give the right answers.
Sa ne amintim cum punem diferite intrebari si
cum raspundem corect.

Id like a room in a luxury hotel.

As vrea o camera intr-un hotel de lux.

The price only includes breakfast.

Pretul include doar micul dejun.

Where is the nearest beach?

Unde este cea mai apropiata plaja?

We accept both by credit card and by check.

Acceptam plati atat cu carte de credit cat si prin

Are there any currents?

Sunt curenti?

Final conclusions.
Concluzii finale.

Is it safe to bathe here?

Scaldatul este sigur aici?

Well Jim, we have really come to the end of our

English course for beginners, and if you, our
student and listener are here, if you already
listened to the CDs and if you have already
learnt all the lessons you are no longer a

Can I hire a motor boat?

Pot sa inchiriez o barca cu motor?
Id like to hire a kit for submarine fishing.
As vrea sa inchiriez o trusa pentru pescuit
I want to book a room in a hotel close to the
center of the town.
Vreau sa rezerv o camera la un hotel in
apropiere de centrul orasului.

Ei bine, Jim, acuma chiar ca am ajuns la finalul

cursului de Engleza pentru incepatori si daca tu,
elevul si ascultatorul nostru ai ajuns aici, daca ai
ascultat deja CD-urile si ai invatat toate lectiile,
nu mai esti incepator.
Well, Jim, do you have any tip or any piece of
advice to give to our students?

Id like a room in a cheap hotel.


Jim, ai vreun sfat sau vreun pont pentru elevul

Dont stop here. Dont be afraid to try more.
Start to read texts in English, listen to pop music
and try to translate the lyrics of the songs.
Watch both British and American films without
subtitles. You will be surprised to see that you
really understand English.
Nu te opri aici, nu te teme sa incerci mai mult.
Incearca sa citesti texte in Engleza, asculta
muzica pop si incearca sa traduci versurile
cantecelor. Urmareste filme Englezesti si
Americane fara subtitrare. Vei fi surprins sa
constati intelegi intr-adevar Engleza.
Well be back soon with other new lessons and
interesting topics. Keep it that way until next
Mini and Jim want to thank you for all you
attention and wish you good bye and..
Good luck!
Mini Jones and Jim Patrick.
Ne vom intoarce curand cu lectii noi si subiecte
interesante. Tine-o tot asa pana data viitoare.
Jim si Mini iti multumesc pentru atentia cu care
i-ai ascultat si iti ureaza success.
Pe curand!
Ai tai,
Mini Jones si Jim Patrick.

Lectia a 9-a. Lesson 9

Grammar. Gramatica
The Past Tense. Trecutul Simplu
In limba Engleza, trecutul simplu are o singura
forma pentru toate pesoanele, cu exceptia
verbului to be. Trecutul simplu al verbelor
regulate se formeaza prin adaugarea sufixului
ed la forma de infinitiv a verbului care este
Regular verbs:
I remembered
Eu mi-am amintit
You remembered
Tu ti-ai amintit
She remembered
Ea si-a amintit
He remembered
El si-a amintit
We remembered
Noi ne-am amintit
You remembered
Voi v-ati amintit
They remembered
Ei si-au amintit
I danced
Eu am dansat
You danced
Tu ai dansat
She danced
Ea a dansat
He danced
El a dansat
We danced
Noi am dansat
You danced
Voi ati dansat
They danced
Ei au dansat


In functie de context, in limba Romana, The

Past Tense este fie echivalentul Perfectului
Compus fie al imperfectului.

Verbul to be, care este neregulat, are doua

forme la trecut: was si were.
I was a teacher.
Eu am fost profesor.
You were tired.
Tu erai obosit.
She was happy.
Ea era fericita.
He was in Paris last week.
El era la Paris saptamana trecuta.
We were friends.
Am fost prieteni.
You were my students.
Ati fost elevii mei.
They were busy.
Ei erau ocupati.
Celelalte verbe neregulate, au la trecut aceeasi
forma pentru toate persoanele, forma care
trebuie memorata, ca atare.
Ce ai tu de facut? Ai de invatat la fiecare lectie
cate 10 verbe neregulate, impreuna cu toate
formele lor de infinitiv, trecut, si participiu
You have to learn them by heart.
Trebuie sa le inveti pe de rost.

A veni= to come- came- come

Verbul to have este de asemenea neregulat si
are la trecut forma had.
She had a nightmare.
Ea a avut un cosmar.
We had many things to do when we came back
Noi am avut multe lucruri de facut cand ne-am
intors acasa.
Auxiliarul to do are si el o singura forma la
Past Tense- did.
I did all that I had to do.
Am facut tot ceea ce a trebuit sa fac.
We did our best to save him.
Am facut tot ce ne-a stat in puteri sa-l salvam.
La trecut, forma negativa se obtine la fel ca la
I didnt disturb her.
Eu nu am deranjat-o.
She didnt remember the question.
Ea nu si-a amintit intrebarea.
They didnt dance at the party.
Ei nu au dansat la petrecere.
We didnt buy the flat.
Noi nu am cumparat apartamentul.

10 irregular verbs. 10 verbe neregulate

Time Adverbs. Adverbe de timp.
A fi = to be- was/were- been
A deveni = to become- became- become
A incepe = to begin- began-begun
A sparge, a rupe= to break- broke- broken
A aduce= to bring- brought- brought
A construi= to build- built-built
A cumpara= to buy- bought- bought
A prinde= to catch- caught-caught
A alege= to choose-chose-chosen

The day before yesterday- alaltaieri

Yesterday- ieri
Today- astazi
The day after tomorrow- poimaine
Last week- saptamana trecuta
Next week- saptamana viitoare
A week ago- acum o saptamana


Last month- luna trecuta

Next month- luna viitoare
A month ago- acum o luna
Last year- anul trecut
Next year- anul viitor
A year ago- in urma cu un an

General Concepts. Notiuni generale

Dos and Donts. Lucruri permise si lucruri
In Public Places. In locuri Publice
Dont cross- nu traversati
No smoking- fumatul interzis
No entry- accesul interzis
Come in- intrati
Dont disturb- nu deranjati
Dont drink the water- nu beti apa
Dont park here- nu parcati aici
Dont take pictures- nu faceti poze
Dont turn left- nu faceti stanga
Dont drive fast- nu conduceti tare
Beware of the dogs- atentie la caini
Mind the steps- aveti grija la trepte
At the library. La bibleoteca
Be quiet- faceti liniste
Dont smoke- nu fumati
Dont eat- nu mancati
Dont drink- nu beti
Return books on time- returnati cartile la timp
Dont bring pets into the library- nu aduceti
animale in incinta bibleotecii
Keep books in good condition- pastrati cartile in
conditii bune
Dont talk aloud- nu vorbiti tare
Table Manners. Bunele maniere la masa
Never eat with your fingers- nu mancati cu
Always use a knife and a fork- folositi
intotdeauna cutitul si furculita

Dont talk with your mouth full- nu vorbiti cu

gura plina
Dont put your elbows on the table- nu va puneti
coatele pe masa
Never blow your nose at the table- nu va suflati
nasul la masa
Dont be late for dinner- nu intarziati la cina
Never take food from someone elses plate- nu
luati mancare din farfuria altcuiva
Always ask before you smoke- cereti voie
intotdeauna inainte sa fumati
I have something in common with Jim Patrick. I
am a Romanian married to an Englishman and
he is an Englishman married to a Romanian. His
wife, Paula is from Bucharest. They are husband
and wife for six years and they have a daughter
of four, Lilly.
I and Jim are good friends now. That is why we
always talk about our families and also about us.
Am ceva in comun cu Jim Patrick. Eu sunt o
Romanca maritata cu un Englez si el este un
Englez casatorit cu o romanca. Sotia lui, Paula,
este din Bucuresti. Sunt sot si sotie de sase ani si
au o fetita in varsta de 4 ani, Lilly.
Eu si Jim suntem acum prieteni buni de aceea
vorbim adesea despre familiile noastre si despre
noi insine.
Once Upon a Time. A fost o data
Well, Mini, we really have lots of things in
Ei bine, Mini, avem intr-adevar multe lucruri in
Yes, Jim, we really do.
Da, Jim, intr-adevar avem.
Lets talk a little bit about you.
Hai sa vorbim putin despre tine.
What do you want to know about me?
Ce vrei sa stii despre mine?


Everything you can tell me.

Tot ce imi poti spune!

Unde anume in Londra v-ati intalnit voi doi de


I came to London 30 years ago when I married

Am venit in Londra acum 30 de ani, cand m-am
casatorit cu Al.

In Hyde Park, near the Serpentine Lake.

In Hyde Park, in apropiere Serpentine Lake.

Where did you first meet?

Unde v-ati intalnit prima oara?
We first met in Romania. I was 18 old and I was
already a student.
Prima oara ne-am intalnit in Romania. Eu
aveam 18 ani si eram deja studenta.
When did it happen?
Cand s-a intamplat?
In April, 1972. It was spring and the weather
was splendid.
In aprilie, 1972. Era primavara si vremea era
Do you remember the exact date?
Iti amintesti data exacta?
Yes, Jim of course I remember, it was on the
30th of April. It was a Sunday afternoon.
Da, Jim, sigur ca imi amintesc. Era 30 aprilie.
Era intr-o duminica dupa-amiaza.
You have a good memory. I also remember the
day I met Paula.
Ai o memorie buna. Si eu imi amintesc ziua in
care am intalnit- pe Paula.
When did it happen?
Cand s-a intamplat asta?
7 years ago. Paula was in London on holidays
with her family.
Acum 7 ani. Paula era in Londra, in vacanta cu
familia ei.

Oh, very romantic.

Oh, foarte romantic.
Indeed, very!
Intr-adevar, foarte!
In common- in comun
One day- intr-o zi
Lots of things- multe lucruri
A little bit- putin, un pic
To want- a vrea, a dori
Everything- tot, orice
To come- came-come- a veni, a sosi
First time- prima oara, prima data
To meet- met- met- a se intalnit
Already- deja
Memory- memorie, dar si amintire
To happen- a se intampla
Exact date- data exacta
In fact- de fapt
Romantic- romantic
Dont forget! Nu uita!
Never eat with your fingers- nu mancati cu
Always use a knife and a fork- folositi
intotdeauna cutitul si furculita
Dont talk with your mouth full- nu vorbiti cu
gura plina
Dont put your elbows on the table- nu va puneti
coatele pe masa
Never blow your nose at the table- nu va suflati
nasul la masa
Dont be late for dinner- nu intarziati la cina
Never take food from someone elses plate- nu
luati mancare din farfuria altcuiva
Always ask before you smoke- cereti voie
intotdeauna inainte sa fumati

Where in London did you two meet, in fact?


Lectia a 10-a. Lesson 10

Revision. Recapitulare.
Exercise 1. Exercitiul 1
Translate into English the following sentences.
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii.
Invatati Engleza acum.
You are learning English now.
Nu inotati acum.
You are not swimming now.
Are you sleeping?
Eu stau jos.
I am sitting.
Eu nu stau in picioare.
I am not standing.
El sta jos sau in picioare?
Is he sitting or is he standing?
Ei isi citesc cartile chiar acuma.
They are reading their books right now.
Ei nu se uita la televizor.
They are not watching television.
Ce faci acuma?
What are you doing now?
De ce nu iti faci temele?
Why arent you doing your homework?
Iesi in oras in seara asta?
Are you going out tonight?
Dan citeste cartea in acest moment.
Dan is reading the book at the moment.
Eu zbor spre Roma in seara asta.
I am flying to Rome tonight.

Exercise 2. Exercitiul 2.
Give affirmative answers to the following
Raspunde afirmativ la urmatoarele intrebari
Did you have a nightmare last night?
Yes, I did.
Yes, I had a nightmare.
Ai avut un cosmar in noaptea trecuta?
Da, am avut.
Da, am avut un cosmar.
Did he buy the flat next door?
Yes, he did.
Yes, he bought the flat next door.
El a cumparat apartamentul de vis-a-vis?
Da, a cumparat.
Da, el a cumparat apartamentul de vis-a-vis.
Did you remember the story?
Yes, we did.
Yes, we remembered the story.
V-ati amintit povestea?
Da, ne-am amintit-o.
Da, ne-am amintit povestea.
Exercise 3. Exercitiul 3
Give negative answers to the following
Raspunde negativ la urmatoarele intrebari:
Did you bring your mother with you?
No, I didnt.
No, I didnt bring my mother. I brought my
Ai adus-o pe mama ta cu tine?
Nu, nu am adus-o.
Nu, nu am adus-o pe mama. L-am adus pe tata.


Did she live in Athens?

No, she didnt.
No, she didnt live in Athens. She lived in
Ea a locuit la Atena?
Nu, nu a locuit.
Nu, ea nu a locuit la Atena. A locuit la
Did you build this house?
No, we didnt.
No, we didnt build this house. We build that
Voi ati construit casa aceasta?
Nu, nu am construit-o.
Nu, noi nu am construit casa aceasta. Am
construit casa aceea.
Exercise 4. Exercise 4
Translate into Romanian the following
Tradu in Romana urmatoarele propozitii:
The class began at 6 sharp.
Ora a inceput la ora 6 fix.
He broke his leg.
El si-a rupt piciorul.
She brought her sister.
Ea a adus-o pe sora ei.
We built a fence.
Noi am construit in gard.
They bought a new table.
Ei au cumparat o masa noua.
Translate into English the following sentences:
Tradu in Engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Statea la usa cu palaria in mana.
He stood at the door with his hat in his hand.

Ei s-au razgandit din nou.

They changed their mind again.
Ei isi aduc toata familia: parinti, bunici, nepoti,
unchi, matusi.
They are bringing all their family: parents,
children, grandparents, grandchildren, uncles,
Copiii nostri si copiii vostri sunt colegi de
Our children and your children are schoolmates.
Fiica mea si fiul ei sunt prieteni.
My daughter and her son are friends.
Cumnata lui Paul a fost la Moscova anul trecut.
Pauls sister-in-law was in Moscow last year.
Ginerele lui Mary preda Germana chiar acuma.
Marys son-in-law is teaching German right
Acoperisul casei noastre este complet nou.
The roof of our house is completely new.
Toamna frunzele copacilor sunt galbene.
In autumn the leaves of the trees are yellow.
Peter are un sentiment de fericire.
Peter has a feeling of happiness.
Exercise 5. Exercitiul 5.
Read and translate. Citeste si tradu
Jims parents and their granddaughter, Lilly live
in a pretty house near the center of Brighton.
Parintii lui Jim si nepoata lor Lilly locuiesc intro casa frumoasa aproape de centrul orasului
Brighton is a lovely city on the South coast of
Brighton este un oras incantator aflat pe coasta
sudica a Angliei.


Their house is quite big and it lies in a very nice

Casa lor este destul de mare si se afla intr-o
zona foarte draguta.
There are seven rooms in it.
Are sapte camere.
Upstairs, there are two bedrooms and a
Sus, sunt doua dormitoare si o baie.
Lillys bedroom is quite big and it has a
comfortable single bed and lots of toys
Dormitorul lui Lilly este destul de mare si are
un pat comfortabil pentru o persoana si o
multime de jucarii peste tot.
Downstairs there is a big kitchen, a spacious
living room, a study and a small bathroom.
Jos, se afla o bucatarie mare, o sufragerie
spatioasa, o camera de studiu si o baie mica.
Outside their house there is a garage and a huge
garden with lots of trees and flowers.
Afara este un garaj si o gradina uriasa cu o
multime de copaci si flori.
Jims parents love their house because it makes
them feel safe, secure and relaxed.
Parintii lui Jim isi iubesc casa pentru ca ii face
sa se simta relaxati si in siguranta.
After all, there is no place like home!
La urma urmei, nu exista loc ca acasa!
Last weekend Jim and Paula went to Brighton
by car.
Weekendul trecut, Jim si Paula s-au dus la
Brighton cu masina.
They bought new pieces of furniture for their
daughter and her grandparents.

Au cumparat mobile noi pentru fetita lor si

pentru bunicii ei.
A bookcase for the study, a dining table and
four chairs for the dining room, a new fridge for
the kitchen, two armchairs and a comfortable
sofa for the living room.
O bibleoteca pentru camera de studiu o masa si
patru scaune pentru camera unde se ia masa, un
frigider nou pentru bucatarie, doua fotolii si o
canapea pentru sufragerie.
They even bought new towels for the bathroom
and some pillows for the bedrooms.
Au cumparat chiar si prosoape noi pentru baie si
cateva perne pentru dormitoare.

Translate the letter. Tradu scrisoarea.

My dearest Jim,
Dragul meu Jim,
I am writing to you from New York.
Iti scriu din New York.
Its great.
Este grozav.
The weather is fine and Im having a wonderful
Vremea este frumoasa si ma distrez de minune.
The place is noisy and crowded.
Locul este zgomotos si aglomerat.
Right now, I am eating lunch in a modern
Chiar acum iau pranzul intr-un restaurant
The thing that I like here the most, is the food,
which is delicious.
Lucrul care imi place aici cel mai mult, este
mancarea, care este delicioasa.


I miss you and Paula very much.

Mi-e dor de tine si de Paula.
See you next week!
Ne vedem saptamana viitoare!
On Saturdays, Jim always gets up very early in
the morning, at about half past six.
Sambata, Jim se trezeste intotdeauna dimineata
foarte devreme, pa la sase si jumatate.

Cartea mea este a mea.

Your room is yours.
Camera ta este a ta.
His pen is his.
Stiloul lui este a lui.
Her garden is hers.
Gradina ei este a ei.
Its tail is its.
Coada ei este a ei.

First, he has a shower, then he gets dressed.

In primul rand, face un dus, apoi se imbraca.

Our house is ours.

Casa noastra este a noastra.

After that, he goes jogging through the park,

then he comes back home and has breakfast.
Dupa aceea, face jogging prin parc si apoi se
intoarce acasa si ia micul dejun.

Your car is yours.

Masina voastra este a voastra.

After that, he usually goes shopping with his

wife, and sometimes at noon he and Paula go to
the cinema.
Mai apoi, el se duce de obicei cu sotia lui la
cumparaturi si uneori la pranz, el si Paula merg
la cinema.
On Saturday afternoons, they have dinner with
Jims sister, Diana.
De cele mai multe ori, sambata dupa-amiaza, iau
cina cu sora lui Jim, Diana.
In the evening, Jim and Paula watch TV.
Seara, Jim si Paula se uita la televizor.
They always go to bed late on Saturday night.
Intotdeauna se culca tarziu sambata noaptea.

Their flat is theirs.

Apartamentul lor este a lor.

Exercise 7. Exercitiul 7
Read and answer the following questions:
Citeste si raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari:
Which are the meals in Great Britain?
Care sunt mesele in Marea Britanie?
The first meal is the breakfast.
Prima masa este micul dejun.
The second meal is the brunch.
A doua masa este gustarea dintre micul dejun si

Exercise 6. Exercitiul 6.

Britains have brunch at 11 oclock.

Britanicii iau gustarea la ora 11.

Read aloud and translate:

Citeste cu voce tare si tradu:

The third meal is the lunch.

Cea de-a treia masa este pranzul.

My book is mine.

The fourth meal is the dinner.


Cea de-a patra este masa este masa principala.

Britons have dinner when they come home from
their daily work.
Britanicii iau masa principala cand se intorc
acasa de la munca lor de zi cu zi.
Britons have tea at 5 oclock
Britanicii iau ceaiul de la ora 5.
The 5 oclock tea is a British habit.
Ceaiul de la ora 5 este un obicei Britanic.
The fifth meal is the supper.
A cincea masa este cina propriu-zisa.

The end! Sfarsit!

P.S. Felicitari pentru parcurgerea cursului Ia Engleza cu Tine, daca ai intampinat probleme pe
parcursul acestui curs, ai intrebari sau doresti si alte cursuri de limba engleza sau alte limbi straine
te rugam sa ne contactezi la adresa de email

Cu stima,
Harabagiu Aurora


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