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Drought_ Sequía. Thunderstorm_ Tormenta.

Earthquake_ Terremoto. Landslide_ Desprendimiento de

Flood_ Inundaciones
Avalanche_ Avalancha.
Tornado_ Tornado.
Tropical Storm_ Tormenta
Tsunami_ Tsunami
Tidal wave _ Maremoto.
Wildfire_ Incendios.

Volcanic eruption_ Erupción


Hurricane_ Huracán.

Gale_ Vendaval.


Come rain or shine _ To do something whatever the circumstances.

He goes to the gym club every day, come rain or shine.

In the eye of the storm _ To be deeply involved in a situation.

The minister is in the eye of the storm.

Face like thunder_ To be very angry.

When dad is very angry, he has a face like thunder.

Have your head in the clouds-To be unrealistic or naive.

He always has his heads in the clouds.

To rain cats and dogs- To rain heavily

Antonia Román Hernández 2009-10 IES Pay Arias.Espejo.Córdoba

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