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Fountain Model

With the fountain methodology in a SDLC, it recognizes that although some
activities cannot start before others, there is overlapping of activities throughout
the development cycle.
The diagram below gives a visual representation of the Fountain Approach to
software development:

The fountain model is a highly iterative approach that is best suited to objectoriented software development. As mentioned above, this model allows for overlap
of activities throughout the development cycle even though some activities cant
start before others. Comparing this model to an actual water fountain, just as water
rises up and falls back down to the pool below, in object-oriented software

development, the general workflow from analysis through design to implementation

is overload with iterative cycles across many phases.


The fountain approach is used when your requirements are well known,
specified and clearly drafted.
The fountain approach is used over the waterfall model as it is a more
practical approach (The Fountain model is a logical improvement to the
Waterfall model).
The fountain model is used for object oriented software development as there
is the need for iteration within and between phases.


Occurs closer to the end of the development process

Testing occurs after the coding process. Since there is iteration and
overlapping between processes, this which occurs during Testing and Coding
allows for the programmer to observe how the program would run after
different stages in coding which would allow for the programmer to rectify
any bugs that may come up thus increasing risk management especially
since it is specifically unit testing that occurs after coding which allows the
programmer to individually test units/fragments of code.

Risk Management:

Just as in the case of testing. Risk Management occurs nearer to the end of
the development process.

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